F6 Amplifier

melonhead: good point and fair enough but effect should be small one would think and also applies to both halves...

meantime ... re biasing - would this work ?


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I will need time to think about all of this. It takes time getting my 1.5 brain cells going.
I have a new conspiracy theory. Nelson provides these basic circuits and makes us guess and use our dumb creative minds until one day one of us by pure fluke, accident, or dumb genius has a brilliant idea that Nelson has not thought of before. The best way to get new ideas is to talk to a child. Haha :rofl:

Or maybe he is just evil and enjoys watching us suffer. Haha :rofl:
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...and the reason of course is that there is NO source degeneration going on.
It's a simplified schemo :D

Keeping in mind the mantra I inferred from reading pass articles 10x ... the FET knows nothing about the world apart from what it sees between the gate and the source and will attempt to react accordingly...
No, you left out the Vds? Without it, you only have a capacitor g-s

... That makes the current flowing through the load push UP the source voltage and this reduce the VGS accordingly and this denegerates VGs (creates 100% NFB) and makes the voltage gain drop to 1x.
Hold on, the current only does what the gate signal tells it to. The Gate pulls up the source. There may be interactions between the load if it is'nt just a resistor.

The fet doesn't know anything else apart from VGS and so it blissfully just conducts away based on what it sees between gate and source.
Remember, the Vds?

Just tryin to help :2c:
Joined 2009
Paid Member
I learn from this discussion that building amps is much more complicated than I thought.....:D
So many qualified people and one simplified schematic and so much interpretations are possible..... Crazy! :hypno2::hypno2::hypno2:
It really shows the great freedom designing electronics gives to the constructor .....:)
That is another reason why it is such a great hobby. When I understand something I lose interest in it fairly quickly. This hobby always makes me feel dumb because there is so much to learn. So I stay interested, and it is amazing reading some of Nelson's articles for the 100th time and still learning something or discovering something Nelson has said that you did not remember him saying.
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OK guys

Papa is somewhat intimidated with noise in this thread (too much questions directly addressed to him ) , so he sent me sch to share with you ;

he said - "later , when gunsmoke is gone ..... "

Cant wait for this. I know my F4 headphone amp with the interstage Jensen transformers sounds outrageously good and the F6 looks like it will be a lot of fun :D