Distinction-(TDA)1541 Build Thread

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BTW a precision : JLSounds board do not work for the TDA1541. I asked them to adapt to the TDA 1541 in simultanous mode but the pcb need deep hardware modification. I believe they don't want to do it even if the said they will think maybe about it. And I can understand that as it could be a risk for the money for them to try with the few enthusiast TDA-1541 diyers !

So Ian's PCM board is the only way today : you just need an USB to I2S board with an output uf.l clock to feed it. My knowledge is just two boards allow it : The Wave I/O and the USB boards of DIYinkh !
Think The JLSounds board doesn't worth a try in I2S conf because for less you can have an Amareno with better GSGSGSG output arrengement !

The JLSounds has an isolator chip the Amareno hasn't... you have to choose between a better ground & matching signal between the chips and the pcb output and then between the two pcbs for less jitter (impedance matching & integrity signal between the USB board and the DAC board are very important as the experienced people who learned it to us said) with the Amareno or the isolator noise chip the JLSounds use.... For me with both pcbs : it's a no go : a pcb for your needs has to be good in both layout and noise isolation wiith a dedicated chip + a good layout (like the Wave I/O and the DIYinkh pcbs ! : the first is lees expensive for european and the second for USA aera because the customs taxes and shipment fees)

i already ask To JLSounds to modify the Layout at least dor a AD1862 DAC project I have. Their answer (not to me because already to be launched) is a brand new 2 boards solution which solve nothing according to me (why a better clock board if the rest is not following ?!). That's what I believe but who I am to critize as I'm certainly not a specialist and maid less effort than them to offer a self designed better solution... I just try to match my needs with what I finf on the DIY market in relation to the good result of the Distinction-TDA1541... which is the first good DIY coreboard ever maid for the TDA-1541A & non-A regarding the layout quality.

Well If someone want to do an interresting grup buy to show to JLSounds or other if it worth to launch a product, I don't see any reason not do it... but I am not the one to do it... I already motived people to do it in the thread about input stage (link in the first page) !

Kind regards Audiolapdance :drink:
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you can use the Salas BIB perfectly... you can tailor the needed voltage.
SSHV is out of the question since you don't need more than 16V max?.
There is also the Reflector board from Salas, especially made to feed 5V for digital circuits.
I' ve had very good results with the Sjostrom Audio Super Regs.

Pick your flavour ;)
Hi Aronier,

Shunt reg without feedback is a good choice for the TDA1541. And IHMO THE choice for the analog stage after the I/V if buffer is needed.

You need to look at the drop out between the measured secondary which is always above the spec given by the factory ! With a Shunt reg you need always to adds the drop out of the diodes bridges (of course !) but not forgett the important drop out of a shunt reg (depend of the design ?), maybe at least 2 to 3 V minimum !

You need not to forgett a shunt give better result then the last part of this reg (a transistor : darlington, mosfet, bipolar...) is near the load (here the dac chip).

If you are like me lazy and not so skilly with a poor knowledge and not too much money you can for a simple shunt reg like I gave in the "any good tda1541 kit" somewhere in the middle in the thread or simply go like I did with a good OEM chip reg and a good pcb design like here : http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/vend...-low-noise-ldo-regulator-pcb.html#post4094926

I find here the proposition to be honnest, the product good. But here the philosophy is different : near the load you will not need maybe lower than 1 uF (PPS or acrylic smt if you can find it in 0805 or 1206 to solder it near the load, or a 1 uf WIMA MKS2 2.5 mm pitch...

Notice here you have also to check the traffo but at the inverse go for a voltage output of the non loaded secondary very near to the voltage load of the chip needed (+ the drop out of the diodes bridge of course)

In both case the best choice is a 30 VA to 50 VA R-core trafo (look at docs on AUdial web site). With the low drop out reg of Mravica (Ales) fellow you need a maxi 0.33 V for 1 A of current. Look at the datasheet of the TDA 1541 : you will see it needs very few mA ! So for the 6V rails, a R-Core 6 V which give almost in 30 VA something like 7,9 V. So after the diodes, something like 6.5 V so the 0.5 v are enough for the low drop out reg here. It is advised as low voltage to dissipate in heat give better noise result ! For the - 15 V rail a 30 VA R-core with 15 V on secondary give a 19.8 V... No need to go for the 18 V output R-Core...

Here the most difficult challenge is to find a standalone cheap R-Core with 2 x6 V and 1 X 15 V (or 2x15 V : maybe easier to find !)

So the choice of your reg depends also of the traffo voltage choosed !
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Distinction Finished Pics

Proudly presenting my just about finished Distinction. I think this board is beautiful. Thanks Ryanj for the board. I think this captures some of the best ideas put forward by Thoreston, ECDESIGNS and many others. It will be a while before I have the rest of the power supplies etc done. Pics are taken together with a BBB and Ian's I2S to PCM board.


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Proudly presenting my just about finished Distinction. I think this board is beautiful. Thanks Ryanj for the board. I think this captures some of the best ideas put forward by Thoreston, ECDESIGNS and many others. It will be a while before I have the rest of the power supplies etc done. Pics are taken together with a BBB and Ian's I2S to PCM board.

Looking good! Thanks, it was a pleasure to give something back to the DIY community. Keep us posted when it finally gets to sing.
Made some diy as i 'm waiting for the new WaveIO as input source (it will have uf.l connectors on the daughter board!)

