John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Joachim and I share the same values, even though we have only met once. Why can't we do our hi fi design in peace, without a lot of criticism. We still hear the differences in our designs, and even others, and we won't be here forever.
Still, I challenge ANYBODY to make a cost effective IC based design that sounds as good as the BEST discrete designs. I have tried, and did fairly well. Your turn, Scott. Come on, show us your stuff! '-)
Sure, monitary*success in High End Audio is more related to politics and advertizing then good sound or technical excellence. We all know that.
Some years ago i even said " High End is dead ".
So please let us live our small and mediocre lifes.

manu = manufacturer

Joachim, there you go elaborating on my simple rersponse. Do reviewers equivocate in what they write, and does it mislead paying customers?
Honest ?
Yes, both. I have serious problems with some influential reviewers.
They do not generate more income when they do great reviews for big spendors.
It is not that way. It is not about the money. As John sincerely reported you can not make big money with exceptional equipment any more. That was in the 80th and 90th where a much closer ty was betwen the makers and the users. That is our problem. We hard core afficiados are send into limbo.
I see it that way that they are mostly not compentent enough to differentiate betwen a scam and a sensation. It is like love and hate. It provokes the same chemistry in the brain. IMPORTANT versa UNIMPORTANT
yes, that is the human state how i see it.
. As John sincerely reported you can not make big money with exceptional equipment any more.

Well "exceptional" seems to be in the eye of the beholder and who's opinion calls it so. Equipment designed to be expensive doesn't mean it's sonically worth it. There's plenty of expensive garbage and also low priced great equipment. Just because some people have sour grapes from not being able to cash in on the market doesn't mean there isn't money to be made by making good equipment that doesn't have to cost a fortune.
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