Paradise Builders

Joined 2005
Paid Member
My boards are powered and sat on a shelf with voltages as posted by Alfred in his replies to quan and pin 6 on one fluctuating around 0.5V and the other 1.5V.Outputs are fluctuating around 200mv.hopefully things will settle after a few days.Would it be better to case them up to aid things in settling?

these values are just fine. no need to case them for settling, its the elcaps forming (the voltage across them is fixing the little holes in the oxide, which is the cause for the leakage currents that elcaps tend to show fresh out of the bag).
My boards are powered and sat on a shelf with voltages as posted by Alfred in his replies to quan and pin 6 on one fluctuating around 0.5V and the other 1.5V.Outputs are fluctuating around 200mv.hopefully things will settle after a few days.Would it be better to case them up to aid things in settling?

One could just plug in the caps to a LM317 and live them under charge at nominal voltage while soldering the other components

This would save loads of time fiddling with the offset...
And will form caps faster
If someone wants to DIY a thing that is so complex as this one, he absolutely needs a scope. DMM is good quite for nothing, it is only an elementary tool. Don't believe those who tell you that as a DIYer you do not need a scope.

You do not need to buy an expensive instrument. It can be just a USB device like this:

USBscope50 1Gsps/75Mhz USB pen-style DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope), Synchrotech

But even stand alone instruments are not expensive:
Uni-Trend Group Limited

Every serious DIYer should have a scope, otherwise his results are just accidental.
that looks reasonable, lets see what the opamp pin 6 voltages will be in a couple days. have you checked if your amplifiers actually amplify? I think that (apart from the LV noise) they should be working fine.... (but please verify your system is not DC coupled, or your woofers will see some interesting movements.....)
Hi Alfred, after a couple of days. The voltage at pin 6 of IC still measures about +5V, and the voltage at test point of 6800uf cap is about 5V as well. Dc offset still wandering +/-200mV, the VASCL about 14.54, R5 about -0.6V and+0.5V. I tried to fired it up and running into noise issues- looking into grounding scheme. Do i need to look into the input transistors?.
paradise R3

Here is a picture of my build. Suggestions for groundings? Currently still humming and more on the L channel ( measured 6V on pin6 of IC and test point of 6800uf capacitor).


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