Here a spidf 12 euros Sure-electronics boards with hardware mode with its embeded XO. The W8805 chip is 50 ps jitter "only" and have a little fifo embeded !

As the pcb output has a bad GSSSSS I2S signal (G= gnd ; S=signal) connector, I putted uf-l connectors. With the uf.l cables I have now a GS GS GS connection : each return path signal is near from the signal (as it is coax) + boards are at the same impedance (50 ohms) + coax output line is a shield for the hot signal line !

Of course I will try also the Ian I2StoPCM boards to feed the Distinction-1541 in simultaning mode ! With Uf-L connectors we can easily change of boards... but not too much as the connectors are fragile : maybe three times max ? Have not tryed yet :D!

Well, maybe I will try after to tweak the caps of the boards. I found the KZ Muse 50/100v (25v unadvised) worked much better for this wolfson chip than a polymer cap in the case of the Subbu (use the same chip but a better embeded power) management. The Sure Electronic board has an input voltage of 9v to 15 v... here the quality of volatge is important as well , maybe the embeded ldo is not the last brand new one (hey it's a 12 euros board) so I will put a good pre 9V reg)! On the board some good 0405 smd caps size are present for decoupling...


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Any update on your progress?

Sure. Actually have made a lot of progress and fairly close to finally hearing it. Soon I'll update my blog with a build overview.
As you can see in the pic, things completed include:
- chassis and layout. power supplies are separate from dac. Sections are isolated using brass sheeting. 2 story layout. BBB, WaveIO and Ian I2S 2 PCB below, and Distinction upstairs separated by copper pcb groundplane.
- Tube output section. Dual mono, tube diodes, all film caps and chokes. Modeled after Lampizator big six. Should be pretty good.
- DAC power supplies finished. Separate transformer for every rail. Ultra soft recovery diodes, lots of filtering caps. Salas shunts all working.
Left to complete:
3.3v supply for Ian board,
mount the pcbs, and
figure out how I am connecting everything, and last
design a nice Aluminum top sheet with holes for tubes, etc.


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Eldam, envelope from slovenia?

No to je zelo lepo kuverto, seveda morate zdaj nekaj slivocic !!


Long life free speech, and f*ck those who want to take lives to the contrary.

In the sense of my good friend Eldam, "je sues charlie".. and you stupid ***** want to try it on anymore, you will die, And your virgin paradise is filled with … not what you think.


Do the IP search or triangulate the transmo.. I have a 72lb recurve with heads that you cannot remove without surgery. 80M accuracy to your heart.
PS - meet you out the front of your mothers house. tick tick boom! - you predatory useless mother *******.
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Hello Shane, lol !

Slivovitz plums alcohol:D for Wlowes ????? Was your post for this thread ? Rasberry alcohol ?

Want one bottle pleaaaaaaaaaaaase ! We have also somethinh equivalent here : "Vieille Prune" alcohol ! guaranted headaches but delicious (like many fruits alcohol as well !):cool:

The terrorists gave up to track us, because their explosive belts was exploding itselves when they found the result: http://www.trackapartner.com :bullseye: :D oh no, it's possible before the paradise !

Shane, Wlowes, I like the look of your respective DACs, especially how they are fulled.

Wlowes, why BBB instead a Rasberry, because of the possibility of an external clock ? What did you use in the BBB as librarry management ?
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Shane, Wlowes, I like the look of your respective DACs, especially how they are fulled.

Wlowes, why BBB instead a Rasberry, because of the possibility of an external clock ? What did you use in the BBB as librarry management ?

Thanks Eldam. I am happy with how it is turning out. This is an overall remake of a 1541a music player that evolved over the years. Currently I have used an ALIX running MPDPUP. It was great, but now dated and unsupported. When I decided I need to switch to a different OS and player, I started to see the promise of eliminating USB. Followed twisted pair, and ended interested in the BBB with a cape to take I2S directly to I2S -> PCM. The BBB seems like the path for this. Have ordered acko's reclocking board and await the BBB cape. So in the short term tried BBB -> WaveIO (which I love) using Volumino (not great) then Rune (Much better). The WaveIO setup with USB would likely keep me happy forever, but I suspect eliminating USB will be the next big thing in sound quality. My platform is designed to allow much experimenting with the digital and DAC, while the tube output section and power supplies remain stable foundation. So BBB for USB would be interchangeable with Pi, but it is a stepping stone to my next stage.
Also, like the Pi it is small, very powerful, and well supported. In my case it was given to me for $0, also a good thing.
Hi Shane,

I have been understanding your Post about Plums alocohol now ! You saw the stamp from Slovenia :) on my photograph in a post above !

It comes from Mravica, a nice member from Slovenia who sells 74TPS reg populated boards with sensing... I use it to feed the +/-5 v and +/- 12 V for the AD1862 DACI have ! they can be voltage programmed and have a heatsink : good to 1A ! I wanted for the 120 db floor of the AD1862 something very quiet and stable, the discrete output diamond buffer (free shematic from Pedja on him blogs on the Audial website) is going to be fed by a shunt reg... 15 V !

I have to buy one or two regs soon to Mravica, I will ask him to putt a bottle of Slivovitz :D !

Damned, Do I talk about integrated chip reg and AD1862 in THIS (vice?) thread... and write the word alcohol.... Blasphemous !:scared:........ :hug:

:cheers: cheers Shane,


PS : have you been selling all your list tubes in the Swapmet section ? I will buy maybe one DHT for a preamp if one is staying unsoldered!
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