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Reference DAC Module - Discrete R-2R Sign Magnitude 24 bit 384 KHz

I assume you want the best sound and I think the consensus is that skipping the active output stage is the best.

But, class D it is not 🙂 and if you needed to ask that I doubt that you really are up to the task to make a better stage than already exists on the board.... or was that a joke?

Yes- sorry.
Not required any sorry - it's OK.
I just want to understand if I have on board D class or A class? Thats all. RAW output I had use on my 300B SE, but now I have changed amp to Pathos Logos than RAW output sound not so good. I can't explain sound, just I listen degradation if I'm not using opamps buffer.
Than as you assumed - want to understand can I do some A class buffer for output or not required, as I'm not HW eng. in audio.
I have never seen a line out stage in class D - this dont exits.

Not very big difference between A and AB.

You are probably not used to listen to such a clean output as DAM out direct. Maybe you should seek if you have other problem in system?
