Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


Unable to repro "config.txt not being updated with dtoverlay= line" issue. I tested with a Pi-2B, HifiBerry DAC+ and Moode 2.0 download image.

After booting up I set I2S audio device to HifiBerry DAC+ then reboot. Config.txt had dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus line and Radio station played fine.


I just went through the whole process again and it did for me too - it must have been the ley lines, or something. :)
I'm having some rather basic problems getting connected, and am hoping for a little help.

I've got a RPi2 booted with 2.0. It shows up on my IP scanner, once as Moode and another as RPi. Plugged into a router, I can access it from the Moode.local in the browser, but when I go to prefs and plug in my wireless pw, after I hit submit, I can't get it to refresh and the browser refuses to load again for some period of time. I get frustrated, try again the next night, and get the same behavior. Plugging in assigned IP addresses gets no better results.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong, or what I should be looking at to troubleshoot? Tim, I do appreciate all the hard work and can't wait to get this thing into a workable state.


I was looking through my emails and ran across a user that had an SSID that contained a space. He put double quotes around it when entering it into the Network config screen and was then able to join WiFi network. Single quotes should also work. Same goes for password if it contains certain characters for example the semi colon.

Its on my to-do list, to do the quoting in the code, just haven't gotten to it yet.

In a hurry right now. Have not got the time to search the thread.
Just installed and tested moode 2.1 on one of my pies :)
USB out (Gustard U12). However I got these pops and clicks in the sound.
With archphile it was fine.

Any suggestions?

Neat interface though.


Probably the USB driver in Linux 3.18 kernels that does not seem to behave well with UAC2 USB receivers. Press AUDIO FIXES button on and try the fix.

Here is a relevant Github thread from March of this year that talks about audio noise and corruption over USB interface.

Great product! I am a newb of the first order but was still able to get Moode v1.9 working with only a few headaches.
First off, I am using the Schitt Modi 2 and it works great with Moode, so might want to add that to the list.
Second, I finally got the NAS to mount when I changed NFSVERS to 4 from 3 in the setup dialogue.
Third, the Czech radio station works fine, but all the others are just white noise, LOUD white noise with no volume control.
Lastly, I cannot quite figure out how to get album art to display. I am using a directory on my NAS which contains my music in an iTunes folder.
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks

Same with me- Czech radio works and space music (SomaFM), everything else I tried just loud white noise> BBC one/two/three/four,, Audiophile Jazz/Classical,WQXR,Jazz 88.3 FM etc
Pi 2, Modi 2, wired ethernet, tried Moode v2.0 and v2.1 test, USA...

Probably the USB driver in Linux 3.18 kernels that does not seem to behave well with UAC2 USB receivers. Press AUDIO FIXES button on and try the fix.

Here is a relevant Github thread from March of this year that talks about audio noise and corruption over USB interface.


Thanks for your quick response. I had already tried that fix
dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0x3 but with dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0x7, a fix I found another place. Will try this fix.

Same with me- Czech radio works and space music (SomaFM), everything else I tried just loud white noise> BBC one/two/three/four,, Audiophile Jazz/Classical,WQXR,Jazz 88.3 FM etc
Pi 2, Modi 2, wired ethernet, tried Moode v2.0 and v2.1 test, USA...


Apply the fix from instructions in my earlier post #347. This appeared to work for another user with Modi 2.


Re-coded the Library loader PHP function to use iteration instead of recursion to generate the flat view of the MPD database and its showing promising results :)

A user provided 14.5K song test collection on USB HDD that would not load at all now loads in under 10 secs. I added 3.5K songs from my own collection for a total of 18K tracks and no issues. Loads in 10 secs.

Thanks for your quick response. I had already tried that fix
dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0x3 but with dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0x7, a fix I found another place. Will try this fix.


Did not work. Still cracks and pops.

To the library loader. With my collection ~100000songs + the rpi just stopped working trying to generate mpd db. Had to just test with a couple of folders.
Will be nice with a sleeker, faster library loader.
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Did not work. Still cracks and pops.

To the library loader. With my collection ~100000songs + the rpi just stopped working trying to generate mpd db. Had to just test with a couple of folders.
Will be nice with a sleeker, faster library loader.


Just to make sure, after u added the parameter dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0x3 to cmdline.txt there was only a single line in the file, correct?

Cmdline.txt can have only one line and no blank lines above it otherwise it will not be parsed at boot time!

U can also try this parameter in cmdline.txt

Send email to tim at moodeaudio dot org if u would like to try 2.1 test release #2 that includes the re-coded Library loader.

PiCobber (GEEKROO | G'Day Technologies! | HiFi DAC PiCobber) PCM5102A-based DAC works fine. I used the HiFiBerry DAC setting woth software volume control, as it uses the same Burr-Brown DAC as the HiFiBerry DAC.

Actually, it was a $22 Chinese copy that my son bought by mistake. Works great. Just have to print a new case for the old Pi B

At US$22, it doesn't make a lot of sense - you can buy a genuine HiFiBerry DAC for near that.
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Can't find music on self powered external hard drive.
I plugged an external hard drive into the Pi2, updated MPD DB, and under 'Browse" I see NAS, SDcard, usb, usb2, usb3, and usb4- but browsing through all of these does not show any contents. I put a few test .aiff files on the HD but they do not show up anywhere.
Does it matter if the HD is formatted Mac OS Extended, exfat or other?
Any restriction on file type- aiff, flac etc?
What have I missed?
Radio stations all work fine.
Can't find music on self powered external hard drive.
I plugged an external hard drive into the Pi2, updated MPD DB, and under 'Browse" I see NAS, SDcard, usb, usb2, usb3, and usb4- but browsing through all of these does not show any contents. I put a few test .aiff files on the HD but they do not show up anywhere.
Does it matter if the HD is formatted Mac OS Extended, exfat or other?
Any restriction on file type- aiff, flac etc?
What have I missed?
Radio stations all work fine.


File systems supported for USB auto mount are: VFAT, NTFS, EXT2, 3 and 4

A manual procedure for exFAT mount is below. I'm not yet able to get exFAT auto mounts to work properly.

(1) ssh root@moode (pwd = moode)
(2) apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils
(3) reboot
(4) ssh root@moode (pwd = moode)
(5) mount -t exfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/USB
(6) "http://moode"
(7) Configure, Sources, UPDATE MPD DB


File systems supported for USB auto mount are: VFAT, NTFS, EXT2, 3 and 4

A manual procedure for exFAT mount is below. I'm not yet able to get exFAT auto mounts to work properly.

(1) ssh root@moode (pwd = moode)
(2) apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils
(3) reboot
(4) ssh root@moode (pwd = moode)
(5) mount -t exfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/USB
(6) "http://moode"
(7) Configure, Sources, UPDATE MPD DB


Coming from OS X so it was the wrong file types on HD... NTFS with W7 and all is well.