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O2 Headphone Amplifier GB

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Thanks for all the payments so far.

Paypal have seen fit to verify my identity (great timing, eh...) so I'm trying to get that sorted out asap. I can still receive payments fine but I haven't tried withdrawing money yet - if they are blocking that then we'll have to wait until my identity is proven.

Bloomin' paypal...

No problem! I don't think anyone is overly concerned at the moment because it looks like the board is going through a last-minute revision. Potentiometer shortages have spurred the designer to made the board a bit more flexible.
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Holy PCBs batman!
Never thought we'd hit 500!
For all the Aussies waiting on me for GB info - now that RocketScientist has updated the PCB and made some BoM replacements available I'll be onto you tonight with details on exactly how much it will all cost.
@timpert: RS in Europe may have stock - but when I checked last night, neither RS AU or RS Worldwide were showing any stock. :)
Olli - I'm going to need more boards as not all members of my GB have bought directly from you. I'll get back to you tonight but I believe it will put my total at about 6. Cheers again!

Edit: @RocketScientist - I can't find some of those partno's on Mouser... or maybe I can... it seems a bit hit and miss, but I just tried all of them once, none worked, then tried a few again and they work! Don't mind me, i might be going crazy.

What's the general consensus on what would be the best replacement pot? One that's short and needs trimming, one from Bourns with a different shaft fitting (which would require a different knob), or one with a different taper?
What's the general consensus on what would be the best replacement pot? One that's short and needs trimming, one from Bourns with a different shaft fitting (which would require a different knob), or one with a different taper?
I know everyone's in a rush to buy parts. But in this case waiting might be a good idea. If Oliver decides to run the boards without doing a prototype of the latest design some might want to wait until he gets the boards and can verify the 15mm shaft pots really will work with the front panel, etc.

Otherwise, I would suggest the 20mm shaft ALPS pots in either taper if can find them. The RK09712200HA would probably be the best choice but I'm not sure who has any stock besides perhaps RS Europe.

If you want to order a 15mm pot, the RK09712200MC is probably the best bet and Mouser has lots of those. To see what a given distributor has, just put in RK09712200 (leaving off the last two letters) and then compare what comes up to the numbers in the BOM or here.

But if others have input on the preferred taper it would be good to see if there's some sort of consensus? There's more info on the tapers and a graph showing the difference here.

I'm also curious how this group buy compares to other similar ones?
Hey Ollie/ BlueFusion

I can see that the Ausi group buy is upgrading the PCB, but I have ordered direct from Ollie (X2). Is there a chance it will not be too much trouble to upgrade mine too and add to the ausi group buy? (mine can be shipped to BlueFusion and he can forward it to me with the rest of the kit)

Really appreciate it! :cheers:
RS Europe has exactly 480 of these pots in stock - I would be happy to do an order for 100 or so to distribute to the rest of the world if anybody else is interested? Definitely planning to do so for my Au components.
Perhaps anyone else in Europe could coordinate buying a lot of these & shipping bulk lots of them to each continent?
@AncientWisdom: I'm getting the PCBs through Olli - and as per my email I'd prefer you buy directly from him! :)
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