New Aleph Mini PCB GB

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I guess I'm just too stupid to edit the parts wiki... perhaps it's broken (can't log in). Would somebody care to put me down for two (2) A30 parts kits.

I would volunteer to ship the US kits from bulk parts shipped to me if that's less customs hassle. Further, if you plan on running it so tight as to be "non-profit", you will get your wish... and more!

If Mark can do some good on the surplus end, that would be great. It looks to me he has a few gold mines out there
WorkingAtHome said:
Wow, this is spiraling out of control. Jason, PLEASE do the group buy. A lot of people want them, and have signed up for them.

If you don't to take part for whatever reason, just don't buy one from Jason. Everyone is more than welcome to buy their own parts.

I am really busy and barely get much time to work on this stuff, so I am will to pay for the kit to make it easy. The price is probably better then buying the parts myself, and I definitely don't mind funding a couple boards and parts for Brian and Jason. They are doing all the work on this.

Im not going to cancle it im just showing that if ***mark*** keep's Posting the way he is. Then i will I have talked to a mod that is now watching this and will inform of person causing havic. As there is only one person complaining and he could stop.

Parts are more expencive when bought seperatly but when bought in huge packs they get cheaper : O )

chipco3434 said:
I guess I'm just too stupid to edit the parts wiki... perhaps it's broken (can't log in). Would somebody care to put me down for two (2) A30 parts kits.

I would volunteer to ship the US kits from bulk parts shipped to me if that's less customs hassle. Further, if you plan on running it so tight as to be "non-profit", you will get your wish... and more!

If Mark can do some good on the surplus end, that would be great. It looks to me he has a few gold mines out there
* DONE *
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black???

Settle down, Jason.

I've read your posts on Peter Daniel's DAC thread as well, so you shouldn't be talking about someone flaming and being out of control.
Or is Peter going to sell you one of his DAC boards, now?

Mark is building a prototype, and is doing the troubleshooting as well. According to you, he should be compensated for his time and trouble as well. So if he wants to weigh in with his opinion about funds, contributing personal time, and whatnot to the forum, more power to him. And you are going to set the moderator hounds on him? Get real.
I agree it can be a hassle assembling parts to stuff a board, and many members would rather pay someone else to do it. But I also appreciate the attitude of members here, to give of their time and effort without a second thought of something in return. Peter Daniel has taken the time to answer long and detailed questions from me for the past four years, as well as other members like Sheldon Stokes, without ever trying to sell me on anything. That is one of the reasons I read this forum.
You can charge what you like, and if that pricing is fine by Brian and other members, that's cool. But don't play the indignant, righteous role. It doesn't fit you. Contacting the moderators, indeed...
Ok, I thought I'd post the P.O. levels and distortion measurements here as well....... There are two rail voltages, +/- 15 volts and +/- 20. The Mini seems to tolerate the 20 volt rails pretty well provided adaquate sinking.

15 Volt rails......


9.9 watts Clip Point 8.9 volts .22%

2.5 watts 4.5 volts .079%

.5 Watts 2.0 volts .05%


9 Watts Clip Point 6 Volts .92%

5 watts 4.5 Volts .12%

1Watt 2 Volts .13%

20 Volt rails....

8 Ohm Load

18 Watts Clip Point 12 Volts 1.0%

4.5 watts 6 Volts .13%

.5 watts 2 Volts .05%

Hi All-

I do NOT take for granted my right to express my thoughts and opinions! Let me share them with you now...

Once again, the intellectual property covers the circuitry and the PCB's. The PCB's have to be sold at NO profit.

The parts kits are an ENTIRELY different matter. They are a side item to the PCB's. I could create parts kits and as long as mine are cheaper than Jason's sell all day long AND make a profit.

But that is not the point.

The facts:

Jason was instrumental in getting Brian to go forward on this PCB and create the PCB purchase opportunity.

Brian will sell the PCB's at NO profit. (I would expect ALL of his costs covered though)

Jason is offing a compatible kit. It was a bit high priced but through active discussion the price has come down. It is not a non-profit venture nor is it required to be.

My Opinion:

Jason should GRATEFULLY accept Marks offer for assistance and any others who offer to help because he can STILL get his parts paid by his labor.

Jason needs to realize that if he was planning on making more than $100 profit on these kits it should have been started in the market place threads as a "commercial venture" not the Mini-A thread as a GB to lower peoples cost.

I am ALL for Jason's GB and support him in his efforts but there is a fine line, which Jason is standing directly on, between GB and "profit venture".

I believe Jason should be compensated for his work.
I believe he should be wise enough to take advantage of others offer of assistance.
I believe the parts kits should continue as a Group Buy and Jason trade labor for parts(PCB's, Trfos, or components. What ever he needs/can border for)
I do NOT believe Jason should make an "unreasonable" sum of money on a GB. That would be using the term GB to mislead people.
pinkmouse said:
Well, now that's settled, lets get back to the proper subject. ;)

Has anyone measured the current draw for a single channel of MiniA?

Oh, and I think these heatsinks will be perfect! ;)

(Jason, will mail you shortly)

Hey Al, I had a case of those 1086HS a few months back. I sold them all for $20 a pair!! I got them surplus, can't find anymore though.

Hey, I'm building a Krell for the brute force approach, the MiniA is for delicacy!
I am sure the miniA will be delicate.
I am also sure it will be hot:hot: Dont go on the downside with heatsinking on that one;) Come to think of it, why not get a couple of big sinks, so you can upgrade to the Aleph30 without much trouble? That is a good advice at this point, I think ;)

Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
illusionxx said:

could you also offer the Soft Start pcbs seperately? Are you going to include Maxhawks circuit for a momentary switch? Really nice work with the Mini A boards! Im looking forward to see the Soft Start pcbs. Is there a deadline for the GB?

Currently, I am thinking of just offering the power supply boards and not deal with the soft start boards at this time.

As for a deadline, I am not going to set a deadline.

Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
steenoe said:
Sad, I would have loved that one realising:angel:
Any chance you would reconsidder that matter??


I will reconsider it.

How about an AC input board with:
-IEC recepticle
-AC line fuse
-Thermistors in series with AC primary lines
-Pads for wiring the primaries in series or parallel (120/240 wiring)
-Pads for wiring up to a switch

I didn't have time to prototype designs with a relay and toggle circuitry to use a momentary switch. If someone wants to do the design work for this, I can work it into the project.

BrianGT said:

I will reconsider it.

How about an AC input board with:
-IEC recepticle
-AC line fuse
-Thermistors in series with AC primary lines
-Pads for wiring the primaries in series or parallel (120/240 wiring)
-Pads for wiring up to a switch

I didn't have time to prototype designs with a relay and toggle circuitry to use a momentary switch. If someone wants to do the design work for this, I can work it into the project.


i'm on it.

But i need schematic.

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