Explendid amplifier designed by Michael Bittner, our MikeB


the red SYMASYM PCBs have neither been layouted nor will they be offered by me.
They are offered in a German group buy by a friend of mine: Tommes.

The size of a PCB is about 110 x 95 mm.
A single PCB costs 8€ (as far as I remember).
I believe, Tommes will ship worldwide.

I can give you his EMail contact, if you like to order PCBs.

I do not believe, that Tommes will change the layout to accept TO3 - case transistors (there is no request for this but yours).

Best regards - Rudi_Ratlos

P.S. The SYMASYM shown on the picture above is my one.
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your question is impossible to answer.

I found out, that each DIY'ed AMP of a specific "brand" (be it Carlos' DX Blame oder Michael's SYMASYM or ... ) has its individual sound.

I am convinced, that my DX Blame differs in sound from MeTal's or Meanman's DX Blame, because each of us is using different components
in the input differential amplifier, using different VAS- and output transistors, different layouts and PCBs, ..., all of these differences affecting the "sound".

I was for example playing around with 2SK170 and MPSA18 as input transistors and NJL0 and MJW0 OnSemi as output transistors for my SYMASYM.
In my ears, the combination of 2SK170 on the input and MJW0 on the output sounded best for my SYMASYM driving my little 3ltr speakers on the desktop.

I then took my SYMASYM to my AUDIO-friends, where we performed a "shootout" between my SYMASYM and another DIY AMP.

The result: my SYMASYM was considered a dream, a miracle, when its qualities in high and mid soundranges have been judged,
but it was not able to drive the bass chassis of my friend's speakers. No punch at all.

If you read this thread from the very beginning, you will be told, that one of the strengths of the SYMASYM is its punch, its dynamics,
and its very deep and black bass.

My version behaves differently.

I will therefore not compare the sound of a (which one?) SYMASYM to a DX Blame (which one?).

Best regards - Rudi_Ratlos
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I was for example playing around with 2SK170 and MPSA18 as input transistors and NJL0 and MJW0 OnSemi as output transistors for my SYMASYM.
In my ears, the combination of 2SK170 on the input and MJW0 on the output sounded best for my SYMASYM driving my little 3ltr speakers on the desktop.

The MJW are still from On semi?
Wanna try also the NJW and older toshiba 1302/& comp maybe?
The older Tosh 2sa/c are obsolete. Not because they were bad, but more likely because they were being faked.
Tosh brought out the 2sa1943/c5200 to replace the old. This too is being faked.

Be very careful that you buy real "genuine" Tosh.

I had good results with parts from Fairchild/Digikey.


Digi-Key - 2SC5200OTU-ND (Manufacturer - 2SC5200OTU)

Digi-Key - 2SA1943OTU-ND (Manufacturer - 2SA1943OTU)
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Rudi, better don't use this cheap crappy trimpot. It will be extremely difficult to set bias. I know what I'm talking about. ;) Better use a multiturn trimpot.

Having the frontend of the Symasym behind fuses causes catastrophic conditions once a fuse trips. I simulated this and observed that the output will stick to one of the rails what will kill every speaker attached. Better don't fuse the frontend! Maybe use a RC-filter with fusible resistors for the very unlikely case there's a fault condition.

I used the EAGLE files GREG pointed to in post #3797.
I didn't change anything but the type of the output-transistors and the location of the VAS transistors.

If Evette (from whom I was doing this change) likes the schematics, I will try and optimize the layout.

But I think I have to ask Michael Bittner first before I offer a new layout.

Thank you for your advise anyway.

Best regards - Rudi_Ratlos
Hello Aleksandar,
a good, simple and cost effective way around it is to use a capacitance multiplier (see attached picture). You'll lose 4V (to get +/-38V) and the sound of your amp will benefit too.
The schematic shows a circuit needed for one channel. MOSFETs can be bought at kelco.rs

What's the value of C1-2 and voltage?


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