Here's My Usher/Altec Horn Loaded Open Baffles...

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Joined 2004
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chops said:
Did you ever stop to think that it just might be the forum that's slowing things down?!

And if it is? So what? Learn to adapt and USE the tools provided. This is a free forum with very little advertising. What? It should be upgraded to allow faster loading of images that are already too big? Please....

Yes, there have been complaints about the image sizes. I'm on a high speed connection and find the thread slow and clunky because of the image problem. Some forum members won't even browse the thread because of it.

When in a public place, please have respect for others.

This thread is as good as dead anyway since no one ever keeps anything on topic. So, whatever...
Your choice, Chops, not ours. Think I'll have to stick with Moray on this one.
All the images load just fine here, just like always. I don't think I've really ever had a problem with it on this site. 800x600 is far from massive. So is 1100x688. It might have been just large enough on the previous page to cause a side scroll on some people's screens, but not here. Probably due to my screen res on the 67" DLP. ;)

No complaints here. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. :confused:

I often forget dialup still exists.. or does it?
Anyway, as far as people out there still using dialup.. well, it'd probably be better if I just kept those comments to myself. :xeye:
Re: Chops....

moray james said:
grow up! Please take your ball and play somewhere else.

Nevermind... I don't feel like getting banned.

panomaniac said:

And if it is? So what? Learn to adapt and USE the tools provided. This is a free forum with very little advertising. What? It should be upgraded to allow faster loading of images that are already too big? Please....

Where did I mention or suggest anything about the forum upgrading?!?! What I was referring to was the fact that this forum has a lot of traffic, so expect things to bogg down from time to time. Don't blame it on my or my pics.

Some forum members won't even browse the thread because of it.

Then they have nothing to worry about then, now do they?

When in a public place, please have respect for others.

I have plenty of respect for others. They apparently don't have much for me since all they do is pick everything apart, run off topic and complain all the time.

Your choice, Chops, not ours.

It's my choice for others to run my threads off topic?!.. LOL Yeah, good one.

Think I'll have to stick with Moray on this one.

Well, no one's perfect.
BHTX said:
All the images load just fine here, just like always. I don't think I've really ever had a problem with it on this site. 800x600 is far from massive. So is 1100x688. It might have been just large enough on the previous page to cause a side scroll on some people's screens, but not here. Probably due to my screen res on the 67" DLP. ;)

No complaints here. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. :confused:

Thank you. Thank you very much.

That's the way things go around here. Everything just explodes over nothing and everyone gangs up on one person.

So be it... Nothing I can do, or care to do for that matter.
tinitus said:
I just tried to load page 6 ... with pictures out of the screen and slow like hell... its simply a pain and quite boring

Funny, I don't remember asking you if they were boring to you or not. I really don't care. That's just your opinion which really doesn't matter one bit.

If it's boring, then why are you on my thread, other than to jump in on the fun of ganging up on me... typical. :dead:
Joined 2004
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Chops, you're one stubborn guy, I can tell you that!

But no matter, you're now on my ignore list, as you don't seem to "play well with others " or listen to what others have to say. You can trash about here all you want - I won't see it anymore. =)

Not worth my trouble.

Nuf said.
I'm with you chops. The people complaining and asking for them to be resized should perhaps realise the editing time limit for posts is something like 30mins. After that you're stuck, so complaining now is just the noise of whining girls.

To load up a page with the max # of posts takes 20 secs here, max.
Well, as I see it, all chop's photos are hosted by

So, if this thread had been slowed down, it's because the traffics to that < ~ charlest.... >, instead of to this < ~.diyaudio....>.

From the viewpoint of running a forum (server), chop's posts are only texts and shouldn't be any resouce-eating burden like those uploaded attachments.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

However, on the other hand, chop, it should be more than sufficient to express your works by something 800x600. And it'd also be easier for the readers by saving those scrolling up/down, left/right... etc.
panomaniac said:
Chops, you're one stubborn guy, I can tell you that!


But no matter, you're now on my ignore list, as you don't seem to "play well with others " or listen to what others have to say. You can trash about here all you want - I won't see it anymore. =)

Good! Glad to hear it! But you are very wrong. I DO "play well with others", as long as they don't make a fuss over nothing. Some people just can't see that or get it through their think skulls.

