Jean Michel on LeCleac'h horns

Hello Panomaniac,

While it has been eventually said that the Le Cléac'h is based on Webster's equation, in fact the expansion law is secondary when considering the horn known as Le Cléac'h horn since David Mc Bean used to introduce this profile into Hornresp and since Bjørn Kolbrek call it that way in the second part of his paper in Audioxpress

part 1 :
Blogs | audioXpress

part 2:
Blogs | audioXpress

In fact my contribution should be looked more as a method to calculate horns than rather a new expansion.
If one of those days Angelo should invent a new expansion law for a horn then my method could be applied to calculate it's profile.

If we start from a given expansion law for the evolution of the area of the wavefronts versus their distance, by example catenoidal or hypex or exponential, what is the difference between my method and the anterior methods?

For commodity I prefer to define the wavefront as an equiphase surface described by the ensemble of points reached at the same time by a single wave emitted at the throat.

All anterior methods rely on an hypothesis for the shape of the wavefronts. Common and false hypothesis taken for the calculation of horns is that the wavefronts are planar. Voigt took for his Tractrix horn the hypothesis of spherical cap wavefronts having a fixed radius. Kugelwellen horns are based on the same hypothesis but with a doubled radius compared to the Tractrix.

During the 70's and the beginning of the 80's I was looking at the rare published pressure fields maps inside horns ( measurements by Morse in Mac Lachlan's book, by Hitachi Labs in Jean Hiraga's book, ... ). This readings lead me to think that all the anterior methods to calculate horns were eroneous as the mesured wavefronts where neither planar neither spherical.

I had the idea that if a single wave was propagating in the case the speed of sound was constant inside the horn, the above mentioned equiphase surfaces should be parallel ( = orthogonally equidistant ) each one from the other, a feature than you don't find, by example, in Voigt's hypothesis for the design of the tractrix horn for which the wavefronts cannot be orthogonaly equidistant (because they are translated at constant “speed” along a common direction). Another requirement is that the wavefronts should reach the walls of the horn at 90°.

At the time I used to program a first profile in Basic on one of the first computer I had in my lab (a Hewlet Packard 9625 if I correctly remind). I used for that a method based on more than 1 million of discrete geometrical elements the assembly of which possess the required parallelism I was looking for. No hypothesis was done on the shape of the wavefronts, the only hypothesis was their equidistance (and a known expansion law...).
It is only after personnal computers were available that I wanted to wrote a first QuattroPro spreadsheet and many years after an Excel spreadsheet... I built the first horn using that method in 1982.

Fortunately I could replace the calculation of millions of discrete elements of the original software written in Basic into a recursive formula. Around 1995 that horn was discussed on Joenet (Sound Practices ‘s discussion list) and on the french speaking group [son-qc] and I was asked to commit a paper which one was published in issue N°6 of “Musique & Technique” a publication of the Belgian Lowther Club. In 1998 Marco Henry (Musique Concrete) used to read that paper and some time later he begun to build in France his Jerzual horns calculated by my method . Nearly at the same time, Martin Seddon in Australia begun building a large format Le Cléac’h horn (now known under reference Azura Horn AH160) and the first batch came in USA where the horn received good fame within the horns/tubes crowd. One of the first user was famous tube electronics builder Dave Slagle ( see slagle.htm )

One thing that schocked many persons when they first saw the profile calculated by this method for an hypex or an exponential horn was the rolled back mouth. Even, many people were convinced at this time that the rolled back mouth was an empirical choice I made. The truth is that it is fully “natural” and results from the combined parallelism and expansion law. Unfortunately today many persons still think (wrongly) that is is useless to curve back the mouth and that the horn can be stopped when the opening angle reaches 180°.

Another question that was often asked was why the horn is wider than all commercial horns having the same acoustical cut-off. It is because in order to reduce at maxium the reflection of waves from mouth to throat we need to open the horn at more than 180° (I recommand 360°). Doing this we can consider the horn as quasi-infinite (measurements confirmed the simulations done with that hypothesis).

There was several versions of the spreadsheet, the first ones rely on the simplified hypothesis that the curved width of a given wavefront could be estimated from the diameter of a disk having the calculated area. The last versions use a step by step estimation and are much more precise, specially near the mouth.

Best regards from Paris, France

Jean-Michel Le Cléac'h

As noted by another poster, the links at AudioExpress no longer work.

Here are updated links, which I just tested :

If these links die, Google "An Introduction to Horn Theory" by Kolbrek
Hi Jean-Louis,

The constructing steps are very simple.
A round horn can be approximated by a set of conical segments.
A JMLC type horn, with equal wall length at every direction,
can be decomposed to small pieces like a round horn.
I write a procedure to do this, and print it out by a CAD tool.

Constructing begins from throat. Stick the small pieces by twin-adhesive,
two layers overlapped, and glue the gap between pieces.

But I don't think this is a good method for a large horn.
Without any mold or scaffold, it is difficult to construct precisely.
And vibration will be a big problem, especially at throat.

