F4 Beast Builders

Did anyone notice this in the XA25 Manual?
" Protection: Shutdown at 10 amps output"

I can imagine putting a small resistance sense resistor on the drain of each output FET and having some kind of controller that shuts down the mains power when the AC voltage across any one of the sense resistor is Vsen-pp/Rsen > 10A*2.

A simpler way might be to use 2 triple-pole circuit breakers on the transformer secondary windings. The third poles are wired in series and shutdown all power using a latching relay on the mains.

Just guesses.

I generally discard all current protection circuitry.
In the past I have noticed Papa uses diodes for current limiting circuitry.
I cannot find a 400W-600W power transformer 4x 22VAC secondaries. I can easily find what need with 2 secondaries. What problems are there with sharing the secondaries between the 2 channels as follows?


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I have rectifier/cap boards as shown. I could cross connect the first stage capacitors as shown below. I do not have room for dual supplies. The other option is to use a 800W 4-secondary transformer. The 2nd image is power supply with 800W and 4 windings.


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From the XA25 User Manual:
"We still use the same “New Old Stock” of small power JFETs and cascoded MOSFET, in the classic “CFA” voltage gain circuit."
The term "cascoded MOSFET" is troubling me. All of Nelson's cascoded front-end circuits of which I am aware put the cascodes on the drains of the JFETs.

Cascoded MOSFET would imply the front end circuit topology shown below. Cascoding the MOSFETs would cut into the voltage headroom of FEOut which would be undesirable unless one was to increase the rail voltages.

My conclusion is that the XA25 User Manual statement was poorly worded and that the JFET drains are cascoded, not the MOSFETS.

Any other opinions?


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Here is another juzzle from the XA25 manual:
"The removal of this form of feedback is an important element in the performance of the XA25 and is accomplished by new approaches to stabilizing gain and bias of push-pull FETs."
What puzzles me is the word "gain" in "stabilizing gain and bias". I do not understand what is being stabilized or possible mechanisms to perform the stabilization.