Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

It's odd that the symptoms only occur with one file. This would suggests an issue with the file however it could also be that some characteristic of the audio encoding is triggering a bug in the audio software or maybe causing the particular DAC to clip.

I'm testing with Moode 2.6 which uses MPD 0.19.14 and Linux kernel 4.1.19. What ver of Moode are u using?

It's not with only this one, more tracks from the same album. And I have heard on some other tracks from different albums but those weren't that serious. Some noisy metal tracks for example, but it was hard (for me) to catch in those other tracks. Not many really. I never heard anything like that for example in jazz songs.

I'm using Moode Release: 2.5, 2016-02-DD, Linux kernel: 4.1.15-v7+, MPD version: 0.19.12.
Still waiting for to release official methods for disabling Pi-3 integrated WiFi/BT adapters. This is to support usage scenarios where only ethernet is used or where user supplied wifi adapter is used.

Isn't the official answer to use the device tree?

Name:   pi3-disable-bt
Info:   Disable Pi3 Bluetooth and restore UART0/ttyAMA0 over GPIOs 14 & 15
        N.B. To disable the systemd service that initialises the modem so it
        doesn't use the UART, use 'sudo systemctl disable hciuart'.
Load:   dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt
Params: <None>

Name:   pi3-miniuart-bt
Info:   Switch Pi3 Bluetooth function to use the mini-UART (ttyS0) and restore
        UART0/ttyAMA0 over GPIOs 14 & 15. Note that this may reduce the maximum
        usable baudrate.
        N.B. It is also necessary to edit /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service
        and replace ttyAMA0 with ttyS0, unless you have a system with udev rules
        that create /dev/serial0 and /dev/serial1, in which case use
        /dev/serial1 instead because it will always be correct.
Load:   dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt
Params: <None>
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Isn't the official answer to use the device tree?

Name:   pi3-disable-bt
Info:   Disable Pi3 Bluetooth and restore UART0/ttyAMA0 over GPIOs 14 & 15
        N.B. To disable the systemd service that initialises the modem so it
        doesn't use the UART, use 'sudo systemctl disable hciuart'.
Load:   dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt
Params: <None>

Name:   pi3-miniuart-bt
Info:   Switch Pi3 Bluetooth function to use the mini-UART (ttyS0) and restore
        UART0/ttyAMA0 over GPIOs 14 & 15. Note that this may reduce the maximum
        usable baudrate.
        N.B. It is also necessary to edit /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service
        and replace ttyAMA0 with ttyS0, unless you have a system with udev rules
        that create /dev/serial0 and /dev/serial1, in which case use
        /dev/serial1 instead because it will always be correct.
Load:   dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt
Params: <None>

Hi Mike,

Liz Upton from mentioned in a post that they are going to include on/off for BT and WiFI in "the next release", probably on the raspi-config screen i.e. in the script behind it.

Looking for a little help here guys, I'm currently running moode 2.5 and an iqaudio amp+ on a pi2 and every so often the ip address changes randomly.

At first I thought it was everytime I powered down, so for the last two weeks I haven't powered it down, but it's still been changing

For example, the last couple of weeks it's been, it then changed midweek to, but then this morning when I went to connect, once again I couldn't, had to run 'fing' app and found it was

Now, apart from the slight inconvenience, I can live with it, but the rest of the family don't feel quite so forgiving and would like it to stay at the address continually

Is it something I'm doing? Or something my net work is doing? Can I fix it, or wait until 2.6 is out and set it up with its own board casting network

Oh, by the way, I can't use moode.Local via chrome on my android tablet, it needs the ip address

Looking for a little help here guys, I'm currently running moode 2.5 and an iqaudio amp+ on a pi2 and every so often the ip address changes randomly.