Best regards,

Hsieh W.M.

320Hz rect horn,1 inch throat, T=1/sqrt(2)



360*119=42840 points,

Hsieh W.M.


  • 500Hz 320Hz rect horn.jpg
    500Hz 320Hz rect horn.jpg
    184.7 KB · Views: 1,029
  • 320Hz rect horn.jpg
    320Hz rect horn.jpg
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On another tack...

Some years ago I did some work on duct noise. An engine intake pipe of around 400mm length and ~constant cross section was exciting a mode of the acoustic cavity of the air in the duct around 400Hz. The classic solutions were to add resonators or quarter wave tuners to counter the resonance, or to tune the pipe length so as to decouple the resonance from the exciting force in the operating region of interest.
The solution adopted was to drill 10 off 10mm holes in a ring around the duct and half way along the duct. This retained the DC flow practically unchanged and the resonance shifted to near double that without the holes: iy was like the duct was acoustically cut in half at these frequencies. I wonder if a similar action might apply to horns to manage the higher order modes? An extension of this might be to have a horn wall made like an absorbtive ceiling? I dont have a horn to mutilate, nor the skills to steer the software used to produce many of the plots in this thread, any volunteers?
@roflynn: what you describe applies to the fundamental mode of the duct, the lengthwise resonance. You effectively forced a pressure node at the middle of the duct that prevented the half-wave standing wave from forming.

In a horn, drilling holes, unless this is done close to the mouth, will effectively raise the cutoff of the horn. Olson, in the book Musical Engineering (1952) shows the effect of holes in tubes and horns as it applies to musical instruments, but similar things will happen in a loudspeaker horn.

In a JMLC horn, the lengthwise resonances are well damped due to the very good mouth termination these horns have.

The term Higher order modes, as usually applied to ducts, refers to standing waves across the duct/horn, and you can view HOMs as waves zigzagging through the horn. If you want to modify the HOMs, you would probably want to employ something that affects the HOMs more than it affects the axial propagation. Drilling holes in the horn walls will most likely rather introduce HOMs than reduce them, and at the same time do some damage to the axial propagation. Absorbing walls would be better. The idea of the Geddes foam plug is also to affect the HOMs more than the axial propagation.

Bjørn , Thanks for the explanation.
It took me some time to gain clarity about how modes might zig zag across a horn. The explanation was aided by a simulation animation showing a waves motion back down the horn after it reflects at the mouth - as shown in this thread at post 317 (about 6 years ago). I should read more.
Room reflections?

Bjørn , Thanks for the explanation.
It took me some time to gain clarity about how modes might zig zag across a horn. The explanation was aided by a simulation animation showing a waves motion back down the horn after it reflects at the mouth - as shown in this thread at post 317 (about 6 years ago). I should read more.

I found the post about back reflections disturbing.

Could anyone suggest the ideal audio room dimensions for a roughly 1500 square foot audio room?

I would like to have the front of the room maybe 31 to 37 feet wide and expand possibly to 35 to 39 feet wide. I have thought perhaps 57 feet long to accommodate lower frequency waves.

I prefer round spherical horns. I am considering either the bass stand horn the full height of the room or perhaps a round 11 leaf style bass horn.

JMLC stated if the bass stand horn's frequency was crossed less than 50 Hz, the horn does not need to be physically timed aligned with the other drivers.

With this thought I would imagine building a round 50 Hz straight exponential/hyperbolic horn to time align physically with my other round horns would work. I could place them in front of the left and right large bass stand horn mouths.

Is there a way to simulate an audio room with these dimensions?

I know JMLC before he passed away suggested a bass stand horn. I'm concerned about parallel walls for the sides and ceiling as well as the back wall. That is why I thought the expanding walls would decrease standing waves, but am not so sure after seeing post 317 reposted.

I thought about having the front room start out 17 feet height and rise to 21 feet at the back of the room. Also thought about having a regular gabled ceiling so that there would be less parallel ceiling with the flat floor?

With the expanding walls, how would that work out with the bass stand horn?

PS I hope someone could help with the simulations before building an expensive room. [help=]%[/help]
If the room is considered with the mindset applied to the seakers themselves then perhaps the ideal shape might be like a Lecleach horn!

There is a lot about rooms on the Linkwitz site that might assist. He presents his preference for dipole radiation in those pages though the discussion on room characteristics presumably has broad application. The requirement for absorbtion at the back wall is consistent with the guidance of managing a reflected wave in a horn mouth.

Room Acoustics

About half way down on this page is shown guidance on room characteristics.
LX521 Description

As to simultion the software used for post 317 presumably might work?
Roflynn interesting links.

I'll have to study those in more detail.
Here is the famous Roggerro bass horn I'm interested in crossing down 50 Hz. My round horns I currently have when finished will be close to 9 feet tall. I want to add a 50 Hz round straight exponential/hyperbolic horn that will physically be time aligned and sit above my 9 foot tall line array of JMLC round horns. These horns will sit in front of the bass stand horn.