DIY progress report

could anyone help identify my DIY build?

i bought it second hand from a DIYer who stated it was a clone from a Pass design, though he added a different dual mono p/s. i've googled many designs but can't seem to find a picture on the internet that resembles the internals of my amplifier (it has 6 FETs per channel). the voltage on the FETs is –24V to 24V. it should be class A, as the original owner told me so, and the amp runs quite hot.
anyone got any ideas? 😊
I've had a few false starts with ecad programs over the years. Instead of pushing through the frustration and difficulty, I'd grab a piece of perfboard and move on. Well, returning to diyA and finding the f5m, I ordered a few parts and more project boards before deciding to give software another go. The low part count, simplicity and desirability provided the perfect starting point. I, somewhat randomly, chose Kicad's new release (8) and found it to be the most intuitive, stable, easy to use software ever. Ok, it was none of those things but the simple circuit meant that 99% of my focus was on learning and progress was made. A couple of restarts later, an iteration passed the design rules checker. I was making another pass at it when curiosity got the better of me and I uploaded the build pkg to jlcpcb. The new customer coupon would put 15 boards my doorstep for less than $21 -> proceed to checkout.
I'm sure they can be improved in any number of ways but they arrived yesterday, everything appears to meter out fine and seeing the footprint/pad choices first hand has been valuable. By this weekend, I should know whether I have working boards or electronics themed bookmarks. Either way, progress has been made and its all good. Thank you Nelson, and thanks to the crew that answer, educate and entertain along the way. Cheers


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