Dual 18 Tapped Horn Design Concept

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This is excellent! I've always used LR for everything. I'm excited to try out the new tuning.

Any recommendations for the mid to high xover? I built a pair of synergy horns with: 1" CD and 6" woofers: 1x Selenium D220TI and 4x Dayton PA165-8 per box.

Currently crossed at 2k LR24

Imgur - old paint job. They are now white.

Its easy to check in Hornresp or WinISD - you definitely get a dB or so where it starts rolling off. Nothing spectacular, but every little helps.

I tend to use LR24 slopes everywhere else. A shallower slope doesn't protect the tweeters as well, but going higher-order doesn't get much better IMO.

That said, synergy horns tend to need some EQ to get sounding good, so grab a measurement mic and see how they do. Sweet looking cabs!


The synergy design has turned out to be the best sounding cabinets I've built so far with the least amount of EQ.

I did some cutting in the trouble areas at 500, 2k, 4k, 8k, by about 2-3db, seems to reduce honk and fatigue. Honestly, I just started using multi-band limiting on my 260. Makes a WORLD of difference. The system actually sounds better running a hot signal into it (when the limiters are just starting to kick in, keeping things in check)

It's also a life saver when you have DJs that know nothing about EQ and gain structure. :)
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