Leach Super Amp Pcb Re-Design (LSAPRD)

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I have a 4.5" X 14" board, .090" double sided, with six pair running at ±93V (idle), does 600W/4R.

Also has relay and subwoofer crossover.

These were laid out a few years ago when the large plate amps were not available.

Nothing wrong with the basic Leach design.
JensRasmussen said:
Nice pics Terry,

I still don’t quite understand what you want with the superamp, I just measured 150W RMS into 8 ohm, and 275 W RMS into 4 ohm using the extended Leach design that I made.


Hi Jens,

Well, if you read the thread where I posted the pics, you'd see that it all started because I had bought the 64-0-64 transformer and was looking for an amp design I could use it on. The Superamp was suggested and the rest is history. As a matter of fact this thread sort of got started because of my asking questions in the Leach clone thread about your boards.

I'm into it now so I'm going to stay the course until it is finished. Still hoping that it will sound great. Time will tell.

Blessings, Terry
jacco vermeulen said:
I am building the Super Leach because i suggested it to Terry.
I am to pay for the low voltage Leach boards, so i am building that too.
Why ? I dont know.
I built everything from 5 to 200, why not something really big once ?

Hey Jacco, how many projects do you have started and not finished? :)


Leach amp

jleaman said:
Im going to soon start a group buy on some new boards here soon guys.. there are a few things.

1 active xover adjustable
2 regulated psu for the active Filter's
Leach amp clone boards from JensRasmussen ( diyaudio member )
Mosfet Power amp that i have been working on..

Hi Jean,
I'm interested in the Leach amp if the designs can be achieved for the regulated power supply.

Digikey part number list would be a benefit. As well as group buy for heat sinks and power supply components.

Part numbers

Do you want all the digikey part numbers or just for power caps.His parts list has digikey part numbers for alot of the parts.The other you have to search for .I didnt get all my parts from digikey ,they are expensize on alot of stuff.The only didgikey part number for heatsinks that still around is the one without holes.They do have replacement types I think 14 or 15 us dollars apeace .The ones with out holes are h-type.You can get transitors
from on-semi for free.11.00 dollars for shipping.I can give you a list of all the parts I got from digikey if you want.I can take pictures if you need them .I got most of the caps from ack radio , still havent received them been 4 weeks they just shipped friday.Way to slow.I got like 30 12000uf 80v caps snap in .If they turn out to be good I can give some up cheap if people want them ,I could send someone with some expertise to test them, then we know that guy onbay has good stuff.We could then group buy the same lot I got from him.
What voltage is your caps rated at?

Only 125V. Doesn't seem to be a problem. Used it like it was a PA a few times, driving it really hard for hours on end. Heatsinks got a little warm to the touch. No fans. Sounded great in a big hall. Can't play it over 60 some watts in my small room without hurting myself and others. Just TO3's bolted to the outside like in the pics previously published.

Re: Part numbers

dherr555 said:
Do you want all the digikey part numbers or just for power caps.His parts list has digikey part numbers for alot of the parts.The other you have to search for .I didnt get all my parts from digikey ,they are expensize on alot of stuff.The only didgikey part number for heatsinks that still around is the one without holes.They do have replacement types I think 14 or 15 us dollars apeace .The ones with out holes are h-type.You can get transitors
from on-semi for free.11.00 dollars for shipping.I can give you a list of all the parts I got from digikey if you want.I can take pictures if you need them .I got most of the caps from ack radio , still havent received them been 4 weeks they just shipped friday.Way to slow.I got like 30 12000uf 80v caps snap in .If they turn out to be good I can give some up cheap if people want them ,I could send someone with some expertise to test them, then we know that guy onbay has good stuff.We could then group buy the same lot I got from him.

I didn't realize Mr. Leach had a part list.

Thank you,
Coulomb said:
how many projects do you have started and not finished?

Mmm, did i mention i am building 4 extra Alephs, considering 2 Zen-X's. Still need to make 1 woody GC. Still waiting for the Dutch group buy for a load of IRFP's. And i am working on designing the XVR1 board. Collecting parts to do the Pass Monster when the first 3 sets have been tested and the final circuit is available. In a month or so i have to do a tube thing for my Johnny Guitar Watson neighbor. Just made a set of PerAnders headphone pcb's. There is a Philips alloy professional CD device waiting to build in a proper casing, have part of the electronics ready. Thing came out of one the first series CD-players, believe the alloy platform is still produced for topnotch CD rotators.

And i am renovating the 1935 orphanage i live in.
Can someone shoot me, Please !

A high voltage cap group buy sounds tempting, gimme gimme.


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jacco vermeulen said:

Mmm, did i mention i am building 4 extra Alephs, considering 2 Zen-X's. Still need to make 1 woody GC. Still waiting for the Dutch group buy for a load of IRFP's. And i am working on designing the XVR1 board. Collecting parts to do the Pass Monster when the first 3 sets have been tested and the final circuit is available. In a month or so i have to do a tube thing for my Johnny Guitar Watson neighbor. Just made a set of PerAnders headphone pcb's. There is a Philips alloy professional CD device waiting to build in a proper casing, have part of the electronics ready. Thing came out of one the first series CD-players, believe the alloy platform is still produced for topnotch CD rotators.

And i am renovating the 1935 orphanage i live in.

not bad for a naval architech...
Only kidding, Bob, and you should know.

I checked the Ocean engineering program at MIT once, exactly the same classes as overhere.
After my first classes on Laplace equations, Fast Fourier Transforms, thermo dynamics and differential equations i noticed how interesting audio electronics became.

Nice to meet a fellow boat guy on diy audio.
sorry, Jacco, I forgot the smiley at the end of my last post. Us belly button designers seem to show up everywhere. (Belly button=navel, pronounced the same as naval, for non native english speakers) Boats and DIY audio have been in my blood since my teens - a long time ago.
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