Funniest snake oil theories

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I've got a controversial one - current to voltage resistors. People can talk about rhopoint, z-foil, takman, etc, as long as they like, but the sonic difference is genuinely negligible. I've spent a few months listening to about half a dozen renowned resistors and there really is very little difference!
Break in is something that ALL serious audio designers should take into consideration for sound demonstrations at CES and other shows. We have had lots of problems with this, sharing a room with people who do not take it seriously enough. We LIKE TO WIN, and not come in second place, so we take the time and care to break in what we bring to shows.

I have house wiring that is over 50 years old, that is well "broken in" by now. I'll make you a power cord out of it and let you have it for a bargain of only $50,000 :p

I think it's the other people that share the room with you that have the problem to deal with.
Well of course you do. Who wouldn't in your position? It's not too late John. I think that in the audio world and in a choice couple of other places in the last few years, the first man to break ranks with the BS crew and do an expose will *not* be a pariah he will be a hero.
Break in is something that ALL serious audio designers should take into consideration for sound demonstrations at CES and other shows. We have had lots of problems with this, sharing a room with people who do not take it seriously enough. We LIKE TO WIN, and not come in second place, so we take the time and care to break in what we bring to shows.
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