Francesco Campedelli T-Line

One thing that is always recommended for cats and kids problems is using pet screen in a frame system designed for screen doors as grilles. Just a thought. These are tips that have gone around the DIY forums over time.

I use that system but with simple double stretch fabric and magnets attached to the channel system.
There are good kits at Parts Express. Get one of their free catalogues. Always fun to see what they have as an audio specialist.

FAr as material goes, as I recall nylon or silk would be best. I mentioned Speakerlab above where Terry Cain actually apprenticed (as I read some notes about it.) At Speakerlab they always supplied doubleknit fabric (the sort that leisure suits and cheap pants are made of) because it stretches in two directions.

I have gone to the fabric store many times and looked at silk. It doesn't stretch worth a hoot.

But those kits at Parts Express have some stuff especially for speakers. I guess I'll continue to make my own.

FYI here's a site that shows the from- scratch method that I found worthwhile:

HUMAN Speakers: How to install grill cloth
I'm confused. Your photo shows these on the desktop next to a monitor.

In any case, though there is great enthusiasm for all sorts of gear, to my mind, there is nothing inside the box at normal listening levels to require anchorage to the floor. It reminds me of that speaker icon that "vibrates" in a dancing manner from side to side in animated fashion.
I will let the experts weigh in on this if they wish. I gave up the idea of "heavenly sounds" while at a desk as a distraction. At best you have background noise. And I know I will be challenged on this. But after having tried the heavenly sounds around the computer idea I gave up on it as too close for comfort.

If the goal is audio editing using many filters and other tweaks where critical listening is involved, then that is a separate matter.
Actually this is of interest to me because my media monitor for watching content is nearly exclusively used for this.

In the old days with GM's help I set up my first small box modification by replacing what was in those boxes with a perfect fit Fostex 127e. The stands I used were those adjustable 'music stand' style from Parts Express. If watching movies was the goal, this idea of placing the stands/drivers behind and a bit below makes some sense.
But there's that desk to deal with which, as the old saying has it, makes a better door than a window.

I still wouldn't expect much sound stage if up close with elbows on the desk.

These days I use one of the stands to dry drip dry clothing items in front of a fan.
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