• These commercial threads are for private transactions. diyAudio.com provides these forums for the convenience of our members, but makes no warranty nor assumes any responsibility. We do not vet any members, use of this facility is at your own risk. Customers can post any issues in those threads as long as it is done in a civil manner. All diyAudio rules about conduct apply and will be enforced.

GB for Virtins MI Pro for RTX6001 autoranging/autoscaling & for soundcard end users

to clarify, do you expect all "MI Pro GB’ers write back to my AOL email address " or just those who are

1) changing an order
2) getting the first email to you.


Hello Alan et al,

Well my original intent in my posting # 260 was not to appear to single out anyone by their diyaudio user name so as not to appear to be trying to publicly shame them, i.e., not my style.

However, I can now see that several MI Pro GB’ers whom have already written to me with their orders (part of the 95.45%, i.e., the vast majority) were confused by this for I’ve now received several messages to my AOL email, (but from people whom have already properly placed their orders).

Okay, since my previous post appears to have confused the situation I am forced instead to just name the two diyaudio audio members so I don’t confuse the vast majority. Shown below are the two names of MI Pro GB’ers whom I need to get an email from with their ordering information:



Everyone else on the MI Pro GB list I have received their information on. My apologies to anyone who was confused by my previous posting # 260 as well as to the two gentlemen above for it isn’t my intent to post identifying information in this way. However, since I tried repeatedly to send them private diyaudio messages on this topic to no avail I was at a loss with respect to how to communicate with them.


MI Pro
1- anatech
2- kevinkr
3- lemon
4- PH104
5- douggoldberg
6- bk856er
7- mlloyd1
8- tjencks
9- agdr
10- waltzingbear
11- Dennis Hui
12- jwilhelm
13- 1audio (Demian)
14- soongsc
15- jhenderson01075
16- jazid
17- lbud4
18- diyaudnut
19- SilentGrace
20- acg
21- Ghianni
22- etlasr
23- B&W_arthur
24- markus22ch
25- niner
26- Microfast
27- gpauk
28- örjan
29- ymwong
30- cddumat
31- deanoUK
32- duster1
33- lgo51
34- jasse
35- vzaichenko
36- Mituisho
37- oyvind
38- ergo
39- raudi
40 - RE604
41 - bmac_2780
42 - BE718
43 - nlate
44- firev1
45 - Tonyb

Full package
1- anatech
2- kevinkr
3- lemon
4- PH104
5- douggoldberg
6- bk856er
7- mlloyd1
8- tjencks
9- agdr
10- waltzingbear
11- Dennis Hui
12- jwilhelm
13- 1audio (Demian)
14- soongsc
15- jhenderson01075
16- jazid
17- lbud4
18- diyaudnut
19- SilentGrace
20- acg
21- Ghianni
22- etlasr
23- B&W_arthur
24- markus22ch
25- niner
26- Microfast
27- gpauk
28- örjan
29- ymwong
30- cddumat
31- deanoUK
32- duster1
33- lgo51
34- jasse
35- vzaichenko
36- Mituisho
37- oyvind
38- ergo
39- raudi
40 - RE604
41 - bmac_2780
42 - BE718
43 - nlate
44- firev1
45 - Tonyb
46 - brickj

Pro + Device Test Plan
Please let us know when the virtins GB site goes live - will they post here?

Hello Kevin & all MI Pro GB’ers

The MI Pro GB period to sign on to purchase MI is now officially over and we’re now moving on to getting your various orders fulfilled. Virtins Technology has informed me that they are taking the master database consisting of all the MI Pro GB orders that were made and they will be sending PayPal invoices out to each MI Pro GB’er starting tomorrow.

The PayPal request will not be coming from me, but directly from Virtins Technology themselves (plus my AOL email for the past 48 hours has allowed me to receive emails, but alas, I can’t send any emails out - - AOL sucks!). It is time for me to find another email hosting service for AOL is truly too unreliable. I don’t wish to change my AOL email in the middle of this MI Pro GB so for now I’ll patiently wait & hope that AOL sorts this technical issue out.

Anyway, while the MI Pro GB sells phase is now formally over, now I would like to transition to having MI Pro GB orders filled and we’ll keep this forum open for now to get any technical support related questions that may pop up by MI Pro GB’ers answered.

So if you’re a MI Pro GB’er, once you get your software up and running and if you run into any issues, please feel free to post your problems to this forum.

My personal thanks go out to all the MI Pro GB participants, all the beta team members, and to Virtins and RTX Corp. for supporting the idea of the development of a custom API to remote control the RTX6001 analyzer.


MI Pro
Paid my invoice. What happens next?

Hello douggoldberg and all other MI Pro GB’ers,

Please download v3.8.2.2 of MI at this URL http://www.virtins.com/MIsetup3.8.2.2.exe (v3.8.2.2 is the 3rd and latest version the MI Pro GB beta team was testing with). Virtins is currently working on incorporating several of the comments made by the beta team and that should be out in the next week or two as a new download, i.e., v3.8.2.3. A posting will be made to this MI Pro GB forum with the new download link once this newer version is released.

While you wait for your MI USB dongle to arrive to your snail mail address you can use the above version in trial mode right now. It is fully functional (albeit it will have the word trial displayed in the spectrum display, etc.). Each of you who have paid the Virtins PayPal invoices that were sent to you should have your MI USB dongle arriving to your snail mail address prior to the trial period expiring (once it expires MI will not load / work).

Note whenever you download a new version of MI, it is always smart to not simply install the newer version on top of the existing version of MI. First, save any MI created data files you may have made onto a separate folder on your PC’s hard drive and then use Windows Control Panel and Uninstall a Program, i.e., 1st remove the existing (older) MI program and then after you remove it, install the newer version onto your PC.

MI Pro GB’ers are requested to please post any further questions to the forum should they have any further questions.

By the way, due to the many problems I have experienced with my AOL email, I have now changed to mi_pro AT USA DOT com so please email to that email address to reach me from this point forward. I will be out of the net and therefore unable to communicate from 3 through 6 or 7 Aug 2018 by the way.


MI Pro
Due date for all MI Pro GB PayPal payments to be paid: 7 Aug 2018

Invoice received & paid! A huge thanks to MI Pro for all the hard work here in arranging this GB. :)

Dear agdr,

Thank you very much for your very kind comments! We’re almost at the finish line with this whole MI Pro GB and I’m anxiously awaiting the release of MI Pro v3.8.2.3 sometime here in the next week or two for it will add additional useful features IMO.

I would respectfully request all MI Pro GB’ers to have all of their respective MI Pro GB PayPal invoices paid to Virtins Technology no later than 7 Aug 2018 as per the original plan outlined in this GB.

Again, would request any new emails sent to me use my new email as per my posting # 274. Once again, I will be out of the net from 3 through 6 or 7 Aug 2018 so if I don’t get back to you right away, please be patient during this time period.

Once again agdr, thank you for your kind comments per your earlier posting!


MI Pro
I haven't received any Invoice!
Is that something to worry about or I have to wait?

Dear lemon,

Have you checked your spam / junk email folder by chance? You should have received your PayPal invoice from Virtins by now (yesterday). You were (are) # 2 on the MI Pro GB list and your email / data were all sent to Virtins.

I’m literally on my way out of the net right now and will go dark (no Internet for me until 6 or 7 Aug). I will ask Virtins to re-send your PayPal invoice again prior to my departure. Thanks for letting me know. We’ll definitely get you sorted out my friend!


MI Pro