John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier

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Re: Re: ... turkey for dinner?

Trevor White said:

Why do you have to personalize it. All you are doing is shooting the messenger.

The question I posed to John Curl regarding PIM is a legitimate one. If John knows something that nobody else does then by all means tell us.

From what I can see he has held a gripe against Rob Cordell for many years, when he could have resolved this issue with his own analysis and presented it to the Audio Engineering Society Journal etc. He didn't want to do that then and he still doesn't want to do it here. What more can I say ?

And by the way do you have any formal qualifications ??


You are behaving like another British poster to another forum at another time, the erstwhile Lord Stewart Pinkerton. It turned out that he reportedly had a certain problem with a certain liquid that he ingested...

But, nvm that.

I have nothing to say about another thread, this is the BLOWTORCH THREAD. Not the PIM/CORDELL thread. Go there to complain about that topic please?

You ought to re-read your posts here. Your tone and manner leaves much to be desired.

I know nothing about the other thread you seem to be obsessed with.

Otoh, you accused me of "fallacies" - please back up your personal accusation? Still waiting.

I already stated that I am a complete ignoramus, Trevor, how about you??

And since you are coming in like a bull in a china shop, why not tell us all about your qualifications, your system, and what you have designed and built? (I expect you to avoid a direct response to that too...)

<bites tongue very hard>

Cheers! :xeye:

metalman said:

As a professional metallurgist, I can state pretty categorically it isn't annealing, unless your running enough current to heat it at least 60°C or so above ambient, where solid state diffusion in pure silver is at least theoretically possible, albeit slow on the order of the geologic time scale.

A much more likely possibility is the formation of a VERY thin layer of metastable silver oxysulfides, which curiously exhibits semiconductor properties. It has been theorized that this layer could have some interesting quantum effects realated to the depth of the skin effect that occurs with high frequency signals. However, to my knowledge there has been no practical experimentation to confirm or contradict this.

The geek in me couldn't resist talking about something I actually know something about :clown:

Cheers, Terry

Kewl beans, Terry!

You and auplater ought to have a chat in a thread... would be interesting.

The 60deg C bit seems unlikely even with higher levels of voltage and current flowing through the wire... it ain't glowin' yet!

Truthfully, I have no idea why it ought to make a single minute bit of difference if you "break-in" a cable or not. Perhaps it is not the wire but the dielectric that is effected. (yeah sure, switch the blame!) It's usually not a "big" effect - but as a previous poster noted, as one's system becomes more refined, one notices smaller and smaller things having an apparent (words chosen carefully) effect. The princess and the pea, or more probably the minor tweak to the IROC race car going at full out max right at the break free point on the track...

But for now, it is safe to say that "break-in" may be a useless step (according to many it is), but almost certainly it will not be harmful, so no harm-no foul??

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ... turkey for dinner?

Andre Visser said:

On an average system it is a waste of time to worry about "things
which don't really make a lot of difference" but on a SOTA system (which this thread is about) everything became important, you will be surprised to hear what influence "bits of wire" can have.


I'd be more concerned about the effects of a PN junction before I would be of a bit of wire ;)

Re: Re: Re: ... turkey for dinner?

bear said:


You are behaving like another British poster to another forum at another time, the erstwhile Lord Stewart Pinkerton. It turned out that he reportedly had a certain problem with a certain liquid that he ingested...

But, nvm that.


<bites tongue very hard>

Cheers! :xeye:


jeez... there's a name I've not heard in... oh... a decade or so... :D :D

mr. Apogee/Krell iir...:smash:
no harm-no foul??

bear said:
But for now, it is safe to say that "break-in" may be a useless step (according to many it is), but almost certainly it will not be harmful, so no harm-no foul??


With all respect, but such practice, which lacks any scientific backing, might be harmful in a different way: It harms the credibility of the high end audio community.
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Joined 2008
Re: no harm-no foul??

Edmond Stuart said:

With all respect, but such practice, which lacks any scientific backing, might be harmful in a different way: It harms the credibility of the high end audio community.

This is not a joke:
At another forum I saw a discussion abut how long a cable could be disconnected before the “break-in” of the cable got lost, so you had to” break-it –in” again.
Trevor White said:

Did you get the explanation because I must have missed it ;)

No, but who am I? I'm not even a Zen master. A humble Engineer Designer and Technologist of Radio and Electronics Equipment who changed a career path to networked systems' design, then back to audio... To start again, from the beginning, 30 years later...

Trevor White said:

This is reminiscent of the days of burning witches at the stake and culling black cats ;)

"Everything that is new actually is well forgotten old" -- Russian saying
Newcomers to the thread, it may be useful to wade through at least the first 50% (or more, if it grabs you) and spend an hour or so to see what has come before. Suggested schematics have been posted. You will have to draw your own conclusions. If you are looking for a quick DIY copy plan, it's not here. Some of the subtleties of the actual circuit have not been specifically shown by Mr. Curl... FYI, and fwiw.


PS. oh yeah, that's 700 pages, over a million hits, a heck of a lot to say about a circuit that is just a handful of silly JFETs in a dopey hunk of aluminum!? hee hee hee... guess there just isn't that much at all to that electronics engineering and design stuff when it comes to audio? :Popworm: :yes: :wave2:

PPS. apparently page count depends upon the browser and your screen res settings? I am up to only 564 pages now... Only.
Juergen Knoop said:

John has shared his design philosphies on this preamp, not any schematics.
I'm perfectly satisfied with this situation! :)

And John explained to me by phone why he don't show his schematics. However it would be unethical to write what he said, so I can say only that he explained his point of view. Anyone who is interested can ask him directly, and it is his right to answer, or not. As well as it is his right to show his schematics, or not.
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