Restoring and Improving A Thorens TD-124 MKII

I'll be buying Volken's springs. They're not only very reasonably priced, but thoroughly tested. I've seen the before & after noise readings and that's a lot more than many people provide for their custom parts. Even if I thought I could make springs that "looked" like his, I seriously doubt they'd perform the same - and I don't have the testing equipment anyway. Buying them from Volken to me is a no-brainer.
I have encountered a strange blip: my TD124 has started crackling ever so slightly. it is only audible when I have the volume almost all the way up (i.e. around 5-5:30 on the dial) and it does not change with speed (but does disappear when i stop the motor). Arm/cartridge and Chassis are connected via separate leads to ground point.

any Ideas?
I have encountered a strange blip: my TD124 has started crackling ever so slightly. it is only audible when I have the volume almost all the way up (i.e. around 5-5:30 on the dial) and it does not change with speed (but does disappear when i stop the motor). Arm/cartridge and Chassis are connected via separate leads to ground point.

any Ideas?

With the volume at 5:30 that is almost max volume, I would imagine you would here all sorts of mechanical dealings. Can you clarify "crackle"?

One time I heard a constant scraping and realized the pulley was hitting the top motor plate, which is common. The other time I heard a different kind of scrape and turned out to be the sticker on the inside hitting the platter after it had peeled off. My advice is to take off the platter and see where the noise is.
If it's gone when you take the platter off, it could misalignment or the clutch.
It sounds very much like static electricity: random discharges at random intervals.
I first noted it after a thorough clean and relubrication of idler bearing. And indeed, it is nearly maximum output: My preamp has a Dact-type attenuator (23 steps) and we are talking steps 20-23.

Earth motor connection ok ? Started it with the idler cleaning action no other changes ?

TD124 crackling

This may seen to be an extremely remote possibility, but you might try cleaning the drive belt. Since it turns at a constant speed, if that's the source, the crackling won't appear to be affected by speed change.

If I recall, that belt is rubber and in all probability, it isn't electrically conductive, and if it isn't, it can build up static, especially if its old and sort of dried. When one thinks of it, it could be equated to a very small Van de Graff generator, the sole purpose of which is to generate large amounts of static electricity.
