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Schmitt & CCS

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I'm doing a little design with a CCS on a LTP, and I was wondering, what is considered "good" for impedance of a CCS? I've ordered some parts and am gonna do some experimenting. I was looking into something like this, with the possibility of a FET or BJT as the active device. The FET I've ordered has an output capacitance Cds of 55pF (IRFBF20), which is about -j130kohms at 20KHz. If it doesn't work out with this, I will cascode with a proven design. The design current is 28mA.

So back to the question, what is acceptable for CCS capacitance and/or impedance? I don't have a spice program with tubes so it's hard for me to do any simulations.

Joined 2003
How long is a piece of string?

It all depends on application. Suppose you wanted an active anode load for an ECC83. You'd want at least 50 x ra = 4M. What about capacitance? Well, if you were only concerned with audio, you might feel that a shunt capacitance with a reactance that equalled the 4Mresistance at 100kHz would be required. C = 1/2pifX = 0.4pF. Quite small.

Conversely, you might need a CCS as an active load for a 6C45, in which case, you could scale the resistance and capacitance by a factor of 50 and say that 80k would be fine and 20pF would be fine.

I hope you can see that what you have to do is to determine the effect of an imperfect CCS on the circuit and decide what is acceptable.

take two


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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Ok, I made a double one with on board rectifier and filter cap. I went through 10s of red, green, & yellow LEDS. Reds are 1.43V-1.53V forward voltage drop and vary the most. Greens are 1.74V-1.75V and vary very little, ambers are 1.70V and vary very very little. I chose 2 identical amber ones. I was lucky to find a couple of strong hfe BC550Cs in my stash so they keep hfe*hfe product high enough in combination with the mild hfe 240 123APs I had (thanks EC8010).
This little board is going to be tested soon, draining a 12AT7 Schmidt phase splitter in a finished amp of mine. That amp already measures a low 1.5% AC Balance offset, so it is going to be a passive VS active current drain comparison mainly. I have to clear space and rewire in there etc. So I will let you know of the sonic results in due time.


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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Thanks! The lower I go with the resistors, the sim shows degraded AC balance on the splitter outputs. But I will parallel the 27k resistors with 2k2 ones so I will jump from 0.15mA to 2mA through the LED. I hope this will prevent any noise issues to a good degree.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Listened to it.

I made a new combo mini board with 2 cascode BJT CCSs along with a fix bias control circuit to implement in my freshly reworked KT88 amp. Svein_B recently had a thread about 100Hz IMD intrusion in the voltage reference, concluding that it takes regulation on B+ and -CCS supply for things to be optimal. So I used a Giaime Ugliano Mosfet Maida for the first stages and I regulated at -30V with a LM337T for the CCS tail, tapping off the fix bias PSU. LED works at 5mA. The CCS drains a 12AT7 pair at 3mA each, @ 340V B+.
The sonic conclusions are: No loss of liquidity compared to the resistor tail. Noticeably better slam in the bass to mid bass, more tactile and revealing mid - high. More organized depth and hall cues. In general a surely precise but not artificial sound. No added harshness, enhanced sense of tranquility, better control during transients.


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Re: Listened to it.

salas said:

No loss of liquidity compared to the resistor tail. Noticeably better slam in the bass to mid bass, more tactile and revealing mid - high. More organized depth and hall cues. In general a surely precise but not artificial sound. No added harshness, enhanced sense of tranquility, better control during transients.

Gee man, I’m jealous. Need to redo my 6550
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