John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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My grandpas 2 main medicines were kerosene and turpintine .

When I got the crupe he would force me to take a heaping teaspoon of white sugar
soaked with karosene ...... It gagged me and I never cruped again.

When I got ingrown toenails he made me stuff turpintine soaked cotton up under
my nails ....... Did'nt take long ......

you know you can divorce your family members now yes? ;)

I gather he would have to be pretty long lived to be still around. I mean no disrespect
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Joined 2012
Amplifier driven at 60 Hz output 2 V RMS into an 8 ohm 225 W resistor in series with a fuse holder. Isolation transformer across the fuse holder into my AP.

Different fuses give different distortion. Turning fuses over in the holder changes the distortion.


Fast blow fuses create the most distortion... compared to slow blow. And, No they arent always included within a nfb loop. Sometimes they are in unexpected places --->

Some mfr, like Magnapan placed a fast blow fuse inside the speaker on a crummy fuse clip. I had to tear into every piece of equipment to find this as the distortion was always in the left channel. Until, I swapped speakers and the distortion went to the other channel, I had thought it was in the electronics. It wasnt very distorted but I think careful music listeners would hear it also. I had to cut the permanent cloth sock off the rear/ bottom of the speaker... thinking it might be a bad cross-over cap located down there and there was this fuse/holder. I replaced the fuse holder with a gold flashed one and new slow blow fuse and normaled everything up... no more distotion in the music. I enjoyed the music for a couple years and then I over powered the thing and smoked the speaker film. Guess the fuse value was too high... duh. But it sounded better. never did make any distortion measurements on that speaker fuse holder/fuse.

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It wasnt very distorted but I think careful music listeners would hear it also. I had to cut the permanent cloth sock off the rear/ bottom of the speaker... thinking it might be a bad cross-over cap located down there and there was this fuse/holder. I replaced the fuse holder with a gold flashed one and new slow blow fuse and normaled everything up... no more distotion in the music.
Yes, no silly fuse holders! Been hardwiring these, everywhere, for over 25 years ...
There's a very nice substance for sale in bulk in farm supply stores, here, called "Udder Balm". Anything that soothes overworked nipples must be good for everything else, too, right?

For burns, especially if you're relatively far from professional medical help, one initial main need is to keep them moist, and protected. Plastic wrap (like that used for food) is excellent for keeping them from drying. Slather something moist on and then cover with plastic wrap. What we call Cool Whip, here, would be fine, for example. But many other things would probably suffice. Then maybe protect it better with something a little thicker, over that.
Tom, that "Balm" sounds like the lanolin I've mentioned - it was promoted for ladies here who were having problems with feeding their young'uns naturally - in fact, I recall seeing a B&W video, many years ago, used for teaching the womenfolk exactly how to apply and massage it in - now, where again did I put that 'interesting' guide ... :D,:D
yep, as with many of these discussions, the focus is often put on the theoretical ability of individual elements to produce microscopic variations in isolation, rather than whether they have a measurable/audible difference in circuit and at the output. the latter is obviously the most important.

its ironic that those often pushing the former, are also those telling us to just listen ...

Its kinda like those pushing for sub picosecond clocks in standalone usb-spdif convertors, that may have a couple hundred picoseconds jitter in the cable, transmitter and receiver. promoting linear or shunt power supplies for computers that have noise sources all over the PCB and digital transmission that has no embedded clock thats used for the audio signal. etc etc.

the whole system approach, which includes the ears, seems very rare indeed.
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Electron flow is very important to me. This is just a starting place.

Great. Now why don't you relate it to something meaningful instead of your usual habit of tossing out stuff like this as a smokescreen. In all the years you have been doing this, I don't recall your ever following up with any sort of meaningful dialog. In fact, I can't recall your ever demonstrating that you even understand most of the stuff you throw out. It's as if you feel that simply throwing it out without comment or dialog is sufficient to make some unknown argument. That's just a cheap charlatan's ruse, rather like all the nonsense that was spewed in that MIT video.

I can't help you, SE, but perhaps some constructive discussion with others will show more clearly the problem of simple conductivity in a metal, etc.

What's the problem, John? If you're just going to keep playing this cryptic comment game, you're just wasting people's time.

So spit it out, John. What's the problem that's meaningful to any relevant discussion here?

One should bear in mind, that main role in propagation of alternative signals and energy is played by electro-magnetic fields, while wires and contacts play secondary roles. In ideal conductors, without EMF applied, electrons move rather fast, like moskitos in a cloud, but average cloud velocity is zero.
With EMF applied, electron's cloud starts to drift with a non-zero average velocity, that correlates with EMF applied, but anyway this average cloud velocity is small compared to velocities of individual electrons.
EMF and physical signal chain (parts, wires, contacts, etc.) interact with each other. Grain boundaries in wires, contacts, etc., cause some barrier effects, electrons undergo jumps and accelerations, these produce added EMFs.
Therefore, zero THD simulated schematics give almost nothing for good sound. They serve only for getting correct working points of active parts.
Secret of good sound is related with EMF interference (fas42 is on the right way). One should think about suppression of EMF variations, by considering many things, even a power cord.
But, I prefer solutions, where signal does not cause currents variations in major part of device, except for very limited regions. This reduces EMF interference and improve sound. Unfortunately, this is possible only with class A, low output power (5-8W in my case, balanced solutions, no caps in signal chain, 0-1MHz passband), low effeciency, big heatsinks, i.e. acceptable only for DIY. But, now, there is no force that could lead me to using 50-400W industrial products.
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One should bear in mind, that main role in propagation of alternative signals and energy is played by electro-magnetic fields, while wires and contacts play secondary roles. In ideal conductors, without EMF applied, electrons move rather fast, like moskitos in a cloud, but average cloud velocity is zero.
With EMF applied, electron's cloud starts to drift with a non-zero average velocity, that correlates with EMF applied, but anyway this average cloud velocity is small compared to velocities of individual electrons.
EMF and physical signal chain (parts, wires, contacts, etc.) interact with each other. Grain boundaries in wires, contacts, etc., cause some barrier effects, electrons undergo jumps and accelerations, these produce added EMFs.
Therefore, zero THD simulated schematics give almost nothing for good sound.
Secret of good sound is related with EMF interference (fas42 is on the right way). One should think about suppression of EMF variations, by considering many things, even a power cord.
But, I prefer solutions, where signal does not cause currents variations in major part of device, except for very limited regions. This reduces EMF interference and improve sound.

You've got your cart before the horse. First demonstrate that any of this actually effects the sound beyond ones vanity and ego the. Then you can start looking at fly specks. Anything short of that is just backwater religion.

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