Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

I have downloaded to use, avoiding the complicated setup. This image file is provided by taobao sellers, selling DAC for Raspberry. His store is as follows:

Hi sounds interesting - which driver is he using for the 9028 i2s dac, and which settings are you using? Do you get good sound, with no clicks or pops between tracks/albums of different sample rates etc? Thanks Adrian


You fellas are completely on your own with this. Please do not send me any support questions, rather direct your support issues to the third party offering an image.


You fellas are completely on your own with this. Please do not send me any support questions, rather direct your support issues to the third party offering an image.


Hi Tim - I've no intention of downloading this - would be wrong to bypass you and your work, and also way too risky. I just want to know what has been done that might help me set up Moode to get the best from my gear. Regards Adrian

As far as Bluetooth Speaker Sharing goes, I only test this using the IOS devices that I have and it works really well. After connecting both devices to Moode Bluetooth, either device can play a BT stream. The other device pops up a notification indicating that its stream has stopped and can be resumed by simply pressing Play.

I don't know how BT speaker sharing works on non IOS devices or whether they even support this capability.


I have only Android devices here, a completely different ecosystem than iOS. Just now two of them are paired and connected with moOde. One is a Nexus 6P phone running Android 8.1.0 on a stock ROM and the other a Nexus 7 tablet running Android 6.0.1 on a third-party ROM.

I can stream to moOde via BT with either device or with both together (which leads to interesting mashups---BBC World Service overlaid with jazz, for example). Based on this experience I'd say most recent Android versions should work fine.

I'm not sure how "[T]he other device pops up a notification indicating that its stream has stopped and can be resumed by simply pressing Play" works in iOS but I haven't found a feature like it in Android. The apps on the devices run independently---playing and pausing/stopping as I command. YMMV.

Hi Tim, second attempt installing Moode .... HeeBoo's script worked again without a problem. Did the update/upgrade to be on the safer side.

And I think I also found the point where Moode simply gets useless since not reacting to anything. Got to do with failing in offering a working cifs mount.
Once it failed due to lousy password handling, the libriary does think something's configured and trying to correct that (Config>Sources>) leads to the effect that you see the "Configuration settings" dialog and any further keypress leads to nothing since it won't accept any input apart from CLOSE.

Rebooting Moode does cure the issue, but that's pretty uncomfortable.

You should fix the cifs mount command generation. It suffers from not encapsulating the password and the unforseen characters such as $ result then resulted in a non compatible mount command which fails.
You can try this from commandline since
sudo mount -t cifs //..../ /... -o username=xxx,password=a#1$2,ro, ..... fails whereas
sudo mount -t cifs //..../ /... -o username=xxx,password='a#1$2',ro, .... works.
While I wouldn't suggest to simply surround it by single-quotes since my next upcoming password for the NAS (share) could for example be something such as '13Gsf$fraF34r (incl. the single-quote being the first password character.
And another one for Tim.
Any idea on how it should work to set up Moode with a piano 2.1 DAC?
I issue I run into is that if I define the ALSA volume, lets say to 100, the woofer (2.1 mode) get's set too 100 aswell.
If I then re-adjust the woofer to 60, the ALSA main volume drops aswell after the reboot.
If I then raise this to 100, woofer volume follows to 100.

Means again, one must use the shell to configure the whole lot using alsamixer.
If so, the frontend is simply useless, better said one could use it to verify if one did configure the whole lot from the commandline so it suits, but for modifiying the value through the gui it can't be propperly used.
Bring back the img file, please...

Hi Tim,

I have been using moode for several years now. upgraded every time there was a new version out there, also the paid one. But have postponed the latest and 'greatest' because there is no img file. I have read the tutorial of post 12712, and well it is a bit too much hassle for me. Which is a shame for me. So, could you please reconsider the current download, and bring back an image file version of your much appreciated audio player?

Hi Tim, second attempt installing Moode .... HeeBoo's script worked again without a problem. Did the update/upgrade to be on the safer side.

And I think I also found the point where Moode simply gets useless since not reacting to anything. Got to do with failing in offering a working cifs mount.
Once it failed due to lousy password handling, the libriary does think something's configured and trying to correct that (Config>Sources>) leads to the effect that you see the "Configuration settings" dialog and any further keypress leads to nothing since it won't accept any input apart from CLOSE.

Rebooting Moode does cure the issue, but that's pretty uncomfortable.

You should fix the cifs mount command generation. It suffers from not encapsulating the password and the unforseen characters such as $ result then resulted in a non compatible mount command which fails.
You can try this from commandline since
sudo mount -t cifs //..../ /... -o username=xxx,password=a#1$2,ro, ..... fails whereas
sudo mount -t cifs //..../ /... -o username=xxx,password='a#1$2',ro, .... works.
While I wouldn't suggest to simply surround it by single-quotes since my next upcoming password for the NAS (share) could for example be something such as '13Gsf$fraF34r (incl. the single-quote being the first password character.


CIFS password is already single quoted in the code and seems to be working for the majority of users. If there is another delimiter that would be better then feel free to propose one, or even propose a different approach.

And another one for Tim.
Any idea on how it should work to set up Moode with a piano 2.1 DAC?
I issue I run into is that if I define the ALSA volume, lets say to 100, the woofer (2.1 mode) get's set too 100 aswell.
If I then re-adjust the woofer to 60, the ALSA main volume drops aswell after the reboot.
If I then raise this to 100, woofer volume follows to 100.

