John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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Max Headroom said:
Regarding churches concealing knowledge, I accidentally stumbled onto an uber strong 'healing' spot in the entry of an 800 yo cathedral in Switzerland.
I subsequently dowsed this as an intersection of two very strong energy (ley ?) lines that the congregation was forced to pass over twice per church visit....think it through, this is a conspiracy of the highest order.
On what grounds do you deduce that the spatial coincidence of the entrance to a public building and an alleged ley line intersection shows conspiracy?

Nothing magical about it this is old knowledge, . . . , ignore or deride it at your own peril.
Now if I said that about certain religious beliefs I would have the Mods on top of me straight away.
The converse is also just because Mr Randi conducted one 'famous'
test does not prove that dowsing is not real.

The Randi Foundation didn't just test one dowser but many. Dowsers were the most frequent applicants because they're relatively easy/straight forward to test.

The dowsers worked with the Foundation and hammered out a test protocol that was acceptable to both sides.

The test were set up and run 'open' and the dowsers performed to their satisfaction.

The test were then run closed and the dowsers failed.

Every single one.

Every single time.
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On what grounds do you deduce that the spatial coincidence of the entrance to a public building and an alleged ley line intersection shows conspiracy?
Because the church employed dowsers to locate 'power' spots or appropriated known spots, and at the same time taught the congregations that dowsing was from the 'devil' and must be avoided or renounced.
The spot at the head of the central walkway of Solothurn Cathedral is very strong (vortice) and brief passing over this spot has quite profound effect in terms of elevation of physical energy, elevation of mood, reduction of physical pains time you are in Switzerland seek it out.

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Joined 2002
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Dan, years ago, I had to arrange for the relocation and official recycling of a good amount of counterweight bricks made of depleted uranium. I have enough experience in holding these in my hands.
Does it count? Am I supercharged for life? May I donate some of this power to others?
Seriously now, next time you’ll feel the need to suggest something in good will, please don’t include potentially health-threatening suggestions.

Dan, years ago, I had to arrange for the relocation and official recycling of a good amount of counterweight bricks made of depleted uranium. I have enough experience in holding these in my hands.
So what did you find ?.
In my experience I when presented with this sample looking like rust coloured sandstone, I declared it to be extremely 'noisy'/disturbing, handed it back and said "Pooh, yuck, is that Uranium ?"....the answer was "Yes, that piece is pretty warm".
I was shown another mineral sample that he did not allow me to hold declaring it too 'hot'...coming withing 12 inches or so was a different disturbing radiation, accompanied by pin prickling sensation on my facial skin.
Both exposures were brief, but I still remember that feeling, I call it educational.
Does it count? Am I supercharged for life? May I donate some of this power to others?
No, but I expect you are wiser for the experience and recognise the presence of such radioactive substances...this may help you advise others.
Seriously now, next time you’ll feel the need to suggest something in good will, please don’t include potentially health-threatening suggestions.
We are bathed in natural radiations of varying level according to local conditions, fault lines etc, brief exposure to a sample will not raise exposure count significantly.
However one will recognise this presence in future, and once aware will avoid further exposure.

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X2, we lost too many of our seminal radiochemists and physicists to radiation poisoning.
The physicist that I spent all too brief time with (I have a hundred questions to ask him since) flew through the cloud of a 60's Maralinga test to gather dust samples.
Apparently the sampling/collection gear was not good enough and he/they copped some dust.
The longer term result was that he required a walking frame and had rods in his back because of bone degradation due to Strontium 90 ingestion.
So yes many have suffered unnecessarily, and lives have been cut short.

Max Headroom said:
Because the church employed dowsers to locate 'power' spots or appropriated known spots, and at the same time taught the congregations that dowsing was from the 'devil' and must be avoided or renounced.
You have documented evidence of this? Or is it just a self-affirming rumour circulating within the dowsing community? Why didn't the "elevation of mood" stop the arsonist?
Joined 2002
Paid Member
In my experience I when presented with this sample looking like rust coloured sandstone, I declared it to be extremely 'noisy'/disturbing, handed it back and said "Pooh, yuck, is that Uranium ?"....the answer was "Yes, that piece is pretty warm".
I was shown another mineral sample that he did not allow me to hold declaring it too 'hot'...coming withing 12 inches or so was a different disturbing radiation, accompanied by pin prickling sensation on my facial skin.
Both exposures were brief, but I still remember that feeling, I call it educational.

Dan, you were and you are self deceived.
If you were not told that it is an uranium ore and if you were totally unaware of what uranium is and how dangerous ionizing radiation is for you, you wouldn’t have felt anything. This is the case with ionizing radiation. There is no way to physically sense it, at least with low and moderate intensities. You rely on indicating instruments to warn you of it’s presence and it’s intensity.

The uranium ore would be a bit warm due to the heat produced by the interaction of radiation produced by the uranium decay with matter, no esotericism here.

Regardless of the bulk intensity of radiation (which was low) of those samples you were foolishly allowed to touch, the real danger you were exposed to was due to dust particles you may have inhaled or brought into your body through nose or mouth by your hands. These tiny amounts of radiating matter after invading through the respiratory canal, remain in prolonged intimate contact with your living cells and work their way.

Don’t ever experiment with ionizing radiation again looking for esoteric experience of any kind. You should only feel awe, run away and report anybody who is charlatan enough to promote in words or with action such “higher knowledge”.
Enjoy higher knowledge by reading the relevant physics.

We have infra-red detectors in our skin, so it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that in some individuals these could detect ionising radiation too. However, I suspect that if it is enough to detect this way then it is enough to do harm. It is a long way from this to detecting underground water, which as far as I know does not emit significant amounts of any radiation.
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