More engineering humor

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Another true story

Hi all,
Im working here as a contractor in Kuwait. I fix US Army electronics.

Sometimes the people back home ask for things that are very difficult to do. Then people here make the task amazingly difficult for less than any useful reason.

Below is a 'rant' I sent to some friends on a gun rights BBS.
Perhaps you too might get some giggles from the stress.

Hopefully the moderators won't ban me for life. This ones caustic.

Later guys
Jack Crow in Kuwait.

Hi all,
As you know Kuwait has turned me into a REMF.

But I refuse to treat this job as an entitlement program.

I’m working in relative comfort, away from where the mortars are landing. This is a privilege posting, and it would be a crime upon personal honor to treat it any other way.

I make an effort every day to be more efficient, repair the various parts in a timely manor and insure that they are 'good to go' for our troopers.

No doubt it's a revolution of one, I may or may not be making a useful change in the war, but your tax dollars will not be wasted by me. I refuse to do business as usual. (I impressed a military unit with me, they said “your really doing component level repair here, wow!” that felt real good!)


The more entrenched a set of leaders, the more crap they come up with to turn productive techies into office staff.

I got a nasty gram today about my company email box. It’s full.
Back when I started I told them I didn’t want one.
I didn’t need one.
I gave them my yahoo account to use.
Since last May until now, it must have filled up with crap and it's on the edge of overflow.

I’m not much of a computer geek, and don't know how to use it. Don't know what my 'sign in' is let alone any password. To access it, requires a program I have no clue as to how it works.

My boss comes in and tells me this. I tell him that I’ve asked many times how to use it and nobody has spent or made the time to show me.

If this wasn’t so pathetic, it would be funny.

What's worse?

Just had to jump through a large number of hoops over the security clearance. Got a nasty gram about a month ago telling me that if I don't do this, I will be out of a job.

The current on line security form is better than the first try I did way back when. But it wants a lot of information. Fortunately the wife sent me all my stuff from the first time. So most of it was type in the old data and just make up for the new dates. Back and forth a few times to HQ in order to smooth out the rough edges. Now that looks rather good. Nobody has asked for a change in 5 days.

I get a follow up note that 'they' (the security clearance people) need new finger print cards. Some how the ones from 2.5 years ago are not good enough.

Boys, did you think I changed my fingerprints just to annoy you?

The dumb stupid things people ask.

Common sense caught the last plane out.

Anyhow, I’m in Kuwait and need proper and official fingerprints.
The company office suggested I contact the MP's office.

Seems we don't have many real MP's here and most of the staff is made up of CSA employees. The nice thing I can say about CSA security, is they are a “fine looking bunch of rubber guns”. They are so hip they can’t see past their pelvis. Perhaps I can make some money and open a donut shop. They are not fit to be organ donors.

I go there last Thursday and ask to get the finger prints done.
They are out of finger print ink.
I thank them and leave.

Half trillion dollar war and a major base is out of fingerprint ink.
Four days later the same lame excuse.
Someone has failed badly.

Then I thought about it.

They fingerprint a lot of people, if the ink supply ran to zero, and then commerce on this base would grind to a halt. New TCN's could not get jobs, Vendors could not make deliveries.

I’ve been lied to.

I try again today and get a more belligerent no from a CSA staffer.
Had to bite my tongue to keep from accusing them of lying.
It will heal in about 4 months, keeping a band aid on it until then will be difficult.

Back to the company office. I don’t want to go ‘down town’ to the US embassy and find out their fingerprint dude is enjoying two weeks of r and r in Rangoon.

My luck always runs bad when dealing with officialdom. Call it preemptive karma. Success is not allowed.

Anyhow, one of my better ploys is to play 'sad puppy'. That worked. Not without a price.

It's going to cost me a dinner out with Lady Kilea, our admin, and a knock out to boot. (Kilea help is worth twice the price, I’m happy to pay it) but she found me an agency on the base that will take care of this little chore Tuesday AM.

Then the package can go to HQ and perhaps I won't have to pack and go home.

Back to CSA, one bad turn deserves another.

Been playing a head game with the CSA staff at the various gates.

They do most of our base security stuff. (Except finger print cards for AMCITS the humps) They 'wave' a lot of cars onto and off from the base.

I’ve created a fraudulent physical condition called “CSA Elbow” from all the waving, and have been telling them they can apply for job disability payments when their arms hurt too much.

I would have made a truly evil psy ops guy.

How long before a few of these mental midgets try it.

Too bad “MS. HQ our stools are not odoriferous, we are out of ink first class Bitch isn’t at the gate.

Rant off.

Later guys
Jack Crow in Kuwait

"You are, what you do, when it counts"
The Masso
Jacco V, your answer.

