Peachtree new GaN-1 all "Digital Amplifier" the future?? (and it's not Class-D)

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As hard as it is to believe this amp sounded equal to a pair of Classé omega mono blocks driving a pair of rebuilt Apogee Duettas. There are some times where I felt like the base was not as tight and controlled but everything else as far as resolution, transparency, and imaging mid range, clarity and warmth were all still there. I could not say that with any of the hypex amps that I tried.
As hard as it is to believe this amp sounded equal to a pair of Classé omega mono blocks driving a pair of rebuilt Apogee Duettas. There are some times where I felt like the base was not as tight and controlled but everything else as far as resolution, transparency, and imaging mid range, clarity and warmth were all still there. I could not say that with any of the hypex amps that I tried.

Subjective anecdotal reports are not fact, they are opinion. As such they are not reliable.
In audio, perhaps facts only support the most sterile of aspects. Verifiable fact, 20 - 20k, +/- 1db. Can anyone base an expectation of "Guaranteed To Sound Good" on such, and, all the other usual suspect ducks being in order as well? We'd certainly like to hope so...makes it easy.

Even taken with a grain of salt, anothers opinion / perception just might lead to ones own satisfaction; there's always a finite probability of that happening. It'd be fun to see a show of hand of those who are certain they've walked the audio road from beginning to end - alone; zero influence from what anyone else has ever said - successfully. And routinely prove it when others come to listen...
Not necessarily opinion, could also be observation. Or a mixture of the two - part opinion, part observation.

It is an opinion based on a perception/observation. A simple observation would be "I put a record on my turntable and I sound emanated from my speakers". Quantifying that perception as "not as tight", etc., is a subjective opinion.

An opinion is but an opinion, wherever hence it came...I would prefer to form my own impressions with my own ears than take the word of anyone, especially someone with age related decreased aural acuity. And who said anything about paid reviewers or websites with advertising???
It is an opinion based on a perception/observation. A simple observation would be "I put a record on my turntable and I sound emanated from my speakers".

If the 'it' you're referring to is the post you initially quoted (#445) then it could be opinion or it could be observation. Which would depend on whether each of the categories cited (resolution, warmth. tightness etc.) were falsifiable. If they're falsifiable descriptions of the percept (sound) then it'd be an observation that the two amps compared were equal.
A simple observation would be "I put a record on my turntable and I sound emanated from my speakers". Quantifying that perception as "not as tight", etc., is a subjective opinion.

What! now you want everyone to say nothing about how things sounded to themselves, on an Audio website. Good luck with that!
Give me gruvytunes opinion on what something sounded like, especially when no one without any affiiation has heard any yet.
I'll draw my own conclusion to what he said, I don't need you infering that he's maybe "full of it", I'd rather his approach than your "subjective" mute approach to anything/everything anyday. Your in the objective only camp, where I'm in both, subjective as well as objective they to me go together.
EG: You can have an amp that measures 100% perfect, yet sounds like s**t "subjectively" because there's a truck load of global feeback around it giving those false 100% perfect "objective" measurements.

Cheers George
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none of that can change an opinion into fact
Nonsense - an opinion is - in and of itself - a data point. Its not a repeatable measurement, scientific protocol, to be sure.
If you get enough opinions to get a statistical view, then that becomes usable data, especially if you can identify and correlate with secondary influences.

If a reviewer tells me that a speaker is good - I'm underwhelmed.
If a thousand people admit that they've had theirs for 20 years and don't fancy an upgrade because they are just lovely and comfortable - I think that means something.
note politics is not allowed nor personal attacks. I would respectfully suggest time to wind your neck in a bit.
OK I went a bit far, but a so called "audiophile" on an audio site that believes only in the objective measurments, without listening himself, and then attacking other listeners obervations, needs to be reined in in some other way then.

Cheers George
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