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Reference DAC Module - Discrete R-2R Sign Magnitude 24 bit 384 KHz

Also happened in the past, every now and then Soren disappears and no longer even opens e-mails sent to him.
I sent the DAM1021 for repair at the end of April and received an e-mail from him and an assurance of prompt repair work, but since then I haven't heard from him and he doesn't even open the e-mails I've sent him.
Hi all.
I have new amp with balanced inputs.

The settings of balanced input looks like on picture:


I have see on Soekris 1021 schematics and checking balanced output. I found the connection looks like output pins + an - will be in same place like on this picture.

But I want to ask, as I'm not familiar with balanced cables - is it standard? May the cable will invert connection pins?
May I need specific cable for this case?

Or, I can connect balanced outputs as is to 1021 board and use standard balanced cable to connect the DAC to my amp?

+ goes to pin 2, - goes to pin 3. Connect DAM1021 PCB to chassis ground only via the PSU ground connector. You don't want multiple ground connections and you don't want to connect audio ground (at the DAM1021 PCB output connectors) to connect to the external ground of your preamp (which should correctly be connected to that unit's chassis ground).
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Due to changing of DAC, have to ask simple question - which class of amplification realized on output buffer in Soekris 1021 (Class A, A/B, D or??? ).

I have found here some thread with discussion how to get opamps into class A, but I'm not sure I have understand it.

I want to try get RAW output and prepare different buffer in class A, may be on MOSFET may be on some different schematics, but in case the opamps already in class A - so don't required to change this stage.

So, may someone has try the same things or done investigation?