I had an interesting discussion with a husband and wife that are here from your country.

It had to do with the concept of First, Second, and Third world countries. Where do we draw the line.

I used your place as an example.

Reasonably honest politicitans.
Honest police.
Clean water.
Clean air.
Reliable utilities.
Good food.
Personal freedoms.
Honest news reporting.

That's a good measure for the first world. Most of Europe would fit that. I personally saw that in England, Ireland, and France.

Kuwait is in the Second world.
Still run by a rulling family. They seem to do well at it.

Corruption is rife at lower levels. A small bribe in the right place get's you jumped on line at all kinds of things. The whole civle ID thing took a lot less time when our 'guide' knew who to pay and how much.

If a forginer (non Kuwait) commits a crime, they get slammed. If a Kuwait commits a murder, they get exiled. Females tend to be domestic crime victems way too often. There are only about 800k real Kuwaities and 2.5 million outsiders like me working here.

The police here don't 'break' a case by invistigation. As the papers put it "the guilty party confessed". Wonder what they beat them with.

Water here is a mixed message. The bottle water is rather good. They say the tap water is ok, but I try not to drink it.

Depending on which way the wind is blowing, the stink of the refinerys and the oil loading aint' too bad. But there are places where gas is flaried off and lots of visible smoke from that. Reside from a power plant at Camp Doha causes an illness called "The Kuwaiti Crud". It takes about three weeks for that misery to go away. The sand and dust don't help.

The electric service here is fairly good. Im used to the US 120vac system, so some of the things here are scarey. Mostly the low quality of the fittings. Cheap plastic, weak springs, pitted and burining acceccories. It's amazing there are not more fires here. Same deal in Brazil.

There are some freedoms here. If you don't like them your free to leave. Islam runs this place, so if something you like is on Islam's list, it's disallowed.

I don't know enough about the situation here to see if there is a free or managed press. I suspect it's somewhere inbetween by the tone of the articles. They are not shy about saying some government policy is a failure or not.

On the plus side, at least there is some trace of rule of law. Things are not totally arbitrary.

Iraq is a mess.

Saddam ran the country like a mafia don. It's hard to imagine but true. Everyone suffered at his hands, either directly or other wise. Too bad we can only hang that bastard once.

The two branches of Islam there don't like each other much. There were regular stories of neighborhoods mortaring each other over differences in doctrine. The hate is so thick now, they won't use a bathroom if a member of the other branch has used it.

So we are luckey to live in the first world.

Kuwait is not so bad as it is dull.

Ever see the movie "Ground Hog Day".
Where the main character get's stuck in a time loop, and each day is Ground Hog day. He can't get out of the loop until he manages to get everything right. Then the spell is broken, and life can go on.

Little by little I too am getting everything right.
Then I can get on the plane and go back to what I used to think was normal. See my dogs and wife again. (Truth be told I miss the dogs more)

Hope I diden't bore you. Just having a very quiet day and need to think.
Time for lunch, so on with the feed bag.

Later dude
Hope your world smells better.
Jack Crow in Kuwait.
Jack Crow said:
Ever see the movie "Ground Hog Day".


Bill Murray is great, many comedians are not funny at all.

They're still flaring hydrogen sulphide in Kuwait, i thought that had stopped by now ?
Actually, i live 5 miles from a conglomerate of refinery plants, including one Q8. The moment i drive the car into the tunnel under the seaway the air-intake goes shut. Lucky to live by the ocean, everything's clean here. (though i suspect some of my neighbours to be drugdealers, they don't look smart enough to be that wealthy. Last year i lived on Merc-M lane, this year it's Cayenne drive)

Hi guys,

When I get complex notes, I try and interlace my comments in yours.


They're still flaring hydrogen sulphide in Kuwait,

“Is that what that stuff is. I know gotz about oil except it makes my car operate. Also given the quality of workers here, I’m wondering why I have not been witness to a refinery fire or two.”

i thought that had stopped by now ?

“Remember I’m a transistor changer, not involved in the oil field business.”

Actually, i live 5 miles from a conglomerate of refinery plants, including one Q8.

“Q8 is that in Kuwait or in Europe”

The moment i drive the car into the tunnel under the seaway the air-intake goes shut. Lucky to live by the ocean, everything's clean here.

(though i suspect some of my neighbours to be drugdealers, they don't look smart enough to be that wealthy. Last year i lived on Merc-M lane, this year it's Cayenne drive)

“When I lived in Amityville New York I knew I had neighbors who were drug dealers. The problem is that the rules state an individual just can’t shoot them. It’s difficult to get the police to act due to the very complex ‘rules of evidence’ we have to live with.

