How should I wire my 1500 watt speakers?

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Ok, I've been working on something BIG for the past fews days and I've finally got a schematic of it which I'm gonna post here when I can get my scanner to work.

I can write a page with all the details but I'll keep to the basics.

just over 9 feet tall

speakers: (bottom to top)
15" Titanic MkIII sub in 11 cu.ft box tuned to 17 Htz

2 18" Dayton PF460-8 Cast Frame Drivers each in their own 9 cu.ft. boxes with two 4 inch ports

15" Titanic MkIII sub in 2.5 cu.ft. sealed box

2 10" 10PW3-SLF midranges

4 Constant Directivity Horn Tweeters arranged with two dispersing vertically and two dispersing horizontally

The whole cabinet is gonna be dampened with 1-1/2" Acoustic Foam and Acoustic stuf polyfill foam for the midranges/tweeters.

As for power supply I plan to use a Behringer crossover ( ) with a sub out and quad amp the whole thing with Behringer reference amps
( )
for the tweeters and midranges, Behringer Europower 1500 amps for the woofers and Behringer Europower 2500 amps for the subwoofers.

Unless,of course , if anyone has any better and cheaper solutions.
punkrokr1701 said:
Ok, I've been working on something BIG

I'll give you that... each enclosure would be twice the size of my refrigerator :eek: (edit - no, nearly three times, dunno how you'll get it through the door, punkr...)

15" Titanic MkIII sub in 11 cu.ft box tuned to 17 Htz

2 18" Dayton PF460-8 Cast Frame Drivers each in their own 9 cu.ft. boxes with two 4 inch ports

15" Titanic MkIII sub in 2.5 cu.ft. sealed box

2 10" 10PW3-SLF midranges

4 Constant Directivity Horn Tweeters arranged with two dispersing vertically and two dispersing horizontally

Wha??? :xeye: :confused: Why 4 tweeters? Why 3 different subs with 4 drivers?

Unless,of course , if anyone has any better and cheaper solutions.

Look a few posts earlier! Some of the best DIY speaker people in the world have put together your dream speaker! As another said, this is getting really old.

But I might build that speaker in post 96! (edit - what was I thinking? The wife would kill me!!!:smash: ) Wonderful work guys!
Guy's, I've been following this thread for some time. I think punkrokr is missing a valid point about drivers and there relation to there capability to produce SPL.

punkrokr- that design in post #96 is OVERKILL. Not only is that a lot of speaker, but I would redesign the plan to better fit my needs(thats me). You don't need much to produce excessive sound pressure levels.

From what I gather, you want a speaker system to give the OMFG effect and to be very loud(concert levels?), in that case for the home, 1 tweeter and one midrange per cab will do. Anything more, by the time you are at age 30, you'll need hearing aids. Post 96 will give the OMFG effect.

The pro drivers you are looking at a pretty good drivers, but you don't need many, there is a thread were some one took a pair of pro Eminence 15's and built a killer speaker system. In fact I have a friend in Ohio that did just that, when he turned the volume on his stereo up to 1/4 way, no one in the house could here any one speak.

IMHO, the stuff your looking at is just too much and could give poor results. One soft dome tweeter, at a close proximity does have the capability to damage your hearing. I do a lot on lurking here and have learned a great deal things about building speakers. In fact my view of design has change and I'm very great full for it.

Listen to the people here on what they say, you will learn a thing or two. Good luck punkrokr...
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
punkrokr1701 said:
Ok, I've been working on something BIG for the past fews days and I've finally got a schematic of it which I'm gonna post here when I can get my scanner to work.

I can write a page with all the details but I'll keep to the basics.

just over 9 feet tall

speakers: (bottom to top)
15" Titanic MkIII sub in 11 cu.ft box tuned to 17 Htz

2 18" Dayton PF460-8 Cast Frame Drivers each in their own 9 cu.ft. boxes with two 4 inch ports

15" Titanic MkIII sub in 2.5 cu.ft. sealed box

2 10" 10PW3-SLF midranges

4 Constant Directivity Horn Tweeters arranged with two dispersing vertically and two dispersing horizontally

The whole cabinet is gonna be dampened with 1-1/2" Acoustic Foam and Acoustic stuf polyfill foam for the midranges/tweeters.

As for power supply I plan to use a Behringer crossover ( ) with a sub out and quad amp the whole thing with Behringer reference amps
( )
for the tweeters and midranges, Behringer Europower 1500 amps for the woofers and Behringer Europower 2500 amps for the subwoofers.

