Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Is there an API documentation for the external control of the Moode?
Can I somehow play a mp3 file with another Linux PC without NAS source addition?


It doesn't look like anyone answered your questions.

The first question is easy. No, there isn't API documentation for moOde per se, but mpd is a core component of moOde and you can use the mpd API documentation for many purposes.

I'm not sure I understand your second question. Do you mean you have an mp3 file on some other Linux PC and you want your moOde player to play it?

If that's so, then IMHO the easiest course is to do what you apparently don't want to do---set up a local SAMBA or NFS share. Otherwise, I suppose you could

1) take advantage of moOde's UPnP renderer by setting up a UPnP AV media server on your PC (minimserver, for example) and running a UPnP control-point application on it or a phone or whatever.

2) take advantage of moOde's Bluetooth speaker capability by running a music player on the PC and streaming the audio to moOde over a Bluetooth adapter.

3) take advantage of moOde's Squeezelite renderer somehow (about which I know nothing).

4) ???

Frankly, I think each of these options requires more work than setting up a NAS on the PC, and I don't like having to use yet another UI, but YMMV.

Financial Support

One more post before I go be trail boss to a bunch of high school students trying to build sets for their spring musical.

Do you use moOde (well, of course you do), do you use it to listen to Internet Radio stations like the Jazz Groove or the many SomaFM offerings or others?

All of these efforts have something in common. They seem to us to be as free as air.

Even if you discount the time invested by their developers/operators, however, they all have high ongoing backend costs running servers, using CDNs, paying royalties in the case of the music streamers, etc. ("keeping the lights on", as my local public radio station would say).

Please remember to support the efforts you benefit from with your donations and subscriptions. Aren't they worth at least as much as you pay for coffee? I think so and I personally support all three of the efforts I mention.

They could disappear tomorrow without your support and we would be poorer for it.

Now I play with a USB stick in the raspberry and exactly the same problem.
I see that the raspberry disconnected from power.
I replace the raspberry pi 3B for a spare one and I also replace the connector with cable.
It playing about 5 minutes then raspberry reboot again.
I am confused what is going on, if I play my shigaclone cd transport on the dac no problem at all.

Just as a point of interest , while we have had some renovations done on the house I lost my office for a while, careless I know.

This has meant that my NAS box has as my grandfather used to put it 'been up and down like oo'ers drawers'

During these periods of downtime I did experience some sluggishness in the web UI, and trying to remove the reference was just as bad. Now some sort of normal service has returned I have remounted the nas mount and everything is fine.

Just because you can access GUI doesn't mean there no network issues lurking elsewhere.

I have a first-generation HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro on an RPi2B which is power-cycled only when I try a new release of moOde, otherwise on 24/7. Hasn't ever been a problem. (Listening to it now on moODe 4.0: Cannonball Adderley jamming with "Jay Jay" Johnson).

I also has a HiFiBerry DAC+ which sometimes resides on an RPi3B but is often off as I test various things. It hasn't logged the same amount of on-time but it hasn't given me any problem like you describe.

Are you confident of your power chain?


Short answer: yes. Longer answer, both power supplies are relatively new and supply ample current. They worked with v3.x and v4 betas.

I have problems with constantly rebooting raspberry pi 3 b if I do music scan or playing flac.
My power supply is 12v 500va.
Teddy pardo 5v 2A for raspberry.
Teddy pardo 5v 2A for alo isolator and hifiberry digi plus pro.
Edit : I have also 1000 gig ssd connected to the raspberry.


Hi Rudy,

What method did u use to make moOde image?

Allo Vana player questions

Hi All -

I bought the Allo vana player and got it to work...(ish). it played music but very intermittently and only via the pretty awful squeezebox software on my phone.

It is connected to a NAS which is where all my FLAC files are stored, over ethernet, and has the wifi adapter so my phone can control it.

It does play and I can control playback from my phone, but music comes and goes, and the control interface is extremely slow and laggy.

I know the Moode player does not run on the Allo Sparky.

From a youtube video I watched, it seems that the Sparky can be replaced by a Raspberry Pi, which CAN run Moode.

One issue I have faced is I have not been able to connect a monitor /keyboard / mouse to the Sparky SBC, so I may not be able to directly log in to the Pi when I get one. Putty did not work to SSH into the Sparky from a windows machine.

Any experience to guide me to a path forward?

Hi Rudy,

What method did u use to make moOde image?


Hi Tim,

I downloaded the stretch lite from November on the site from raspberry.
Then I use win32DiskImager to write to the card.
Then the card in the raspberry power it up.
Login pi/raspberry then I use this script :

cd /home/pi
sudo wget -q -O /home/pi/
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/

2. Start the Image Builder

sudo ./

Edit : I use the 1 sd card method

Hi Tim,

I downloaded the stretch lite from November on the site from raspberry.
Then I use win32DiskImager to write to the card.
Then the card in the raspberry power it up.
Login pi/raspberry then I use this script :

cd /home/pi
sudo wget -q -O /home/pi/
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/

2. Start the Image Builder

sudo ./

Edit : I use the 1 sd card method


Hi Rudy,

Assuming the build was successful and a clean mosbrief log then the symptom "spontaneous reboots" suggests a hardware issue.

The only way I can think of to troubleshoot is to start with a bare Raspberry Pi-3B with nothing connected except an Ethernet cable and see if the problem still occurs. If not then one by one connect your peripherals and see one of them is causing issue.

mpd database update takes forever?


I just did a complete re-install of moode 4.0 (was using 2.6). After some patience the build appears to have completed successfully, I am able to play radio and the (according to my kids) hilarious Stereo-test from the SD card.
But when I click the update MPD database button to add my music collection nothing seems to happen. Except that nothing from the configuration menu responds anymore. So I guess it must be busy.
My (350GB) music is on an SSD connected directly to the Pi. As it was when I was using 2.6. I don't remember having to do anything special to make Moode 'see' the USB disk. Or was there a button in the older version to maximize the USB power output?
Is there any way to see if it is actually doing something after I click the update button? Any way to do a verbose update from the command line?