Means again, one must use the shell to configure the whole lot using alsamixer.
If so, the frontend is simply useless, better said one could use it to verify if one did configure the whole lot from the commandline so it suits, but for modifiying the value through the gui it can't be propperly used.


I have a Piano 2.1 and no issues configuring the modes (Dual-Stereo, Dual-Mono, Subwoofer 2.1, 2.2). I currently run it in Dual-Mono.

I have only Android devices here, a completely different ecosystem than iOS. Just now two of them are paired and connected with moOde. One is a Nexus 6P phone running Android 8.1.0 on a stock ROM and the other a Nexus 7 tablet running Android 6.0.1 on a third-party ROM.

I can stream to moOde via BT with either device or with both together (which leads to interesting mashups---BBC World Service overlaid with jazz, for example). Based on this experience I'd say most recent Android versions should work fine.

I'm not sure how "[T]he other device pops up a notification indicating that its stream has stopped and can be resumed by simply pressing Play" works in iOS but I haven't found a feature like it in Android. The apps on the devices run independently---playing and pausing/stopping as I command. YMMV.


Hi Kent,

Thanks for testing some Droids :)

The coordination on IOS is via iTunes. Just become assimilated into the Apple collective ;-)



  • moode-r40rc2-bt1.png
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  • moode-r40rc2-bt2.png
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Whats a good player on Android?

Truth to tell, I don't play that much music on my Android devices; that's what my moOde players are for!

I mostly get along with the built-in Google Play Music. I have the Tidal and BubbleUPnP apps installed only because you added upmpdcli to moOde, and RadioDroid because it accesses the comprehensive radio-browser database.

Search on "best Android music player" and you'll learn more than you probably want to hear from opinionated bloggers. I think it's down to the specific features one wants: streaming vs local, equalizing, meta-tag editing, scrobbling, etc. There's something there for everyone. I often see mention of Musicolet, BlackPlayer, Pulsar, MusicMonkey. Often there's a free version and a paid version with more features.

And, of course, there's Amazon Music and Apple Music.

I use moode 4b12, and I use it mostly for playing music from tidal. One thing that was missing for me was scrobbling from tidal to
I've found Jean-Francois Dockes page Mpdas-UPnP: a Last.FM scrobbler for UPnP renderers where he describes his plugin to mpdas (used in moode) which does exactly what I wanted. The problem was the git page was out of date. So I've emailed Jean-Francois, and... few hours later he commited forked version of mpdas (mpdas - C++ client to
submit tracks to audioscrobbler, supports new protocol
) with addin to scrobble tracks from upnp renderer to his repository (mpdas-upnp / Code
/ [b4024b]
One notice. The version he used is a little bit older than that originally used in moode 4b12 (0.4.5 vs 0.4.1) but that is not a problem for me.

What you have to do to have tidal scrobbler in moode:
# ssh to your raspberry
# go to your project folder
git clone -b upnp [URL][/URL] mpdasupnp-code
cd mpdasupnp-code
sh ./
configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-upnp
# wait for compilation to finish

# add line to configuration file for mpdas to use upnp renderer
# replace <upnp-friendly-name> with your upnp friendly name from upmpdcli conf file
echo "upnpname = <upnp-friendly-name>" >> /usr/local/etc/mpdasrc
# backup original mpdas
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/mpdas /usr/local/bin/mpdas.ory 
# copy compiled version with upnp support to bin folder
sudo cp ./mpdas /usr/local/bin
# reboot raspberry
sudo reboot

# voila
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Android Music Player

Whats a good player on Android?


I have a motog5 device with music player, PowerAmp Pro. I found this to be a good player in that it plays any of my music which is flac upto 24/96. Generally, use it wired but it will pair to BT IEM as well as MoOde. Unfortunately, my android device pauses every 5 seconds when paired with MoOde BT. It does this on any file format including mp3. I can say if I use an IPad with MoOde the music plays just fine.

Tim SoCal

I have a motog5 device with music player, PowerAmp Pro. I found this to be a good player in that it plays any of my music which is flac upto 24/96. Generally, use it wired but it will pair to BT IEM as well as MoOde. Unfortunately, my android device pauses every 5 seconds when paired with MoOde BT. It does this on any file format including mp3. I can say if I use an IPad with MoOde the music plays just fine.

Tim SoCal


Every 5 seconds? Wow.

What happens then? Do the motog5 and moOde stay paired and connected? Does the PowerAmp Pro player actually indicate it has gone into pause mode? Can you continue by hitting play? What model RPi and what Bluetooth transceiver?

As a data point: streaming from my Nexus 7 running RadioDroid via BT to a USB-BT adapter on an RPi2B running moOde, I've been listening to the "Audiophile Jazz" radio station for the last hour without interruption.

I think I may have occasionally experienced an interruption while testing but I have no definitive proof of cause and no reason to believe it was due specifically to moOde and its BT code.

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Power failure, how to prevent file corruption?

Wow, huge thread.

I have been using v3.1 for about 1 year and I really enjoy it, it’s extremely stable and never goes crazy like Windows blue screen..

I usually have about once a month a power failure therefore the content of the micro card inside the Pi 2 gets corrupted. Following this I have to re-download the image file and reconfigure everything.

Is there a way to prevent this ? Could I monitor the 5vdc powering the Pi through MoOde and shut down the program to prevent corruption ?

Thank you for such a great software.