John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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But plenty of ordinary herbs and spices are quite medicinal, turmeric,saffron, etc. quite well documented and not based on folklore only. One must remember that homeopathy is based on dilution to virtual nothingness i.e. magic not herbal medicine.

I tend to burn myself a lot, always have, not just in the kitchen (set the roof of my house on fire two years ago, big time, but the pyro was still left standing inbetween the firemen, just no gloves).
Best burnt ointment ever, is manufactured by the Bach brand.
Edward Bach - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stuff costs $15 for an ounce, but worth it's weight in gold. Also works like magic for next to every skin related event.

Case of a language/culture barrier ?


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Active Ingredients:
Crab Apple: Cleansing effect.
Star of Bethlehem: For physical and mental trauma and shock.
Clematis: For the tendency to “pass out”, and unconsciousness, being ‘far away’ and not present mentally.
Cherry Plum: Fear of mind giving way, verge of breakdown, anger.
Impatiens: For irritability, tension and fidgety.
Rock Rose: For frozen terror and panic.

Inactive Ingredients:
Purified water, Cetostearyl alcohol, Apricot kernel oil, Coca seed butter, Glycerin, Cetyl palmitate, Glyceryl, Glyceryl monosterate, PEG-100 stearate, Caprylyl glycol, Phenoxyethanol, PEG-20 stearate, Glyceryl caprylate, Benzyl alcohol.

Why are the inactive ingredients "inactive" in the case of burns. That list does not conjure some 19th early 20th century practitioner.

We find aloe quite helpful for minor burn relief.
john curl said:
Thanks for the input, Jacco. I normally use ICE or Vitamin E. It is interesting to know about another approach.

I've found Vitamin E moisturizing cream is great for treating eczema, a dry skin condition, on my hands. I use the Fruit of the Earth with Vitamin E and Aloe. It's the very best thing I've tried for eczema which was very difficult to treat. Well Cortizone cream with aloe is best for flare ups, but you don't want to use steroids all the time. These are what I'd call necessary, or very helpful medications.

But doctors tend to over medicate people and really do destroy people's lives. Like the woman my dad is taking care of in the hostpital who was on Statins, which destroyed her liver and now she will probably die. Those drugs can do very bad things, and you don't need them ... there are other ways to go to treat heart conditions.

And psychiatrists who go nuts over antidepressants. Again, I see lots of people get loaded up on boat loads of drugs, under doctor's care, with bad bad side affects that are worse than the initial problem.

Okay, off my soap box!
That list does not conjure some 19th early 20th century practitioner.

My g/f handed me the tip, well, even the tube (same deal with the capsaicin cream from the food thread).
She's a medical specialist, 4 years specialist training after 6 years medicine at Rotterdam-U, 20 years experience in her line of work, and the No 1 here in her field of expertise : Pain

(am I a lucky stiff, or what)
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It seems that the alcohols and the different oils would surely not be inert ingredients when used on an open wound such as a burn. The inactive list seems to be the real active ingredients in that list.

At least it is worth an investigation, when I was a kid we put butter on a kitchen burn. It could be any of these oils could help by cutting off the oxygen.
My g/f handed me the tip, well, even the tube (same deal with the capsaicin cream from the food thread).
She's a medical specialist, 4 years specialist training after 6 years medicine at Rotterdam-U, 20 years experience in her line of work, and the No 1 in her field of expertise : Pain

(am I a lucky stiff, or what)

No worries, I do the capcaicin myself but it's not homeopathy, 1% of the essential oil works (too well at times) not .000000001%.
Waly mentioned "Western Music" and scales used for tuning. Thinking aloud... as you do...

A piano for example is tuned to an equal tempered scale, perfect octaves but the top octaves are "stretched" and sharpened a few cents (because that sounds better to the ear) and the lower bass octaves are flattened for the same reason.

So... an FFT plot of two similar notes a few octaves apart won't line up exactly... that is just the way it is because we like the sound that way.

An FFT plot of an amp reproducing those notes will do what ?????? You have the real notes slightly imperfect (think of say A above middle C at 440hz and top A at 3520hz except it isn't... our expert piano tuner has sharpened it slightly). Still thinking aloud remember... so the amp reproduces 440hz and harmonics (the harmonic distortion of the amp) but also reproduces the actual imperfect notes.

So we have 440hz and the amps distortion producing harmonics at 880hz, 1760hz, 3520hz etc but those low level harmonics now clash with the actual wanted but imperfectly tuned note of top A that is 3520 hz plus a few cents.

Could that go some way to explaning the sonic qualities... the fact that the amp produces "perfect" THD intervals but the wanted notes are (by design) imperfectly tuned.

Time for a beer...
Interesting 440hz reference I understand it used here in the USA however 443 has been used in EU by many since before 1985 this will tune thing a bit differently but I do see your point about tuning to the ear.
that 'rescue remedy' is excellent, I agree jacco, we have used it here for burns and infections for many years.

not exclusively for infections of course, if things get bad i'll go see a doctor, but I do think that antibiotics are overprescribed. what I mean is skin abrasions, burns and cuts to prevent, rather than treat infections. manuka honey is another one in place of antiseptic cream for cuts and abrasions and has been classified in the US by the FDA. many honeys contain hydrogen peroxide and seal wounds well, but Manuka contains other compounds as well.
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