
Driver Database

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your valuable feedback on the new driver database.

As a direct result of your comments, I have decided to change the way that the driver parameter data is stored in Hornresp. Rather than having the driver data saved as separate records in a single random-access file, a simple text file will be created for each driver (most people seem to prefer this approach). This should make it somewhat easier for users to share driver information if they so desire.

The existing user interface will not change, but operations "behind the scenes" will be quite different. Driver parameter data files will be stored in a new 'Drivers' sub-folder located beneath the main 'Hornresp' folder.

I'm not sure how long it will take, but I have already started working on the changes. An example of the proposed new driver parameters data file is attached for your information.

Kind regards,



  • Default Driver.txt
    116 bytes · Views: 70
I'm not sure how long it will take,

Hi Everyone,

I hope to be able to release an update in the next few days.

In the meantime, you can safely save driver data to the existing database system, as it will be preserved in the new system.

The new release will automatically extract data from the Hornresp.drv file, generate individual driver files, and then delete the obsolete Hornresp.drv file.

Kind regards,

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your valuable feedback on the new driver database.

As a direct result of your comments, I have decided to change the way that the driver parameter data is stored in Hornresp. Rather than having the driver data saved as separate records in a single random-access file, a simple text file will be created for each driver (most people seem to prefer this approach). This should make it somewhat easier for users to share driver information if they so desire.

The existing user interface will not change, but operations "behind the scenes" will be quite different. Driver parameter data files will be stored in a new 'Drivers' sub-folder located beneath the main 'Hornresp' folder.

I'm not sure how long it will take, but I have already started working on the changes. An example of the proposed new driver parameters data file is attached for your information.

Kind regards,

Sounds good !
A couple of things :
(i) I tried to update Hornresp yesterday ( my version is a couple of years old ) , but was not successful . The 'Setup' file downloads OK, but when I try to run, it fails to create the 'Hornresp.exe' file. Is there something I should delete first before attempting to run the setup ?
Is this anything connected with me still running XP on this machine ?
(ii) Any tips on trying a TL on Hornresp ?
I could modify from an existing Tapped Horn design, if it's convenient .
I've heard some damping can now be introduced , to make it more realistic .
Sounds good !
A couple of things :
(i) I tried to update Hornresp yesterday ( my version is a couple of years old ) , but was not successful . The 'Setup' file downloads OK, but when I try to run, it fails to create the 'Hornresp.exe' file. Is there something I should delete first before attempting to run the setup ?
when updating from recent updates, you shouldn´t have to delete anything normaly.
Try to move your old hornresp to somewhere else or simply rename it. Then install fresh. If you need your old data, try to copy the hornresp.dat file into the new installation and run hornresp.exe
Is this anything connected with me still running XP on this machine ?
No, it runs perfectly fine on windows XP.
(ii) Any tips on trying a TL on Hornresp ?
I could modify from an existing Tapped Horn design, if it's convenient .
I've heard some damping can now be introduced , to make it more realistic .
First, chosse the right driver. Lots of magnet usualy is not a good startpoint, take a driver with Qts higher 0.45 to start with. Damping can be introduced now, just look up the help file.
Thanks for the quick reply and excellent info . I did delete the existing installation and re-installed from the current version - and it worked .
Driver for TL is already sorted - Audax PR240Z0. This seems to fit the existing thinking on TL drivers , Fs : 35 , Qts : 0.38 ; plus it has low Rms, which is something I've found very beneficial in bass/mid drivers so want to try for bass .
If anyone has a TL or TQWT design on Hornresp they could share for cross-referencing, that would be great , otherwise I'll just have a play around and read the Help section on TL carefully .
Hi Paul,

The jaggies are due to the "sampling rate" used to generate the directivity pattern, rather to the actual mathematics of the directivity model. Hornresp calculates the directivity pattern data points at two degree intervals to reduce overall calculation times, which would become unacceptably large otherwise. As you will have noticed, generating a polar map is already a time-consuming exercise.

Kind regards,


Hi David,
Not to belabor this but, if HR calculated infinitely fine directivity, the HF "jaggies" would then be smooth "fingers" similar to the outline of a hand seen at LF???

What causes the undulation in level vs direction?
Thanks again,
Hi Paul,

if HR calculated infinitely fine directivity, the HF "jaggies" would then be smooth "fingers" similar to the outline of a hand seen at LF???

If Hornresp calculated infinitely fine directivity, then at high frequency the "jaggies" would become smooth ripples. At low frequencies, calculation sampling is not an issue because the pattern is non-directional.

What causes the undulation in level vs direction?

Differences in phase and amplitude. The sound pressure at the measuring point is found by summing the amplitudes and phases of the pressures originating from the surface of a curved wavefront, which is assumed to be made up of multiple simple sources.

If you would like to study directivity theory in greater detail, then "Acoustical Engineering" by Harry F. Olson and/or "Acoustics" By Leo L. Beranek would be a good place to start.

Kind regards,

Hornresp Update 3510-140908

Hi Everyone,


Driver database records, previously saved in a single random-access file, are now saved as individual sequential-access text files. This makes it easier for users to share driver records if they wish.

My thanks in particular to Bjørn ('Kolbrek'), 'DrDyna', 'epa' and 'Sabbelbacke' for their valuable feedback.

Kind regards,

FYI I just downloaded HR 35.10 from Hornresp and copied out the executable into my existing directory. When I started HR, Norton 360 ( flagged it as having SONAR.Heuristic.120, a Trojan :mad: I'm sure it's not but crazy things do happen these days.

Hi rocksteady40,

Thanks for the feedback.

I downloaded a copy of Product Number 3510-140908 and ran the executable, no problem. I have Norton Internet Security on my PC.

It seems that your antivirus software is reporting a false positive for some reason.

Kind regards,
