Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

I understand what you are saying. But it will be quite hard to make that work because the tron interface get its information from other local applications that are running on the same device. To make the tron script get its information from another raspberry is beyond my capabilities (for now?)
Newbie questions

I have just ordered a raspberry pi 2 b and plan to build a music streamer with it, using the Moode player.

- Am I correct in understanding that Moode runs the MPD, and therefore supports any MPD client application?

- I am hoping to use the HiFiBerry Digi+ connecting to a Rega DAC through SPDIF, to play hi-res files.
Is this likely to work?
I have just ordered a raspberry pi 2 b and plan to build a music streamer with it, using the Moode player.

- Am I correct in understanding that Moode runs the MPD, and therefore supports any MPD client application?


- I am hoping to use the HiFiBerry Digi+ connecting to a Rega DAC through SPDIF, to play hi-res files.
Is this likely to work?

Yep. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't. But do consider an I2S DAC as well. Plenty to choose from.
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I am assuming that a $1000 Rega DAC fed through SPDIF is going to sound better than any I2S DAC.
But is there some problem with that setup that you avoid with an I2S?

If you already have one, then it's best to stick with it. If it sounds great to you already, then a Pi with a HiFiBerry Digi+ will sound as good as any other transport. Also, theoretically better than using a PC, especially if you can give it a clean mains PSU or run it off a battery.

If you haven't already bought a Rega, then I'm sure an I2S DAC will sound just as good and would be much cheaper. You could even buy a load of different types and choose your favourite, then sell the rest on Ebay.

Using an I2S DAC gives a shorter signal path. All other things being equal, that's got to help.
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I do already have the Rega...playing it from Sonos Connect, and I like the sound.
The main purpose of the RP rig would be to play hi-res audio...which Sonos doesn't support.

When you say the I2S DAC would sound just as good, is that because you believe that the benefits of higher priced DAC's are imaginary, or because there is some technical advantage to connecting a DAC directly to the RP board, i.e. that makes for better quality analogue output?
I do already have the Rega...playing it from Sonos Connect, and I like the sound.
The main purpose of the RP rig would be to play hi-res audio...which Sonos doesn't support.

When you say the I2S DAC would sound just as good, is that because you believe that the benefits of higher priced DAC's are imaginary, or because there is some technical advantage to connecting a DAC directly to the RP board, i.e. that makes for better quality analogue output?

Yeah, I'm a bit of a sceptic. It's all diminishing returns isn't it? Plenty of snake oil salesmen in the hifi industry.

Using a Pi instead of the Sonos should be fine IMO.
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I do already have the Rega...playing it from Sonos Connect, and I like the sound.
The main purpose of the RP rig would be to play hi-res audio...which Sonos doesn't support.

When you say the I2S DAC would sound just as good, is that because you believe that the benefits of higher priced DAC's are imaginary, or because there is some technical advantage to connecting a DAC directly to the RP board, i.e. that makes for better quality analogue output?

Hi Steve,

The HiFiBerry Digi+ is a really nice S/PDIF solution. It's fully supported in Moode and should work nicely with your Rega DAC. If you are using a coax connection to Rega, the Digi+ can be ordered with the "transformer output" option :)

You can use many different MPD clients with Moode for example MPoD/MPaD, etc., however Moode is a WebUI and runs natively in Browser on Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop/Desktop.

If u need help setting up, email tim at moodeaudio dot org and I'll b glad to assist.

Btw, Moode release 2.4 will be out in next day or two :)


Yep. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't. But do consider an I2S DAC as well. Plenty to choose from.

Why on earth do you advice an I2S DAC ??
I use RPI2 and DIGI+ connected to my Hegel H80 amp via S/PDIF (RCA 75 Ω) and it sounds realy great Have never had any problems of any kind with Moode Not even with my 24/192 flac-files

Might mention i used 100 $ on a good linear powersupply for the RPI
In theory a I2S DAC could be better. This is because you have less signal conversions. With a spdif dac the audio signal comes out of the raspberry as a I2S signal. The hifiberry digi transforms this into a spdif signal. The dac receives that spdif signal, and internally transforms it back to I2S before it goes to the actual DAC electronics. With a I2S dac connected directly onto the raspberry there are no transformations from I2S to spdif and back.

Don't forget howeve, all that is just theoratical. A very good spdif DAC will be hard to beat. Because there are much more factor that determine the sound quality, not just the transmission method.
In theory a I2S DAC could be better. This is because you have less signal conversions. With a spdif dac the audio signal comes out of the raspberry as a I2S signal. The hifiberry digi transforms this into a spdif signal. The dac receives that spdif signal, and internally transforms it back to I2S before it goes to the actual DAC electronics. With a I2S dac connected directly onto the raspberry there are no transformations from I2S to d.

Thats interesting explanation on whats actually happening with the signal I have not quite understood Whats the difference between spdif and I2S signal Both are bits and bytes ?
It appears converting from and to I2S ends up with eaqual bits ?
Why on earth do you advice an I2S DAC ??
I use RPI2 and DIGI+ connected to my Hegel H80 amp via S/PDIF (RCA 75 Ω) and it sounds realy great Have never had any problems of any kind with Moode Not even with my 24/192 flac-files

Might mention i used 100 $ on a good linear powersupply for the RPI
Hi Jorgen,

is there a certain reason why you use the Digi+?
Can't you use the Dac in the Hegel (via USB from the Pi2)?

Just curious because I'm interested in getting an integrated with included Dac, too.
The difference between spdif and I2S, in simple words:

spdif is 1 line over which the digital data is send in pulses.
The spdif receiver (in this case, the dac) has to read these pulses and have to figure out when exactly to read a certain pulse. It has to make its own clock signal to get the timing right.

I2S has several lines on which the digital data is send, and a seperate line with a clock pulse which tells the receiver exactly when to read the data pulse.

Because over I2S a seperate clock is send along with the audio data, the receiver can more precisely read the data. On spdif the receiver has to "guess" itself when exaclty to read the data. This can give a little timing error, that is called jitter.

So, in theory, a pure I2S connection has less jitter problems, and therefor a better sound quality. It depends on the actual dac electronics itself however how sensitive it is for jitter problems. Also the conversion from spdif to I2S and back can have some jitter errors, depending on the quality of the electronics involved.

You are right that bits are bits, but it is the timing of the bits that makes the difference.

All this is just theory ofcourse, and you are better of with a good spdif dac when compared to a bad I2S dac. Just trust your ears and go for whatever you think sounds good.
Hi Steve,

The HiFiBerry Digi+ is a really nice S/PDIF solution. It's fully supported in Moode and should work nicely with your Rega DAC. If you are using a coax connection to Rega, the Digi+ can be ordered with the "transformer output" option :)

You can use many different MPD clients with Moode for example MPoD/MPaD, etc., however Moode is a WebUI and runs natively in Browser on Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop/Desktop.

If u need help setting up, email tim at moodeaudio dot org and I'll b glad to assist.

Btw, Moode release 2.4 will be out in next day or two :)

Hi Tim, RP and Moode fired up right away...amazing.
But I am not able to configure my WD NTFS keeps saying 'mount error(6) No such device or address'
I am using SMB/CIFS...THE IP is correct...I can ping it...username guest, no password...
What am I doing wrong?

Cheers, Steve
Hi Tim, RP and Moode fired up right away...amazing.
But I am not able to configure my WD NTFS keeps saying 'mount error(6) No such device or address'
I am using SMB/CIFS...THE IP is correct...I can ping it...username guest, no password...
What am I doing wrong?

Cheers, Steve

Hi Steve,

When u map a drive to it in Windows what does the path look like for example:

