• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

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SEPP Hybrid Amplifier

This is a SEPP amplifier I built to test the concept of a push-pull amplifier using a triode and a MOSFET, where the MOSFET is driven to produce the complementary signal current of the triode (all class A1 of course)

It produces a SE harmonic signature and uses a PP output transformer. Power output is the same as a standard 2 tube PP.

This amp uses a 6BX7, one system as driver and the other as the output triode. This is a good tube for this application because one anode can be run at much greater current than the other (like in the vertical deflection oscillator + amplifier circuits it was designed for), limited by the total tube dissipation.

This amp produces 4 watts from 2V RMS input signal using one tube, one MOSFET, an op amp, and a few passives. It uses no NFB.

The MOSFET and opamp are integrated into the octal base device with heasink on the left I call an OpFET. This allows the chassis to be wired all point to point like a regular tube amp. Since it has to dissipate as much as the tube anode it does put off some heat!

Michael J Koster


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Re: My new J.E. Labs 300B

JeanGodbout said:
This my first Hifi build, base on the J.E. Labs 300B discover on Derek Walton web site, great help from Derek for a newbie like me, thank Derek.

The power TX are Angela Universal and the OT are the Hammond 1627 SEA with the Hammond choke 193J. I spend about two weeks to build the transformers cover with MAKORE wood, very curly wood.

I'm very happy with the "magic" of the 300B tubes, very musical. I'm building a pair of Mileva speakers to match those low power mono block amps.

JeanGodbout, what a workmanship! Congratulation! This is what I admire to DIY'r they are trying to build something that even looks better than some mass produce tube amp in the market.
Looks good as it sounds! More power to you and more DIY to show!