My Second Tannoy Autograph enclosures

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I knew you would appreciate my efforts :)

If you corner load then you're down to about 43Hz. But the horn length is below a half wavelength and I suspect the response will have dropped well off by then and may be becoming very ripply, assuming the flare rate still operates at these lower frequencies.

From what I'm hearing, and Scott talked about it if I remember, the long folded horn and the big mouth make for low ripple...

All this from a 4.5inch driver. I bet you never dreamed of a result like that.

Yeah, it's impressive how physics behave and sound. But one thing is the freq. response and another is the actual sound that we hear, which in the case of these front-rear horn loaded enclosures translates into a big, wide, weighty but fast and articulated sound, wich brings excellent dynamic contrasts and real instrument's textures:cool:

Quick calculations for an 8" driver, like AN super8 or FE206E, give 1.44m heigth and width, with real 1.04m mouth width, with a two boundaries Fc of (or close to) 20Hz (with a circumference of 4.3m *factor of 4 ). Depth of the box would be 72cm.
If I build a monster like this, it will born and die on the room :D

Full-ranger by heart
Hi again,

My 2:3 reduced Tannoy Autograph speakers with AN super10 are placed on my bedroom, connected to RevC myreference amp. There I felt the bass was a bit lacking, so I designed a base, a "basement" to increase bass response. I made two vents on the base wich prolong to the "basement" the front-to-back parallel lateral foldings of the enclosure:

This picture is of an almost finished base. Note that I never finish aesthetically my projects! :clown: Lazy, lazy me...


Evident increase in bass reach to the point where I don't miss it. Sound is even more full bodied.
The 20cm base takes the driver up at ear level now ;) ...around 1m. I haven't measured it yet.

See that the mouth has increased notably; from memory 60x20 cm = 1200cm2. More importantly, now I figure out a way to make the bass horn like a "coaxial" output, just reproducing or spliting the horn to an upper and a lower arm...ta-taann!

This is a rapid drawing of the "base":

The green area represents the vents made on the original Autograph "floor", at each front-to back lateral folding and allows communication with the inferior labyrinth, represented here by the orange lines. Note that they split into lateral and medial paths.
The added mouth area makes for a total mouth area of, roughly, 3.4sqfeet, good for around 60Hz (!?) only, but it does sound very good anyway...
No Andrew, a similar bass reflex box would make much more thunderous and deeper bass, but "fake"...

Now, I will think about this idea of a coaxial emission pattern for all horns... :cool:
Quick draw:

Isn't that cute???

Hi Régine and AndrewT,

Yes Andrew, on the first drawing it acts as a mouth extender that makes the horn length just a little was a quick fix but it worked.
I'm sorry it is difficult to imagine (and draw), imagine the vents I practiced on the enclosure's "floor" as two stairways to the "basement".
The second drawing is like having two rear horn from the Autograph mirroring (split) up and down, like a "Chang" but with both, lateral and upper/lower mouth openings!

No, Régine, it is not difficult to make. It is just difficult to calculate the proper expansion and lengths/areas to get it technically correct.
Once one start building these things one develops a certain feeling about what will sound good (apart spatial recognition areas in brain getting more robust :D )

New cables!

I made the Autograph with 20AWG solid core OCC copper hookup wire, which is not bad but has heavy PVC coating and sounds a little "blurred".
Now, I'm using 36AWG enamelled solid core OCC copper wire, braided. I use 18 braided strings on each lead or polarity or whatever the name...

See...(use the magnifying lens)

There are many photos, including my "direct contact" binding post tweak...

The sound is much more detailed, soft, etheric and articulated.
I only can make 1,2 meter long braided cables, so I'll make a couple of monoblocks to use only this kind of wire throughout...apart speaker cable, this wire is what I use now as interconnect :cool: the transparency they bring is superb.

*they take looong time to make...

maxlorenz said:
Here's a better quality pic of the "Spock eared square Autograph":


BTW, I began the construction of the refrigerator...:D

like these "batman" speakers, getting excited...

Hi. :D
Ugly but good sounding.

The mouth area was 17*2*92cm before modding = 3128cm2
I added 44*89 + 44*36: 3916 cm2 + 1584cm2 = 5500cm2 of three boundaries loading.
Total = 8628cm2 or 0.85m2

Horn length increased about 60cm for the final section.

I have to get my paper for equivalent cuttoff frequency as I am too lazy to derive it from Andrew's formulae :D

The speakers seam "more powerful" (or more efficient) as now they have proper midbass and bass, so it can reproduce better bass armonics, and with good transient speed. Bass delay is undetectable.

I could expand this way the original big Autograph but I fear it will look awful.
I think Westminster owners should do something about bass response...

I found Dinsdale's paper. 0,86m2 is equivalent to 9.26feet2, which in the case of corner loading, and circular shape (I don't know how can this be done :D ) , which is not my case, goes down to less than 40Hz! Mine probably is between 40 and 50, given the odd shape. Not bad at all. If I do this trick to the big Autograph, I would probably be under 30Hz.

Hey! some build Plastic bodied Replicas (so they think) of Ferraris or Other Automotive Exotica .
Which is fine everybody has a Fantasy :)
Only amusing though when they subsequently delude them selves into thinking their ersatz efforts are not just the equal but even Better objects than the genuine articles.
As if.
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