On the other hand, some dealers do a good job on each other. That’s where I first heard automatic weapons fire.

The part of Amityville that has the ‘horror’ house is in the south end of the town.


When wrerte you last in England?
I'd give it 2.5 / 7 these days!

Mr Densy,
Please don’t take this the wrong way.

Your civilized.

In spite of many things England is a good place to be.

There is never going to be a utopia run by humans, but the UK impressed the heck out of me. Big things and small.

The rest of the world is far from civilized.
It seems to be the human common standard that very few can rise above.

The London police I met were wonderfully nice guys. Only one citizen made a nasty remark after I let slip that I was working in Iraq at the time. Most people were fascinated by it all.

I was there in July of 2005 on and off for 2 weeks.

Most of the time in London. I didn’t do the usual tours. Mostly it was bumping around and looking. Purchased a suit near Seville road. Managed too loose the VAT slip. Had Fish and Chips in a neighborhood bar. Saw a movie near Piccadilly.
Spent some money at the Virgin mega store there. Got good with the Tube system. Big Ben has great tone.

If I ever get back there, I want to take the train out to ‘Barking” just to say I’ve been there. Took the trip on the London Eye. An amazing gadget.

After six months in the Iraqi desert, even your rain was wonderful.

Portmiriron in Wales. Wow what a place to detox from the war. Old world levels of service. Amazing food, and the ‘village’ it’s self.

Oxford to visit the grave site of a favorite author. James Blish was buried in a church yard there. Even found a good Chinese food dealer in town.

Duxford to see the museum there. Our tour lady got us tickets to see the museum, and it was also the day for a concert and an air show. As ‘Yanks’ it was an experience to be in the middle of a huge crowd of Brits having a wonderful time. Huge picnics were set up, flags waved. You guys were having fun and it was great to be a part of it.

In 1944 and 45 my old man had a part time job driving B17’s out of the UK and into Nazi held lands. They had a fly by of a working ’17 there. Also some of the huts were restored to war time condition. I was able to compare the old mans war to mine. The Germans knew how to shoot. So going up to play tag in one of those things took some nerve. It was the first major change in attitude about my parent since high school.

Mt. Snowden was neat. We took the ferry to Dublin and had a nice night there. Also took the Eurostar to Paris for a night.

I don’t recommend the contractors life style. But after being shot at, mortared and rocketed, I can put up with most any nonsense as long as it ain’t trying to kill me.

Guess I answered the question.

Later dude,
Need to get some work done.
Jack Crow in Kuwait

Jack, we're not going to ban you for life, but we do have rules against political discussion. Normally, I'd pull the offending posts, but yours was much too interesting.

In any case, let's drop the global political subject.

And please drop me an email (use the button below), I have a question or two for you.
Seems like everyone is getting (or not getting) someone else's rain... and this seems to occuring a little more each year.

I'm thinking about moving in few years... to someplace that has vegetation. ...wonder where that will be????????????????

Oh... and great posts Jack Crow (not really political). I have been a few places as well... not for so long a time... and rarely in a war zone. Most people in North America & Europe just don't appreciate how good they have it. And BTW... thanks for fixin all those transistors for our boys...


Just for the record, I hold no degree.
Im a high priced transistor changer with a knack for fixing high power analog things. In other words a throw back to a simpler time. In ten years I will be running a Burger King because what I do has 'gone away'.

Learned electronics from a 'match book cover' and had some exotic jobs that I learned too much from.

There are some fun things here from time to time.

Back in Scania one wag posted a number of signs around the base that Britney Spears was going to do a show at our 'truck stop in the sand'. Do you know how many idiots fell for that?

We had one guy pratice his golf inside the walls of the base. Then he got the idea to hit with his driver off the top of the mechanics building using a sand bag for a tee. Worked good too until he knocked a ball into an observation post and had it bounce off the armor.

Some of us had UV flash lights. They were handy for looking for bad bills. Bogus money is real popular in the mid east. They were also good for scorpian hunting after hours. Seems they floress when hit with UV. Anyhow, those bugs make lousy pets.

Im still friends with the Chaplin from there. Major Dave used to have 'movie night' in a little lounge area at the back of the chappel.

One night we played "Dr Stranglove". Most of the kids had never viewed this film. It was a shocker for them.

The SiFi film "Galaxey Quest" we did twice.

Another night was "Mystery Men" about a 'b' team of super heros that save the city.

Then one monday when the Major and I had off, we sat and watched "Pink Floyd's Live in Pompe" (sp?). Seems he is a retired hippie and even w/o drugs it was a fun thing to watch.

The list went on.

Later dude and stay out of trauma
Jack Crow in Kuwait
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