DIY Schumann resonator?

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"Scalar waves" are the bread and butter of hundreds of scammers. "Stupid scientists deny that scalar waves exist, but for a small fee we'll let you in on extremely valuable secrets which are TOTALLY OUTSIDE CONVENTIONAL PHYSICS."

This same trick is used to sell medical scam devices. Or sell maps to lost gold mines. The con-artists are appealing to their victims egos. For just a small fee you can be an elite exclusive and superior "insider" who can access secret valuable information which is never available to the ignorant unwashed masses.

Ooooo, I just noticed in front of me, here in this coffeehouse. There is a big speaker cabinet bolted to the wall. No grille cloth; it has a bass port in the upper half and an exposed driver below. Under the bass port is a wooden rod sticking out.

It's actually an artists' sculpture.

It's a birdhouse.

Quick, steal the idea. Run out and patent it. You'll make millions on the audio device market, even more than with scalar wave devices.
I threw together one of these voodoo spirals out of ~75 feet of 28AWG magnet wire. I followed one of Teslas diagrams I found online.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Notice that it's not bi-filar? The windings go in the same direction.

Read Tesla's patent. The "magic" is in the fact that the capacitance is much higher than for a normal pancake coil or cylinder coil. This means that, for a particular operating voltage, this type of Tesla Coil stores much more energy in the coil. If you build it into a Tesla Coil, then zap something using this thing, it won't go buzz. It should go "POW." In other words, Tesla figured out a way to greatly increase the wattage throughput without having to increase the output voltage. (The above coil has a much higher operating current than a usual coil. And a lower resonance freq.)
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this makes it easier to see what is happening


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Here is the AR circuit. Some component values can be seen from the published pics but all should be easy to calculate as these are standard textbook curcuits. Opamp has a fet input and needs to have a low voltage offset. Output waveform is a modified square wave.


I have few pcb with AR schem to sell, I print minimun order from pcb maker and use a few but have several left. If anyone interested please pm me


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Please advice with this setup ...

Hi all,

I'm so excited and thrilled with this device that I've decided to build one BIG one.

Intend to generate the resonance frequency using a PC with it's audio output
hooked up to a amplifier.

I live in a triple-storey house 25 feet by 80 feet, what type of output should I build that can cover the entire house with this resonance?

Bi-filar hollow copper pipe flat? Magnet wire coiled? etc ... etc ???

Please advice ... Cheers!
Hello all, I'm lucky I found this insteresting thread.

I have planned to make a Schumann resonator out of a function generator, an amplifier and two bifilarly wounded coils of approx. 2 meter long as shown in the picture. I planned to camouflage the coils as a diffusors (maybe cover them with some fabric) and use them symmetrically beside the speakers.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Do you think that the coils will radiate evenly, horizontally and vertically, to the room with this kind of configuration?

Also do you suppose that a TA2021 based t.amp can drive those kind of coils if I use a 4 - X ohm resistor is series with the coils? I won't wound the coil too tight, quite loose actually with at least 1" spacing between bifilar windings.


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An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Above "Tesla Coils" have been radiating for over a month now, and I recently finished 100cm x 65cm acoustic panels, that also act as a massive Schumann antennas.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Tesla Coils are non-bifilar helical coils (monopole radiation pattern) that each have 500 grams of 26awg magnet wire. They have 17mH inductance and ~60R resistance. The acoustic panels both have 1000 grams of 26awg magnet wire and their inductance is 224mH (and resistance 120R). I think their radiation pattern is dipole.

I drive all 4 antennas with one small and pretty tamp, that can swing ~6,5Vrms, and the radiated frequency is pure sine wave generated with a function generator.


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Have you noticed differences between the different coils and voltage settings?
Have you tested with friends/family?

I should do some testing now after I get to hang the acoustics panels on the wall. I did some testing month ago after I fired up the Tesla Coils and I though there were some difference in percieved sound, but it's too early to tell. One should keep ~1h break after every test to get brainwave baseline back to normal. I have really liked listening to music for this month while the Tesla Coils have been active, that's for sure:).
I should do some testing now after I get to hang the acoustics panels on the wall. I did some testing month ago after I fired up the Tesla Coils and I though there were some difference in percieved sound, but it's too early to tell. One should keep ~1h break after every test to get brainwave baseline back to normal. I have really liked listening to music for this month while the Tesla Coils have been active, that's for sure:).

Nikolai Kozyrev illustrated that the aetheric wave or fundamental underlying formative 'dark matter' (as some might call it) takes a good 30 minutes to really settle down after being disturbed.

The wave generated is likely that of a longitudinal nature as opposed to simplistic hertzian.

See Eric Dollard videos on youtube.

Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube

I could go on for days, here.....
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