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LT4320 based active rectifier

New transformer with proper secondary voltage would be my suggestion.
50VAC is too close for comfort for LT4320 active rectification. If your power grid is running above normal on some days you could be higher than 72VDC.
Check the LT4320 datasheet.
Hi wcwc,
just follow the advice here by Tibi.

its borderline case as far as voltage is concerned especially with mains fluctuations and transformer no load output being higher.
For a preamp with 2x18VAC transformer and roughly 10mF of total capacitance in a CRC PSU, I've come up with IPA400N06N after a Mouser seach.
-Vds 60V, RDS(on) 4mOHM, ID 69A and Qg is 37nc at 10V..
Some specs seams overkill like ID at 69A, so do anyone know if there is a through-hole MOSFET that's better suited or will these do OK??
