quality of new threads going downhill

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This forum is basically a public conversation. We don't score people in conversations.
I disagree. There’s heaps of real-time, non-verbal feedback in any face-to-face conversation between any two (or more) people. I would suggest knowing how to read non-verbal cues such as body language and knowing how to read a room facilitate communication greatly. Perhaps that’s why people tend to be more polite in person than they are online.
A guru can write complete nonsense and his fans will still praise him for it and tell their friends to read it.
Seems like this happens regardless.

It took me a while to sort which posters are the ones I find to be consistently helpful, interesting and/or technically informed (disclosure: I have every issue of Linear Audio). It’s a pity some of them seem to go unrecognized.
I disagree. There’s heaps of real-time, non-verbal feedback in any face-to-face conversation between any two (or more) people. I would suggest knowing how to read non-verbal cues such as body language and knowing how to read a room facilitate communication greatly. Perhaps that’s why people tend to be more polite in person than they are online.
I think it's much simpler than that, the consequences of rudeness are almost non-existent online
I think it's much simpler than that, the consequences of rudeness are almost non-existent online
Not everywhere online, but here sometimes.
Yesterday in a different thread one 'senior member a.k.a. guru ' called somebody 'a prick' and got the response to 'shove it up his a**' ......
Just as in real life, I tend to move (far) away when I see a situation like that....
Just another Moderator
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AFAIK, there are no plans to rank forum members. I suspect the like button will get an audition, and if the forum hates it - it will be shown the door.

That was my understanding as well. Poster rankings definitely not. Some form of showing appreciation maybe.

Some may remember Jason did introduce a like in this very forum a number of years ago. There was a small band of individuals who didn't like the idea, and went out of their way to like every post of their small group (they actually had a group for that purpose). They basically made a complete mockery of the intent and it was disabled.

I've been on a forum that had the ability to rate posts from A+ to F- that was a disaster. The forum owner changed it to just A+ and A but even that didn't work as A just became the old F- in the end they just had the A+

I'm on another (non-audio) forum that has a like button. No popularity contests just genuine use of the button that I have seen. I guess it just depends on the demographic.

One of the arguments for a like button, is simply that the younger generation expects it. It may seem offensive, or counter-productive to us old cronies, but if you want to attract new blood, you have a better chance, if you provide what they expect.

Brinkman said:
Like Pano stated already, there is already a thread-rating tool and nobody’s complaining about that.
Maybe that is because almost nobody uses it? Threads with hundreds of posts and thousands of readers may have votes in single figures. A post 'like' button which nobody uses would be fine!

I disagree. There’s heaps of real-time, non-verbal feedback in any face-to-face conversation between any two (or more) people.
Yes, but we don't usually issue a public (and semi-permanent) verdict on the sentence we have just heard. A negative verdict would be regarded as bad manners in most places, and a positive verdict might be regarded as inappropriate in some places (e.g. UK).

wintermute said:
One of the arguments for a like button, is simply that the younger generation expects it.
Can we make it visible just to them?
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I think it's much simpler than that, the consequences of rudeness are almost non-existent online
Unless some-one Wants to be a victim...... which is easier for that mind-set online as they don't have to deal with some one like me who pulls no punches IRL.

AFAIK, there are no plans to rank forum members. I suspect the like button will get an audition, and if the forum hates it - it will be shown the door.

Keep the door shut, there's no need for a 'like' facility as it's register automatically ranks users because that's what users think a like buttons for.
Not everywhere online, but here sometimes.
Yesterday in a different thread one 'senior member a.k.a. guru ' called somebody 'a prick' and got the response to 'shove it up his a**' ......
Just as in real life, I tend to move (far) away when I see a situation like that....

You do, but other people may, occasionally, enjoy a bar fight. At least until the police breaks in.

I personally don't mind calling a prick when I see one. I'm always assuming everybody takes it as my very own view. Not calling a prick a prick is one good reason for the prick to keep pricking again. The recommended "ignore the pricks" approach works for computers, not for humans with feelings, beliefs and a dollop of ego.
This seems to be becoming a venting thread ;) Let it all out guys (within the rules of course) I think the majority of the posts are positive and well natured, even those that appear at first glance not to be. A big advantage of a discussion online has over face to face or group is that there is less pressure to respond immediately, and replies can be put on the backburner and considered.
A discussion about likes and dislikes on Youtube brought up the question about dislikes. Why are there so many dislikes in threads where you wouldn't have gone there unless you were looking for that specific content (building oddball stuff or non-mainstream music performances) ?

The answer was to expect about a 10% dislike rate just from people who hate everything and have nothing better to do, or from users who may have some hidden jealousy toward the poster for doing something that they would like to do, but just dream about instead. Oddly, some really good music performers get a lot of dislike

I accepted that and seemed to agree based on most of the videos I watched. Why then are there some music performance videos that often invoke the jealousy dislike, with a very low dislike rate, 0.1% ?

Like Pano stated already, there is already a thread-rating tool and nobody’s complaining about that.

With few exceptions, it is so infrequently used that the results are statistically noise.
I like the like button the other forums I belong to. I find that it encourages humour, and is a good way of identifying content that really lifts the forum, such as posts that correctly and succinctly address the question. No question it can be misused.

I understand the objections some members have with this, they take their content very seriously, perhaps too seriously, and think they bring truth and enlightenment in the content of their posts.

This is just another example of closemindedness. Just as we had discussions on how someone should not be definining DIY audio for others, why should someone define the forum experience for others? Why shouldn't there be a fun social media aspect over and above the content? It seems that we keep recommending books and videos that make learning easier, less boring, or even fun, but we dare not do as we teach.
I don't heat up about anything at all really, being a person with a very deep running emotional detachment, having absolutely no beliefs, and ego? well, thank you. I do try my best not to be a broken twig.

Just found it really irritating that you claim I was "moaning", if there is one thing I do not do, it's just that. If you somehow managed to interpret my posts as "Moaning", either I wrote something the wrong way, or you need to read it properly.
If you somehow managed to interpret my posts as "Moaning", either I wrote something the wrong way, or you need to read it properly.

I'd go for the former explanation, if applies. Complains about not being spoon fed according to your expectations with tested schematics, full BOMs and pertinent comments qualifies in my book as pricky. My opinion, of course, YMMV.

As I used to say here a very long time ago (some eventually quoted this in their sig line), "Nobody owes you a thing here, not even an answer".

I guess I already won a few thumbs down :D
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I'd go for the former explanation, if applies. Complains about not being spoon fed according to your expectations with tested schematics, full BOMs and pertinent comments qualifies in my book as pricky. My opinion, of course, YMMV...

I'm sorry, I do not see it. I tried writing it as well as I could, and there was even a reminder in my post #583 where it says:
"It is not really something that is frustrating for me, but for a new person coming to the forum, digging through a thread like this feels like preparing to get to the top of Mount Everest in a wheelchair."

As far as I can understand it, this thread is about someone moaning about stuff. Some people are just very hard to please. Not trying to please anyone, just trying to pense the rails over to a more constructive track, and when trying to do that, the loudest moaning person in sight, claims I am moaning.

There, I've said my part, and have nothing else to add on this matter.

So, remember to edit first post, improved "tag" system, "like" buttons, people trying to be more patient. Lots of stuff happening here.

ToS, thanks, just made it up. Was going for "descriptive".
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