My "audiophile" LM3886 approach

BOM to above silk and copper
Have fun!
If you go to you can get some cool stuff called Press N Peel. You print on it then iron it just like toner, but it comes off really nicely. It worked great for me with SMALL boards and was a bit of an issue with larger boards. I got it to work with the MyRefC single sided. You have to run the board under cold water then remove right away after the ironing. It seems to be the extreme change in temp that helps the stuff do what its supposed to do.


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This will remind everyone of my previous problem with a transformer but that thing really was a 240V so I was only getting 12/12 from it.
This time I bought an Antek AN6224. 600VA, Dual secondaries, 24VAC.
I just took one pair of secondaries to the board rather than tie one from each pair together to get ground. SO I had 12/12 and then earth ground to the board. I have no idea what I was thinking. I have made a few power supplies recently and for me to fiddle with it for a few days and still not see that right in my face :) I dont know.
Anyway Now to get a preamp on it and get some attenuation to the incredibly loud sound it gave me last night!
I have to say it sounds, with only one channel going so far, really really really good. Mauro claims it sounds better than some class A amps. Well, who knows I have yet to finish my F5 so that comparison is a ways off for me, but right now Bruce Springsteen is in my basement and I get a private concert :)
That was the first improvement I noticed. His voice was definitely more 'real' than with my LM3886 'regular' chip amp, which I love dearly and is way more easy to build than this thing, and cheaper to.
I really like this amp for a few reasons. Obviously right now on the first ten minutes of real listening the voices are improved. I would like to add a roll off to the highs though. The thing is a beast. I have really really screwed with it and screwed up a few things that by all rights should have killed it. I smelled smoke 5 minutes before I got it all right and it is still playing well. It waits before turning on so that I dont get that 'bump.' I like that a lot. It has speaker protection. Some of you may know from my past mishaps that this is, in my case, a big bonus.
I used a safety circuit in all my testing and the circuit is in place right now. I will NEVER, I repeat NEVER build another amp without using it. It may have saved this baby several times from cooking or maybe the amps own circuitry would have saved it, but nevertheless the safety lightbulb in my poor mans variac has lit many times and the time I smelled smoke the lightbulb lit and either saved the amp or gave the amp time to save itself. I dont know which but I am grateful to AndrewT of DIYaudio for promoting this circuit in almost every other post when he is helping newbs or pros.
You can find that little gem here:
Thanks Mauro, Russ, Brian, AndrewT
I appreciate the help and innovation from you guys.
Last week, Two different poster's ( Troystg, and Schro20 ???) mentioned contacting Apex Jr. about putting an ancillary component package together for this group buy. I know from the web page he was on vacation when it was mentioned. He's back now, did anyone contact him, or will we need to do it individually?

BTW this is going to be a really neat project, and Kudo's should be sent with haste to Udailey, and Schro20, for the idea to revive the design, and for doing the legwork to bring it off.

Thanks Guys!

John, Thanks for your kindness :)
Peter will return from his business trip in 2 days and we will work on the last details then start taking payments.
I think I know the kit you were talking about from ApexJr and I dont think Peter meant that the kit would be part of this Group Buy because many people may already have most or all of those parts in their parts bins. I think if you reread the thread you will find that Troy was thinking of emailing Steve to ask if he would put together kits but I never saw anything further on that subject.
udailey said:
John, Thanks for your kindness :)
Peter will return from his business trip in 2 days and we will work on the last details then start taking payments.
I think I know the kit you were talking about from ApexJr and I dont think Peter meant that the kit would be part of this Group Buy because many people may already have most or all of those parts in their parts bins. I think if you reread the thread you will find that Troy was thinking of emailing Steve to ask if he would put together kits but I never saw anything further on that subject.
That's my recollection as well.

(Just returned from a stroll along Aplui street in Hong Kong... :) Didn't buy much; you really need a shopping list for this...)

My Eagle files for monoblock RevC

Hey folks. I have decided I will just go ahead and release the Eagle files for the my mono block layout of Mauro's fine design for DIY use only. This is the latest 2 side layout I did, its the same we used for production.

Have fun with it!

Modify it, tweak it, anything you like.

Uriah/Peter, you can now modify the drill sizes to be anything you like.



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I remembered reading last week about the Apex Jr. stuff, and wanted to "bump it" as the convenience would be nice. Already had Two volunteers to check it out.

I'm getting ready to place a PE order and planned to include the Traffo as it will be enough to get free shipping, and traffo's being as heavy as they are....

The GB at Antek could be nice, the discount would likely save you the cost of freight, if bought direct. If you were to try to coordinate the buy Uriah, and reship the Traffo's, they would likely be heavy enough to warrant truck freight, from Antek. Then, you'd be stuck with a pallet, and having to move around by hand and store several hundred pounds of goods (unless you've got a forklift).

Something to think about...

mightym said:
Last week, Two different poster's ( Troystg, and Schro20 ???) mentioned contacting Apex Jr. about putting an ancillary component package together for this group buy. I know from the web page he was on vacation when it was mentioned. He's back now, did anyone contact him, or will we need to do it individually?

BTW this is going to be a really neat project, and Kudo's should be sent with haste to Udailey, and Schro20, for the idea to revive the design, and for doing the legwork to bring it off.

Thanks Guys!


Steve was on vacation but replied and said he WOULD be happy to put all the components together for us.

I created and Peter posted the list of items earlier here.

I can start a new thread if there is interest in these items.
Russ, Brian, other MyRef experts,
What are your views on 22VAC vs 24VAC for AC power to the amp?

ps: The toroids being at my house dont bother me. I might even just go pick them up. Antek is 3hrs 39minutes from my house as far as Google Maps says. I dont expect we would get requests for more than 30-40 of them and the AN4218 that I have weighs 8.2lbs. So, I think even the trunk of the car would be fine. Lets say we got 40 of them. Thats 400 dollars of shipping from Antek or a days driving and $50 of gas for me. Its a bit of a savings and since I would then have to ship them from my house with the rest of the ApexJr kit we would not want to have to pay another $10 each for shipping. So maybe we could get the total cost of shipping down to $15. Hmm when I think it through that way my driving might not make as much sense. Truck delivery might be best. I will have to talk to John at Antek after I talk to Peter about this.