At first I thought it was everytime I powered down, so for the last two weeks I haven't powered it down, but it's still been changing

For example, the last couple of weeks it's been, it then changed midweek to, but then this morning when I went to connect, once again I couldn't, had to run 'fing' app and found it was

Now, apart from the slight inconvenience, I can live with it, but the rest of the family don't feel quite so forgiving and would like it to stay at the address continually

Is it something I'm doing? Or something my net work is doing? Can I fix it, or wait until 2.6 is out and set it up with its own board casting network

Oh, by the way, I can't use moode.Local via chrome on my android tablet, it needs the ip address



What you could do is assigning a fixed IP address in your router or access point to the Raspberry Pi, so it always gets the same IP address. Have you tried that?

moode.local/ seems to work for me from chrome on my mobile phone.

BR / Fernando
Looking for a little help here guys...Oh, by the way, I can't use moode.Local via chrome on my android tablet, it needs the ip address


Yeah, Android disables handling of multicast, to save battery. If you are on Android 4.1 or greater, it will decode mdns broadcasts and allow you to find moode.local, but you have to fiddle to get it to work.

But, rather than set up a static IP on Jessie, it's probably easier to set up a DHCP reservation for your Pi.

First, find out the MAC addresses of your Pi:

sudo ifconfig -a|grep HWaddr

That will return something looking like this:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr b8:27:eb:44:a5:de  
wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:c1:41:35:09:cb

The HWaddr (s) are the MAC address(es) of your network interfaces - you can add both to the DHCP reservation, but it is probably better to only add the one you use most - wifi or Ethernet.

That should stop you jumping around.

If you have Android 4.1 or greater, it should be possible to get mdns working - let me know what you have and I will work it out for you.

I'm thinking of including a stereo test file.
Great idea. Are there any other test files that could be useful also? Most will take up very little space anyway especially if they're okay with being lossy encodes.

Maybe a file of silence (or a very quiet signal) for checking for any hum/interference?
What about adding access to the speaker-test binary that's already installed?

Hey, with the problems I've had with SD cards corrupting, I started looking to see if there are any with wear leveling. Some SanDisk do (Extreme & above). I also found these cards on Amazon that claim to have wear leveling: Extreme Speed 4-Pack 4 GB High-Speed MicroSD Memory Card with Adaptor (16 GB Total)

I contacted the seller to try to get a link to the vendor, when I couldn't find any "Extreme Speed" brand. They said these are "generic" devices, which means no brand support. I'm thinking about ordering, but I'd love to be able to test whether this feature is real. I'm searching, but I thought I'd ask whether any of you know how to tell.

I contacted the seller to try to get a link to the vendor, when I couldn't find any "Extreme Speed" brand. They said these are "generic" devices, which means no brand support. I'm thinking about ordering, but I'd love to be able to test whether this feature is real. I'm searching, but I thought I'd ask whether any of you know how to tell.


Worth a try just to save $112.04. :rolleyes:
MAC address(es) of your network interfaces - you can add both to the DHCP reservation, but it is probably better to only add the one you use most - wifi or Ethernet.

That should stop you jumping around.

thanks guys, BR / Fernando too, I've manage to add my raspberry address to the DHCP reservation list, so fingers crossed that will solve my problem


oh, and yes, I find the non spring card slot on the rasp3 very annoying too
Fatal error: Call to a member function execute() on a non-object in /var/www/inc/playerlib.php on line 763
Connected via wired Ethernet and then trying to enter SSID and password in MoodeRelease: 2.5, 2016-02-27 but it fails with the above error message.
My SSID has an apostrophe in it but release notes say this should be OK - any ideas.
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and Edimax EW-7811Un - 8GB SD
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Fatal error: Call to a member function execute() on a non-object in /var/www/inc/playerlib.php on line 763
Connected via wired Ethernet and then trying to enter SSID and password in MoodeRelease: 2.5, 2016-02-27 but it fails with the above error message.
My SSID has an apostrophe in it but release notes say this should be OK - any ideas.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Edimax EW-7811Un - 8GB SD

See the post by henrylarsen: