This is the circuit I have in mind...

Quite sure that the servo can be made different...where it is less in the signal path.. but this will work...only must the fundamental offset in the summing node be adjusted so it' close to zero before engaging the servo..

The showed resistor voltage reduction for the servo opamp is not good enough. think that a 15 V zener solution would be better, but for sims this works OK

The gain here is 56 dB, but can be adjusted by adjusting Riaa network values.
The circuit is extremely fast and has a bandwidth of more than 30 MHz.

Can be used with an octet of BF862. without changing the currents, then noise will be extremely low as well...But for ease and proof of concept i think that the SK170 will be good enough


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No, that was in 2009 as far as i know. I found this interesting, but this is not important at the moment. I have enough to do.
Just today. I wanted to try out the MM stage of the Tanzmusik. I had visited Fink Consulting some time ago and Karl-Heinz gave my an AT95E. He said something like "it is so good that i do sometimes not know what the fuzz is about expensive MC´s". That is strong medicine but i was curious enough to try it out. I put it in my Goldring table that is the cheapest REGA with a wooden platter. It is somewhat modified but this again is not important. The sound i got really surprised me. In a very wide midrange everything is fine. The stage is wide, deep and high. At the extremes of the spectrum there is some loss of grip and punch in the bass and the upper treble is extended enough but a little bit fuzzy. It does not sound as energetic or spontaneous as my reference table either but it is interesting and sweet enough to draw my attention. Fatigue is low too so there is no excuse any more not to try vinyl if you are bored by your crap DVD player. Buy a used REGA or restore a Lenco L75, put this marvel of a bargain in and you are set with maybe 150,-€.
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