Great 15" efficient drivers- Who has 'Em

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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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I'm looking for 15" pro type woofers for Basszilla type speakers (the woofer is in a ported box, not open baffle)
Here are what I think my requirements are :

Most important:
Smooth response curve up to about 300hz.
Sounds superb

Other stuff:
97dB efficient
Fs: around 40 hz or less
Price: around $200 US each or less. Neodymium magnets a plus because shipping is less than a third of ceramic magnets

I would really appreciate reports from those that have actually heard them, but info from data sheets is helpful too!!

Thank You
a :nod: is as good as a ;)
I would check out the websites such as part express, mcm etc they probably have something in your snack bracket

EV and Eaton use to make a pretty good 15" driver from my recollection...but there are different brands out there that are probably more suitable for your requirements now

Joined 2002


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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Wow - what a deal Rod.
I'll bet they sound great, Any response curves available?

But I was hoping for something to recommend to others for speakers like mine as people have been asking about alternatives to the standard Basszilla woofers, preferably cheaper too.

At retail the TADs are about double the price!

Have checked out Eminences in the past. Their response is a quite lumpy in the 100 to 300 range. Some models are better than others though so I will check 'em out. The deltalites look interesting Anyone used them?
Which cone material do you prefer?

I think Beyma has a very interesting one 115Nd/W: neodymium, 98.5dB, 37Hz, seems flat to 300Hz, etc. I think it can suit you, but I haven't heard them.
If you like it, let me know and I will try to get it's price in my local supplier.
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Raka: Good ole paper is fine. I will go to the Beyma website to check it out. Unfortunately Beyma isn't that available in the US
but maybe that has changed, or maybe I'll get over that way soon. They seem to have a very good reputation. and the lighter weight might make shipping cheap enough.
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Thanks for all your help

Other brands people have mentioned:
This guy:


ATC - the midrange people make bass drivers too-prob. pricey!

Stig Eric who developed the almighty subwoofer with a JBL 2666
designed these monitors intended to be of the highest quality:

Under drivers he mentions that they use RCF Woofers
from Italy:
Mackie owns them and probably uses them

This company has lots of brands of drivers, including RCF in the USA:
I don't know if they are reputable, but it is a good way to see pictures of them all and get some info:
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
And my time limit ran out!!

Here is an interesting developement:
Bert Doppenberg is the Oris Horn guy. Also has an open baffle
speaker design using the AER Lowther-like drivers and a Supravox woofer that is designed for open baffle use called the Quasar

He now has a 15" custom bass driver The BD 15, for use with his horns. Appear to be good, but 16 ohms (so you can use 2 to get 102 dB to go with his horns!!! cost $316 ea. plus shipping from Holland. (they are neodymium so shipping might not be that punitive!) the 16 ohms might be a deal killer though.

After checking the prices of the quality Pro drivers, this looks reasonable!
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001

First, I would strongly suggest that you get a woofer with a symmetrical magnetic field-something that only a few pro speakers have. The symmetry can come either from a Faraday ring in the magnetic structure, or an extended pole piece, (extended core). Either one will do.

Without that, as the speaker approaches Fb, it will go to the end of it's excursion and move back and forth from there, shearing off half the waveform. I have seen this happen. Though it is most pronounced with a ported box. Linkwitz and others have even noticed this in a free air situation. High quality sound in a ported box truly requires a symmetrical magnetic field. Here is a link to where this is discussed:

Here are two speakers with that symmetrical magnetic field within the price range you mentioned:

A) The Eminence Kappa Pro LF. Not the Kappa LF. Not the Kappa Pro. The Kappa Pro LF is the one with the symmetrical magnetic field, (extended core). Parts Express sells it for something under it's listed price of $189.

Other Eminence models, such as the Kilomax, also have the symmetrical magnetic field. They are more expensive-however, the Kilomax has an outstanding linear excursion-9mm-double that of most pro woofers.

B) Fane Colossus 15B-600. The Fane distributor in America is Loudspeakers Plus.

The Fane Colossus also has a symmetrical magnetic field. Nice smooth response through the region you mentioned:

Cyber friends over there tell me that Fane is considered a good brand.

BK Electronics in England lists the speaker, minus VAT, as £100. That is about $160. What Loudspeakers Plus in Ohio charges for them, I don't know.

Let us know whichever speaker you decide. :)
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
Oops. Slight modification. The entire Pro Series of Eminence has a symmetrical magnetic field, whether by extended core or shorting ring, (Faraday ring).

Be careful not to get the Kappa series mixed up with the Kappa Pro series, or the Delta series mixed up with the Delta Pro series.
Only the Pro Series has the symmetrical magnetic field.
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001

Thanks. Ever since I first observed the phenomenon, ( I had not read about or heard of it), I must admit that I make an effort to spread the word about this. I think more people in the DIY community should know about this severe phenomenon and how to prevent it.
i hate it when a company has bilions of similar woofers:p
have u seen P audios site?
about 20 categories and 20 speakers in each! :-S go look! :bigeyes:
so many are the same its just crazy.

i know that Adrian mack from forum,uses 2 p audio comp drivers for his tractix midrange

the eminence range makes more sense now that i knoew pro have sfg.

when i was modeling basshorns,trying out eminence woofers i got slightly confused i had to be careful with woofer designations :p


i want to basshorn my jbl but i dont htink i can fit 30hz :(<labsub size or WAY larger :-S .
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Very Very Intersting I always preferred the Pro models cause they had cast frames
The Deltalite also has :

"Finite element analysis has been conducted on the DeltaLite™ motor structure to maximize motor strength yet maintain a symmetrical design for extremely low distortion. "

I guess that means it is symetrical also?

I was quite interested in the 2515 15" Deltalite because of the advantages of the neodymium and the frame/basket is very open and cast alu.

Unfortunately, even though it claims an Fs 0f 41 hz, it really doesn't model down to 40 hz unless the cabinet is well over 200 liters.

The Delta pro range looks like it might go lower than the Deltalite.

I have noticed in the past that the Delta series has had smoother response than other series. The LF models usually have lumpier response than the conventional ones. (due to greater x-max?) Suddenly Eminence has redone the response curves of all the speakers, and they all look good. Kinda suspicious.

The problem is Eminence has a huge range, even if you concentrate on the pro models. How do we find the one that sounds the best? They seem more interested in power handling than sound, yet most of us are probably not going to use more than 50 watts, so heat dissipation and x-max aren't important to us.

Eminence made a special model for the Basshorns, and a special version of the whizzer Beta for Hammer speakers, maybe they would make a special audiophile 15" speaker for us.

I'm pretty ignorant, but I'm thinking a cast alu frame from the conventional Delta, so that they can stack 2 neo magnets on it to compensate for a heavier cone that will have an Fs around 38 Hz and sooooth response. Waddayou think?

They seem open minded:
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