John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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I was told that there was NO SCHEMATIC. This is just a lounge where EE heads can pontificate and discuss their computer simulations among various and sundry other subjective mumblings. GRH

if would be so as you say, this is surprisingly not serious. I don't buy that,at least not for what I mentioned that happened to be read in first 8 pages. What kind of stupid joke is this reply?

My arguments (in expectation of normality) would be: a) too many posts - per capita of said "ee-haeds"would be too much - to talk without a minimum of substance; and b) people that pontificate and discuss simulations do not jump on schematic details and discussions (kind of "look there that means this...") already in page 3, without looking at one and the same schematic. There must be one! Most of those people up to page 3 or 8 don't talk easy.

I kindly asked which schematic is considered as reference for the topic. Do you have(!) a straight answer??

If not, please do not troll after my question.Give a chance for serious people to read and answer. Thanks for fairplay!
Ionmw, there is no exact schematic for the CTC Blowtorch anywhere on the internet, much less this thread. However, a skilled designer can make their own close approximation with what is on the first 100 pages of this thread. While it might satisfy some peoples curiosity, publishing the exact schematic would be virtually impossible to truly duplicate by a diy amateur, because the parts are not really available anymore, except to professionals.
However, I don't publish the schematic because I don't want it copied by professionals, claiming they have made a Blowtorch clone. Sorry about that.

Thanks John for your 1st hand prompt and frank answer.
Fair enough, I can respect your wish. I get it. It is not meant to be educational by any means for those who do not have the schematic already. If I understood your words in a wrong manner please accept my sincere apology and Iwill appreciate if you try to correct me.

It is Sad though. Especially since in first pages is easy to realize that some members - although not owners of a Torchblow, nor apparently in your close circle - did have the schematic!

I will pick up your suggestion and read 100 pages. Idon't hold my breath to be surprised of any new revelation. Until page 8 the following is my list of critical points - that some how at common knowledge professional level would make sense to be seen together: open-loop ICs, uncompensated ICs, serious/extreme RF-style physical implementation (perfect matched impedances, coaxlines etc).

Still, how can one avoid the package parasitics between IC pins (before any chance of some matching schematic to kick in)??? Not really possible. Then the real specs can perhaps be matched (not easily I assure - so why fear?) by some smart designs using closed (or open) loops with modern devices. Like you said, those components do not exist anymore. There are somponentsand know-howfrom 70s that werelost forever and cannot be attained yet (or rerunning the production of some old custom designed components) without running capfree E6-style budgets. So you can't be possible to be afraid of copy cat production. Then, I ask - for what or whom is this protection here? My opinion.
Joined 2004
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Well John,
Building a clone is almost impossible even if you had the schematic. Materials and component / lead locations are critical. Now, if you had enough photos and the schematic, a person might get close. Still, using different materials for any PCBs, switches and everything else a signal goes through can change the "sound". Of course, if someone who doesn't understand these things had the schematic, they would probably slap something together and claim its a clone of the Blowtorch. Other than that John, I do not think you have much to worry about by even publishing a true schematic. I suspect you know I'm right about that. Otherwise it wouldn't have taken the three of you to create it in the first place.

Ionmw, here is a simplified schematic of the CTC Blowtorch line amp. This is the very essence of the design. The servos have been left out.


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    ctc line simplified.jpg
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Seriously, this is as close as you can get. What’s missing are hand matching unobtainable devices, silver wire blessed by Tibetan monks, case machined from an aerospace grade aluminum billet, etc...

Uskok preamplifier

I "love" that free air wiring

which is close to the original preamp. Funny to read about super-shielding box then, with all of those HF paths along isolated input connectors.

But of course, bare wires do sound best ;)
Seriously, this is as close as you can get. What’s missing are hand matching unobtainable devices, silver wire blessed by Tibetan monks, case machined from an aerospace grade aluminum billet, etc...

Uskok preamplifier

Please Waly not that. I got a bit carried away pointing out certain items of IP law which bothers some folks a lot. John's patent has certainly expired and the circuit in the Blowtorch even if you bought one and reversed it perfectly has no protection except trademarks and similar misrepresentation. This is in the US of course, but there are plenty of reciprocal treaties.
Excellent points Scott.

At the end of the day, you would really want one of these strongly to make it worthwhile to design and build a duplicate. Most folks would stop at the difficult to turn stiff switches that John & co. used.

I was thinking the circuits inside they are certainly public domain by now. The schematic is just that a picture, the US code is very clear on that.
Joined 2014
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Well just to show that I do on rare occasions lift a soldering iron here are the boards for the totally heretical balanced transimpedance MM RIAA stage that some say won't work*. With any luck can start boxing them up this weekend. Like all odd experiments it might not work, but an open mind should always be willing to try something off piste.

And yes I seriously need some soldering practice. Ed would never give me a job :)

*Even Self says it's a bad idea!


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    balanced aurak.jpg
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Ionmw, here is a simplified schematic of the CTC Blowtorch line amp. This is the very essence of the design. The servos have been left out.

Thanks! This essence combined with your word (the original one) it gives the gem level educational value. My opinion.

No, servos, I understand. I've also understood your point on "professionals" doing CC of your work. To avoid this possibility, do you mind if I PM to you to clarify some technical details or refinements?

About DYI CCs, your message (simply being here) is clear to me.

Also, please, could you find the original schematic for PS too? I guess only the local one is of high interest to me. I don't mind if this is again essence-level.
Best wishes.
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