Apparently, I "play" very well with others or I wouldn't have been promoted to store manager within ONLY 2 months of being on the new job, not to mention receiving a pay raise 4x my already higher than average starting pay. So frankly, I don't want to hear it... From you or anyone else!

Not worth my trouble.

Nuf said.

Nor or you worth my trouble. You quickly fell into my "blank" catagory with your last post, so no sweat off my back.

It's funny how everyone ALWAYS makes me out to be the A-hole when THEY are the ones starting the crap to begin with. All I ever do is mind my own damn business then someone has to come along and take a dump on me. And I'm the on who suffers because I'm the only one who has the balls to stand my ground. It never fails.

Oh well... "Birds of a feather" and all of that other jazz.

I'll be happy when someone locks this poor thread. It was good for a while and had some decent information in it, but as it always seems to turn on around here, it gets tainted with garbage and total BS from people who don't know how to keep their mouths shut. So typical... :whazzat:
CLS said:
Well, as I see it, all chop's photos are hosted by

So, if this thread had been slowed down, it's because the traffics to that < ~ charlest.... >, instead of to this < ~.diyaudio....>.

From the viewpoint of running a forum (server), chop's posts are only texts and shouldn't be any resouce-eating burden like those uploaded attachments.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

However, on the other hand, chop, it should be more than sufficient to express your works by something 800x600. And it'd also be easier for the readers by saving those scrolling up/down, left/right... etc.

Yes, you're correct. It has nothing to do with anything I did. It's the system at the user end that's slow.

However, Zenfolio has 4 massive servers that they run off of from 3 totally different locations throughout the country. I have never had any down-time or sluggishness coming from them with my site or anyone elses that uses them, hence why I blame the internet connection at the users' end.

The ONLY reason I posted some of those shots a little larger than my typical 800x600 was to show the exact settings on the gear (greater detail). That's it. All of my other shots are always posted at 800x600.
Brett said:
I'm with you chops. The people complaining and asking for them to be resized should perhaps realise the editing time limit for posts is something like 30mins. After that you're stuck, so complaining now is just the noise of whining girls.

To load up a page with the max # of posts takes 20 secs here, max.

Thanks Brett! I agree 100%.

Please see my last post above.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
without taking sides in this (now) "your's bigger than mine" game ......

common netiquete is - keep pics and attachments under 100K

even if pics are hosted somewhere else , it's always wise to follow rules of forum where attachments are posted .

chops - your setup is wonderful

but- some of your pics are awful big ;

I can shrink any of them in PS CS2 in 5 secs ...... same as you ;
so - don't say that it's not necessary or whatever ; it's nothing else than polite , at least for every pic bigger than 100K .

edit :
one pic - shrinked from 220K to 65 ( pixelage from 110 to 999 , just from forum rules reasons )


  • example.jpg
    65.2 KB · Views: 292
My god no, please do not close this thread, it is incredibly entertaining.
Chops, how about resurrecting those powerful 16hz Pyle PPA15 dipole subs to complement the powerful 30hz (-15db) 0.3Qts smarter-than-Pearless Ushers? That might be way cool (as apparently equalization is too now).
Plus it might keep the thread going and attention focused on you. Always a good thing if you need to add a second link at the bottom of every post ;).


AJinFLA said:
My god no, please do not close this thread, it is incredibly entertaining.
Chops, how about resurrecting those powerful 16hz Pyle PPA15 dipole subs to complement the powerful 30hz (-15db) 0.3Qts smarter-than-Pearless Ushers? That might be way cool (as apparently equalization is too now).
Plus it might keep the thread going and attention focused on you. Always a good thing if you need to add a second link at the bottom of every post ;).



And once again, you clearly prove to the world why very few people actually like you. Your posts/comments are almost always useless. And as usual, you always try to start trouble, as you are doing here right now.

I knew it was only a short matter of time before you chimed in and blurted out a bunch of nothing. Very predictable if anything.
Of course you do, you're over 2000+ miles away from him.

Unfortunately for me, he's in a neighboring town which means we could actually bump into eachother by accident. Hopefully that will never ever happen.

And quite honestly, I could care less who likes me or not. There's not a single person here that effects me in my everyday life away from this forum.
Enough, boys

Let's stop fighting.

Back to the topic. I've mentioned earlier I'll make something similar. Here is the plan:


The carpentry is on going now. If everything's OK, this new system will be finished within 1 month or so. I'm looking forward to it.

And this is what they are now:
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