• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

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6P14P pushpull, simple concertina using the 6201..


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My building partner is enamoured of this chassis construction: https://www.itishifi.com/hifi/electra-fidelity-845-ham-chassis-style
and higher-res pictures will be up for a while at https://www.ebay.com/itm/3257529812...KUfUWgvELDscGg4+K/ph+eoy/U|tkp:Bk9SR5r3sOiBYw

It looks like a rack panel with conventional Bud/Hammond chassis' grafted on front and back. Very clever and pretty, by Jack E of ElectraPrint fame.

We'll probably do the amps (must be bi-amp'd, they have DSP crossovers with delay) for his coming Jubilees this way, and one of us will post pix.

All good fortune,
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So how does it sound? I’ve been working on one on and off for years. What can I expect?
I did not forget but life got in the way, also had some issues with the amp which are now fixed (thanks to the helpful people on this forum).
My subjective thoughts on the sound: Really good bass, dynamic and full-bodied while not being boomy in any way. I feel like my speakers which aren't tuned all that low gained some low-end with this amp in comparison to my other tube amps (EL34/EL84). Voices sound natural and highs are crystal clear but the difference to my other amps is not as big as in the low end, dynamics are improved across the band.
Now the GM70s "only" run at ~850V and i've read a lot of posts saying that they won't sound that great below 1kv but all i can say is that this is the best sounding amp i own right now.



The transformer covers are actually "designer" brass Plant Pots :D
Oh yea, i underestimated the amount of heat this thing gives off with 160W of dissipation per tube, really only an amp for the winter time :)


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Appreciate it!
There is a pic of the underside here and some measurements can be found in my thread about the oscillation issue i had with this amp here.
OT's are Toroidy TTG-GM70SE.
I only measured power output, have no means to measure thd or response atm. I can get 13W into 8R at the onset of clipping (both channels loaded).
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Thanks for those links, I think my mate is using the toroidy OPT's too. 13w total OP into 8r is a bit bit mad though when you think about it, with a HT of 850v & filaments at 30w approx. I know, SE Class A but I do wonder about our sanity sometimes, the length's we go to to build amps. Still, all the best people are a bit touched.

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It's all the tube can do at that voltage in A1 operation, that's why i wanna go A2 in the future to hopefully get close to 30W out.
Filaments are 60W a piece by the way, not 30 :LOL:
Yes it's a bit mad and not an amp to run all day for background music. this is something for when i get home from a long day at work, crack open a cold one and put on a good couple of records to just enjoy the music, nothing else.
Finished my first tube amp last week. It is a single ended EL34 amp design.

I settled on a design that would give me flexibility. Being of Polish descent and really wanting a Nagra but not having the money for it, I wanted to make a homage to Nagra by building an amp reminiscent in design and using European parts only.

Features: 1. Option for SS or Tube rectification using a 5AR4.
2. Triode / UL switch.
3. Negative feedback Switch (3db)
This is a beautiful build. I also want to imitate nagra like this. I’m currently under moderation on this forum but could you message me so I can ask you a few questions about the parts for this build?
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Joined 2019
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Here's an amp I finished recently, a tube headphone amp. I've planned this one over the past two years. I really love high end headphones, so this is meant to be the very last headphone amp for me. It uses a Dave Slagle AVC in a separate enclosure, cathode biased D3a input stage (can I also use E810F and 6E6P, likely others that are pin compatible), Dave Slagle 1:1 IST, triode-strapped HY69 directly heated pentode output stage wired as a cathode follower with Dave Slagle OPT in the tube's cathode (OPT 6.5K: 300/75/16ohm). The HY69 is biased by the DCR of the output transformer primary winding. Using separate Maida-style regulators for each channel and Rod Coleman filament regulators. Mains transformers are custom from Toroidy.

The amp sounds fantastic, but I still see some behavior on scope that tells me the D3a are trying to oscillate despite using grid stoppers, plate stoppers, and ferrites, so I'm still troubleshooting that.

HY69 Schematic.png



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