Silly Questions and Answers

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These are jokes my mother told me when I was a little boy.

Q: Why do elephants paint there toe nails red? A: So they can hide in cherry trees of course!

Don't worry, my jokes are too old, the issue is laugh a little.;)

- How do you fit an elephant in a yellow Volkswagen?
- Put him in the front seat.

- How do you fit two elephants in a yellow Volkswagen?
- Put both in the front.

- How do you fit three elephants in a yellow Volkswagen?
- Two in the front, one in the back.

- How do you fit four elephants in a yellow Volkswagen?
- Two in the front, two in the back.

- How do you fit five elephants in a yellow Volkswagen?
- You can't fit five elephants in a Volkswagen, dummy.

- How do you know there are four elephants in your house?
- There's a yellow Volkswagen parked in your driveway.

- How do you know there are four elephants hiding in your backyard?
- There's a yellow Volkswagen parked in your driveway, your house is empty and you have a cherry tree in your backyard.

Hint: Change "toe nails" by "balls" in quote.;)
Of course, that you can't tell a little boy.:D
- What's the loudest sound in the jungle?
- Tarzan finding an elephant while picking cherries.

- How many elephants can you fit into a Mercedes?
- Five. Two in the front, two in the back, and one in the glove compartment.

- Which is the animal having feet on the head?
- The louse.

- Why elephants do not use the computer?
- Because of the mouse.

- What an elephant says to a naked man?
- How can you breathe with that little trunk?

- Why the roosters do not have hands?
- Because chickens do not have boobs.

- Why do dogs lick their genitals?
- Because they can.

- If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

- If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

- If Superman is so smart, why has underpants on the outside?

- If a homicide is to kill a man, a suicide is to kill a Swiss?.

- If I buy a new boomerang, how do I get rid of old?

- If a word was misspelled in the dictionary, how would we know?

- If corn oil is made from corn, what is baby oil made from?

- If the product says "Do not use if safety seal is broken", how one is supposed to consume?

- If jail and prison are synonymous, why are not jailer and prisoner?

- Why "separate" is written all together and "all together" is written separate?

- Why women with more aerodynamic curves which offer more resistance?

- Why are the walls of cemeteries so high, if those inside can not leave and those outside do not want to enter?

- Why the incredible Hulk break all his clothes less pants?

- Why did Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

- Why don't sheep shrink when it rains and wool sweaters does?

- Why don't make airplanes with the same material used to make the black box?

- Why, if our planet is covered in 2/3 of water is called "Planet Earth"?

- Why to shut down Windows, go to the Start button?

- Why Bill Gates called his operating system "Windows", if you could have called "Gates"?

- How they put the posters of "Do not step on the grass"?

- Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?

- Do children enjoy childhood as much as adults enjoy adultery?

- What count sheep to sleep?

According to statistics, a person is hit by a car every 5 minutes.
- How does this person do to survive?.

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It's true, appearances can be deceiving.

A blind rabbit and a blind turtle collide in the forest.
In order to recognize, they agree to touch each other.
The turtle says:
- Your hair is very soft.
- Your ears are long.
- You have pompom tail.
- I know! You are a rabbit!
The rabbit nods and says:
- Your neck is wrinkled.
- You don't have ears.
- You have helmet.
- I know! You are Niki Lauda!

There is a dearth of food in the jungle, the lion suggests that making jokes and who make laughing all the animals are saved and not killed.
- Comes the rabbit and says a very good joke and everyone laughs except the turtle, kill the rabbit.
- Comes the bear tells a very good joke and everyone laughs except the turtle, kill the bear.
- Comes the horse and tells a very bad joke, nobody laughs and begins to laugh the turtle and says: very good joke by the rabbit! Lol.

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