Funniest snake oil theories

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100% agreed. The dance at the end is immensely entertaining, and the measurements are often quite useful and usually well-performed. I do wish they'd do PowerCube measurements on power amps, though.

Yep, very entertaining to say the least and one of the few mags i do purchase, Stereophile wont do power cube testing because of the anticipated ire from toobites..


Can you imagine explaining away all those pretty funky curves, noise and distortion ... :eek:
*Big yawn* yet another update from the crazy side of Stereophile and Richard Blade :p

"Not all comments and reviews online are genuine, that much is certain. And the profiles used to post disingenuous feedback are known as sock puppets: fake online identities used to criticize, defame or create the illusion of discontent for a company. In most cases, these profiles are maintained by those on the receiving end of criticism within online communities"

Hmm, DavidL, Fiji555, SergioLangstrom, Tiny Lil' Weeenir, and now it seems, June McArthur and Ken Harley. So why would any1 go to so much trouble to attack products that, according the "them" do nothing and also come with a 30-day money back guarantee? Don't such products simply die in the marketplace all by themselves? What are the odds that a company founded in 1992 could build products that do nothing and yet grow year after year, let alone stay in business for over 21 years? LOL"

Looks like Ted Denney's main shill is ranting yet not answering any questions over there. Talk about looney.:D It's a real shame Atkinson won't test these to prove his point about them working. I suppose Mr Blade is the real expert and being truthful since he said they work hmmmm? ;)

Her also brought up in an earlier post that I was banned from posting on Stereophile which is wrong. The forum software changed and you had to apply again if you wanted to use your old name. I had found the forums tiring and never bothered.
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oh you will like this one :)

Vandersteen x 2 |

When confronted why JVS thought a "wirey" sounding violin was because of noise on the convention hotel power lines and was given several other potential reasons to the sound, he got all huffy. Then you have the second person suggesting that it was because the tefon capacitors in the preamp hadn't had time to "break in" ;). I love reading these Stereophile reports for the RMAF, so funny.
You should attend , give us your own report ... :)

For the record , I dont buy into the excuses for bad sound , did it for years , never ever had bad sound at any show, in any room, the incompetence by those putting together these systems and the poor excuses are unfathomable , especially at the prices they are asking these days...

All amp makers should publish power cube specs. All speaker makers should publish polars in H and V plus distortion, instead they give us magic rocks and tell us that their sort of distortion is either inaudible or euphonic. When I first read a Julian Hirsch review in Audio as a kid I thought wow! by the time I can afford to buy this stuff we will know what we are going to hear from the specs or a least get a good general idea. Instead we get, "dont worry about that kind of distortion studies show it is not very audible" and slybee devices. Well one thing for certain the general public has embraced MP3s etc, so yeah they don't care about distortion. I still miss Julian Hirsch and Audio.
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I had an interesting experience tonight, one which has slightly shaken my anti foo views.

A friend has NS1000m's, he has made external crossovers for them to Troels recipe but with different sourced parts. All baked coils and film caps from reputable manufacturers. But I will be damned if you can't hear the crossovers play along with the music, (when the speakers are unplugged after the xo's.

I always thought distortions in caps and microphonics was largely bollocks, but this is far from bollocks, it's easily audible from a foot away with the sleeves off the XO's. We shall investigate further to see if the cause is the caps or the coils. but one thing is for sure if the XO's are singing along with the signal then it's causing distortion.

My film cap foo scepticism has taken a knock on the back of this experience.
Hand wound caps? Are they nuts? People (In general) need to understand...there are things machines do best, better than people.....far better. Machines can now manufacture most anything with far closer tolerances than ever possible by any human hands, eyesight...or hearing.
Thinking that the moniker "hand made" is inherently "better" nowadays is just not true.

oh you will like this one :)

Vandersteen x 2 |

When confronted why JVS thought a "wirey" sounding violin was because of noise on the convention hotel power lines and was given several other potential reasons to the sound, he got all huffy. Then you have the second person suggesting that it was because the tefon capacitors in the preamp hadn't had time to "break in" ;). I love reading these Stereophile reports for the RMAF, so funny.

What a pile of poop, 1000 hr. of burn in. Interesting that somehow these folks never have time to "burn-in" their stuff for important shows. After all these years the chumps keep eating this stuff up.
Break in is something that ALL serious audio designers should take into consideration for sound demonstrations at CES and other shows. We have had lots of problems with this, sharing a room with people who do not take it seriously enough. We LIKE TO WIN, and not come in second place, so we take the time and care to break in what we bring to shows.
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