More engineering humor

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I don't know about that

The wildest thing I've ever witnessed was in Chicago. On the Dan Ryan Expressway in bumper to bumper 80mph, every other car rubber neckin any barely empty spot to switch lanes - like it makes any difference at all - on a hot summer evening at the headed home hour.

I was already wondering why I put up with such a life on the edge when three hotrodded monster bikes FLY by my passenger window at at least 160mph. No helmets, lane splitting, and not a chance in hell of avoiding anything within ten or fifteen car lengths ahead.

I'm a rider myself. So the emotion of watching this was quite a bit like sitting at a table watching three fellows clicking off a pistol against their heads in a game of russian roulette. Pretty unnerving.

But this was a humorous thread - and I digress.
A chemical engineer, an electrical engineer and a Microsoft engineer are together in a car on the freeway. The car starts acting up and finally stalls. The driver pulls it off to the side and the three engineers start arguing about what might be wrong.

Elecrical engineer: "It's probably the electrical system. We should check the fuses, the connections at the computer and see if there's a problem."

Chemical engineer: "It's probably the fuel system. I bet it's clogged, or there's something in the gasoline."

Microsoft engineer: "Let's close the windows, get out, get back in and then see if it starts."



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My first road bike was a Yamaha 2 stroke with a pressed metal frame. I was taking a sweeping bend at 60kph when the frame ripped up the centre. I was thrown down between the two halves of the bike and into oncoming traffic.

There was a pub at this point and the staff ran out to help me. They dragged me inside and gave me a couple of beers on the house to calm the nerves. Then I rang my boss to give him the story and he insisted I go to the hospital.

A couple of weeks later I got a surprise call from the local police station. Stunned, I had to explain why I had had the accident and happend to be full of alcohol.
You are electronically invited on the marriage occasion of
(working as amplifier in "CE" configuration)
Miss. DIODE IN4007,
(working as a rectifier in Electronic Circuits)
The only Daughter of Mr & Mrs. Silicon and Germanium
MUHURTAM March 30, 2K6 @ 10-45 Amplitude Modulation
VENUE At Peizo Electric Palace, Near Wein Bridge, Nyquist criterion Road-2,
Electricity -508085.
Yours inductively
Mr&Mrs. ADC DAC,
Near P-N Junction, IC Road , Zener breakdown.

Inductor, Resistor, Capacitor, Transformer Near & Dear
Note: Musical N i ght By Motors and Generators
Chief Guest: LED's And LCD's
Once 'Constant' and e^x ( e raised to x) were walking down the road.
Suddenly 'Constant' screamed and said:

"I m going bcoz 'Differential' is coming and if he sees me he will eliminate me."

But e^x stands firm in front of ' Differential' and says:

"U can't do anything with me. I m e^x and will always be e^x."

'Differential starts laughing........

Differential says: " I m not d/dx, I m d/dy."
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