low pass filter for DSD

Ah, I see. What kind of circuit drives your filter? What is the HF behaviour of your tube stage?

I don't know the HF behaviour of the tube stage, the tube stage to be used in attached pic.


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Butterworth or Chebyshev would be fine - I suggest Butterworth as its simpler to design. The corner frequency depends on you - perhaps 50kHz -3dB would be fine as a first attempt.

A 4th order LC would have two series inductors and two shunt capacitors, followed by a resistive termination

<edit> Attached a schematic based on a design I did for an ESS DAC. Its Butterworth but 30kHz -3dB.


  • merlinLC.png
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What Low pass filter: Butterworth or Chebyshev?

What is more important for you - steepness of the filter, or minimizing ripples?

What is the corner frecuency necessary?

As low as possible - I would put it at 22-25 kHz.

What kind of filter: series or shunt?

When you go beyond a simple first-order RC filter, it doesn't really make sense to talk about a series or shunt filter - if you implement the filter as a passive filter, it will have both shunt elements and series elements, and be a fairly complex filter with both inductors and capacitors - and making a 4th order passive filter is not easy! Usually some active buffer elements are used.

If you want to go ahead anyway, all the required formulas are here and here.