piCorePlayer = piCore Linux + Raspberry Pi + Squeezelite

Configuration Issue

I am having an issue setting up piCorePlayer.

I download the image and flash the sd card and am able to boot up pCP. After that, i expand the file system, reboot, etc. Next, i install LMS and reboot. At this point, both Squeezelite and LMS are running. Before I can configure LMS, I have to install the additional file systems because I have an attached NTFS formatted USB drive.

Once the additional file systems are installed and the system is rebooted, Squeezelite is no longer running. LMS is running, howver, when I go to configure LMS, I see that I have the option to install LMS.

Can anyone provide any insight into what is happening?


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Kodi & picoreplayer

Hi Guys

thank you for your answers (specially Greg).

I have now 3 Raspies running, 2 off them sometimes in multi room configuration. Super! Some questions arising rom this issue I will post shortly.

Now my imidiate question:
for the living room I am installing a Raspi to run on Kodi for live and canned TV/Video (source is primarily a VDR) and also for Internet (e.g. youtube aso). This all is connected to a Surround Receiver Yamaha RX-S601D. On this raspi I would also like to integrate multi room with picoreplayer.

Is this possible?

Best regards from a very cold (-15°C) Germany
Joined 2002
Paid Member
7 January 2017 - piCorePlayer 3.10

Hi, the team are proud to announce the release of a new piCorePlayer 3.10. Because of the many changes, improvements, bug fixes and additions, we decided to jump directly from version 3.02 to 3.10.

Actually, we have released two versions:

  1. piCorePlayer 3.10 which is a normal version like all previous pCP releases. The kernel and modules are vanilla versions from the official Raspberry Pi and piCore (Tinycore) repo.
  2. piCorePlayer 3.10-Audio which contains all the same improvements as the above mentioned version, but in addition, we have added all the audio related patches that Clive (aka JackOfAll) made for the Raspberry Pi kernel. So here we have support for more i2s-DACs and we support higher sample rates etc..
  • Updated to Kernel 4.4.39.
  • Samba Server implemented in [Beta] Mode.
  • Squeezelite is now dynamically linked.
  • Added Advanced audio card control - lets you control output level, available DTP filters, and parameter to dtoverlay.
  • Shairport-Sync updated to a lighter weight.
  • New pCP extension repository, hopefully more stable.
  • Numerous under the hood changes and bug fixes.

IMPORTANT: As we have so many changes we unfortunately are unable to offer "in situ" update - so will need to burn the new image (after unzipping the download) to your SD card. Also the "newconfig method" via USB stick won't work for this version.

DOWNLOADS: Get them from here: piCorePlayer Downloads

The team
Paul, Greg, Ralphy and Steen
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Does it support NAS storage of music? I can't find anything on the website to indicate it does.

Hi Tromperie

Are you familiar with Logitech's Squeezebox/Logitech Media Server (LMS) architecture?

LMS is the server side of the equation. So where ever you run LMS you attach your NAS music directories. You can run LMS on your NAS, a PC/sever or you can use piCorePlayer with LMS installed as a music server.


Squeezelite is a squeezebox client - it needs a squeezebox server to function. You need to setup LMS somewhere, preferably on your NAS, or on Pi-core itself - the latest version allows pi-core to run LMS.
If you don't want to add a hard disc to Pi-core, you can point LMS on pi-core to the NAS storage, but you have to run LMA first.


I don't know how repeating what I didn't understand helps.
Joined 2002
Paid Member
I don't know how repeating what I didn't understand helps.

Hi Tromperie,

Sorry, I thought you must have missed it because you asked the same question again.

LMS, the music server, can run on any type computer, so attaching network drives is a function of the OS on the server. It could be Windows, MAC, Linux, piCore or whatever OS is on your NAS. Most options support CIFS and/or NFS.

I personally just use a USB drive on my LMS.

I have to apologise, normally people using piCorePlayer are existing Logitech's Squeezebox/LMS users replacing older equipment with RPi/piCorePlayer so they are already have the infrastructure in place.

I think LMA is a typo, LMS.

If you decided to run LMS on piCorePlayer then Steen's recent post here might be of interest.


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Yes LMA was a typo.

I have setup a system for my daughter using LMS on pi-core and pointing to a (samba) NAS, and it has been working perfectly for several weeks now. It uses a powerline system between the living room and the NAS storage area and there are no problems running 192/24 files.

Yes LMA was a typo.

I have setup a system for my daughter using LMS on pi-core and pointing to a (samba) NAS, and it has been working perfectly for several weeks now. It uses a powerline system between the living room and the NAS storage area and there are no problems running 192/24 files.


Keep an eye out for the powerline system (ethernet over power ?) and any overheating/combustion problems.

Mine (Digitech brand) worked reliably for 3 years then began randomly dropping the connection over several weeks. It seemed to be triggered by other power bricks for laptops etc being plugged into the mains and grew progressively worse.

I thought I had fixed it by rerouting the plug location/outlet used but after a week it suddenly began to smell horrible (that pre magic-blue-smoke release smell :)..) and upon investigation the main 400v caps were too hot to touch...:eek:
Binned it to be on the safe side and now using a wifi A/P as an interim measure until I can run cat6 cable for a permanent fix.

Bonus find being that sound quality is much improved and I can only attribute that to the operation of the EOP devices having an effect on power supplies of players.

Again, any odd behaviour and signal loss may be worth following up.
Thanks Greg.

I have a Daphile box (x86), which is of course LMS, and it accesses music on my NAS (x64 FreeNAS 9.10).

My questions are, please;
If I install picore on my RPi 2, will it need to access the Daphile box, or if I want it to see the NAS, install LMS on it too?
Can multiple picores be setup in the one house?
What Android app is recommended for multiple (if the answer to the above is yes) installs?