Unless,of course , if anyone has any better and cheaper solutions.

Know what, I'd take a Tangband 3" fullrange setup over that lot!

It will sound truly and I mean TRULY aweful and it'll look like turtle head. A real dogs dinner IMO.

Listen to folks who have been building speakers for years and know what makes for a good sound. What you just proposed is an abomination. You'll need at least a 4-way crossover to make it work and preferably 5-way if you want to cut down on lobing issues from using 4 tweets. I can also see mid treble integration problems from tying to match those dispertion patterns. The bass is just a plain old mess, mixing sealed and ported, 15's and 18's and multiple tuning points...

I can't believe you've ignored the advice of some really knowledgable folks in this thread. Be realistic, you live at home and there's no way your parents or your room will stand to a design like that. There's also the small problem of getting it sound better than the integrated speaker on a Bush TV.
Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005


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I'm not using 4 tweeters I'm going to go with post 96 because the plans are already made and the parts are alot cheaper.

Thank you guys so much for helping me and the design you came up with is f***** awesome.

I bet that will defently make my neighbor's move, if I turned them up loud enough.

Wow, I am defently impressed.

You seem to have lost your focus. You will soon lose your your audience as well. There is a big difference between going big and being absurd. All we were trying to do is point you in the right direction and you come up with this?

Sheesh man, give your head a shake.

I sent you an email describing what to do in order to get what you want. You said you were going to comment on it but didn't. I'll say again, you need two 15"s per side matched with a decent comp driver and horn, yet you stray down this path.

Please, if you want anyone to take you seriously, start listening to those in this thread and quit trying to design something that hasn't the hope in heck of ever sounding good.

Bigger is not always better but it sure strokes the ego. Well if you want ego, go ahead and build your monstrosity but do not come back here and ask for assistance when the project just isn't what you wanted and you need help again.
Very very lost his way. the punk needs to step back and look at the big picture.

This obviously involves a band lets look at in those terms.

Have you given any thought to the rest of the rig? mics, desk compressors, stands, monitors? Spend your money there. Power is just a scalable bolt on.

Why are you attempting to pump 1500W into passive crossovers? Thats 20% down the toilet right off.

How do you intend to move it to a gig?

Playing in a band there are enough things to do without running a P.A on the side. Take this from a bass player. I have a rule (which I have broken purely because it will earn me money:cool: ):- If you need more than 1000W hire it and the driver. Most gigs that you are likely to play that need that power, will have their own rig.

I'ts not scaleable. How would you augment it if you need more power?

1500 is nothing. To have proper control, will need to get the rest of the band to "turn the F88K down". Other than that, its only use will be vocals and the kick drum.

You need to visit Prosoundweb , and learn. There are loads of ways to make bad sound. Bad sound through lots of speakers is just a noisy ego trip. There are better ways to do this, and more theory to learn before you blow your cash.
Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
This is what Cal and I are talking about, very nice isnt it, its originally an JBL, and expencive....

The trick is to get high sensitivity and let the woofers do most of the hard work... and forget the lowest sub - then you can get high SPL series.html

My suggestion is so cheap that Punk maybe could afford a 2-way aktive filter


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Joined 2004
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Hey - give the kid some credit. A least he came up with the most outrageous speaker. And it would have major teenage WOW factor anywhere in the world.

Of course, it is totally impractical and would sound like a**, but a guy can dream, right?

Outside of dreams, if Punkrokr wants a "real" speaker with tons of bass that he can actually afford to build and use, then the post #96 speaker is a great choice. And with that, not only will friends and family be impressed with the look of the giant thing, they will actually be impressed with the SOUND. That is something that will last soooo much longer and get you more respect than a giant mess. The giant mess has nothing but the "Damn, that’s Big" factor going for it.

I'm with Cal on this one. 2 pro 15's and a horn per side. I might even go 2 pro 15's, an Alfa 8MRA for mids and small horn tweeter. Passive filter between the mids and highs, active on the bottom. Just get a Behringer or Rane 2 way active crossover. You won't need more than 250~300 watts for the bottom end. Less for the mids/highs.

So far this whole idea seems like a pure fantasy project on the part of Punkrokr, but if he really gets down to it, he can build something amazing. And something to be really proud of.

I hope he does.
I've heard that Usher some time ago. It's quite nice. Not really my kind of thing tho.
Very dynamic and powerful, but also open sounding. However, with some female vocals I thought I heard some coloration. With these giants I guess you'll need an equally gigantic room; they should not be listenend to from too close.
And yeah, it's isn't cheap.
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