Funniest snake oil theories

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If that’s the case my apologies.
Gracious apology graciously received.
I still would be very much interested in seeing some results from your endeavors which could be confirmed by a third party. It would lend a lot more credence to your point of view. Also, it’s very simple to do so.

I did post an unbiased but positive review sometime back by a blues rock guitarist/vocalist friend who is trialing my filters in a professional capacity, playing most nights per week in Hamburg in at least three guises, plus playing European festivals and headlining a few such festivals....we will catch up in person in Dec.
Pay attention to the guitar sound, makes him vocal pitch better too - Michael Vdelli -
Recent Gold lol.

Mike also wrote on locations in the signal chain that he prefers in his application.
'Over the blower' Michael has told me that he has secretly/surreptitiously clipped a filter onto the amp input cable of several famous blues musos who instantly heard the change and questioned it...when shown the cause they all wanted one.
I showed Neil Young's guitar techs a few years ago, same deal....I could have talked to the man if I had pushed it....doesn't matter.
vdelli - pedals - Copy.jpg
As above plus one on cable at amp input and another at amp power input.

The real aim of music is to co-ordinate the minds of the people into an intelligent reach for a better world and an intelligent approach to the living future.
I agree with your signature and indeed this has always been the core driver of my endeavours.
I contend that bad sound, ie 'wrong' sound is bad for us in general, and that there are definite reasons for what I term wrong sound.
When systems and recordings 'play right', meaning really right the messages in the lyrics (intelligibility) and the intonations in the playing (nuance) are laid bare and are transmitted without significant encumbrance....especially for live recordings including nature recordings the venue, the mood, the vibe, the feel, the groove, the interactions are 'in the room' in 3D.
Fundamentally better (reproduced) sound in public and private spaces can only improve the 'universal consciousness'.
Universally fundamentally better sound is easily and economically available.

..... If you detest Grateful Dead I would avoid clicking on it!....
New to the team that I work with is a Yank guy who has spent a lifetime as touring LD with pretty much every big act you can think of.
Lot's of interesting tales to tell including some from three years touring with the Grateful Dead in the early eighties, more to come I am sure.
Entertainment industry is fun.

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Acoustically it probably is perfect. But it lacks a sofa, table and most importantly a record collection. But maybe that small box already has 3 prints each of Famous Blue Raincoat and Jazz At The Pawnshop.

It looks like it was the original donor of the algorithms which make up the 'wood room' preset on many digital reverb units: Lots of reverb with a down tilt for the highest frequencies.

It is lacking thick carpets, cloth sofa and chairs, diffusion etc.
The good thing is that a very cosy and comfy room is usually an acoustically well behaved room.
No room ever needs Jazz At The Pawnshop though.
Joined 2014
Paid Member
Gracious apology graciously received.

I did post an unbiased but positive review sometime back by a blues rock guitarist/vocalist friend who is trialing my filters in a professional capacity, playing most nights per week in Hamburg in at least three guises, plus playing European festivals and headlining a few such festivals....we will catch up in person in Dec.
Pay attention to the guitar sound, makes him vocal pitch better too - Michael Vdelli -
Recent Gold lol.

Mike also wrote on locations in the signal chain that he prefers in his application.
'Over the blower' Michael has told me that he has secretly/surreptitiously clipped a filter onto the amp input cable of several famous blues musos who instantly heard the change and questioned it...when shown the cause they all wanted one.
I showed Neil Young's guitar techs a few years ago, same deal....I could have talked to the man if I had pushed it....doesn't matter.


Checked the OED and still the plural of anecdote is still not data. And the 'wife in the kitchen' story is still meaningless. You have issued all these devices to people yet not one for proper testing.
Max, you're too young to realize what a shock it was to those around you when in 1967 the Beatles go in the bin and Cream and Hendrix took their place. I remember an AM DJ in the late 60's putting on the first Velvet Underground LP and asking the listeners if they actually wanted to hear this ****. I might misremember but IIRC he took it off in mid-song.

Tolerance for ambiguity is key in achieving something truly new. BTW in 1969 (MIT no less) I had a humanities instructor that assigned Zap Comix as reading material.

I prefer the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, and their cat.
It could be a diffusor. It shows some brass thingies that could be these magic room resonators.
There could be damping in the corners, there is absorption on the ceiling and something is going on in the lower parts of the walls. I've been in some rooms, mostly in recording studios, that looked like that, wood floor, wooden walls, and with a huge glass window to the control room. None of them had the awful echo you get in an empty room.
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