DIY Sony VFET lottery discussion

Zen Mod,
I would love to see you build one of these. They really are beautiful little amps.
I also know that you have plenty of things to work on already. This project has been consuming my DIY build time since I started a few months ago. Of course my love for tweaking and trying alternate FE cards has a lot to do with that. I imagine that your Wiley nature would lead you into similar unending bouts of experimentation.
So, I understand :cheers:
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Oh, Zen Mod, I knew you would rescind your slot :clown:, but I did not want to mess with the purity of the process. Everyone who posted in that thread was sucked into the algorithm. You can do what you will with it. Shall I go ahead and churn your entry then?

and ..... just one thing more, if you can and want to oblige

just let me (us) know which Greedy Boyz in the end got "my" amp, so I can mock him for rest of life

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
A very nice gesture Zen Mod, after all it seems you have too many amps you are currently working on.

it was only logical
besides, just imagine my life - sometimes feeling as Spook's Apprentice; in fact - feeling that way all the time

(we all know who is Wizzard's Apprentice, and he's maintaining that role flawlessly; so , what's left, it came to Mighty Moi :rofl: )

Cool and funny journey. I am glad too Ze Mighty got one.:D. :)


Zen Mod,
I would love to see you build one of these. They really are beautiful little amps.
I also know that you have plenty of things to work on already. This project has been consuming my DIY build time since I started a few months ago. Of course my love for tweaking and trying alternate FE cards has a lot to do with that. I imagine that your Wiley nature would lead you into similar unending bouts of experimentation.
So, I understand :cheers:

we all know that none of Papamps is outa of Babelfishing Candidate Category;
Except Mighty M2, Best Little Amp in the World ........ there is no sole part too much nor too less

so, better to leave Lottery Amps out of my reach, and besides I'm feeling extremely happy just thinking about happiness of that "next guy"
